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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. Or, they accepted a bad batch of bearings. Not surprising considering the tales of corruption going on in the Russian rocket industry
  2. I've seen numerous satellites and the ISS a few times. I even saw it getting chased by a Dragon a couple of times. Stargazing (meteor and satellite spotting) is my favourite part of camping.
  3. Thanks, I knew there was a place for them, but a (very) quick look in the SpaceCraft Exchange didn't enlighten me
  4. 'Cursed'? No. Curse hosts mods. Rocket/plane .crafts use dropbox (correct me if I'm wrong)
  5. I wanted to stick the comic book in a shredder, and ended up finding this...
  6. A local used book store made a parody video, and it's surprised them by starting to go viral. It's been getting attention from national newspapers and Ellen Degeneres' 'Ellen Nation' fan page Yes, this is a shameless plug to help up their view count, but no, I have no affiliation with the store other than living in the same small Fraser Valley city, and doing some business there
  7. Troops returning home? Shore leave?
  8. Congrats, deep space rendezvous is one of the tougher things to do. I remember how proud I was when I rescued Jeb from kerbolar orbit somewhere near Eve back in 0.23.
  9. ^Definitely check this^ it has saved me time many times Yea, I hate it when Jeb spills his juice and it shorts out the control panel, having a family myself I can definitely relate. Fortunately I frequently make sacrifice to the gods of Quicksave. However, old man Kraken often invoked Murphy's Law, in that these accidents happen when I'm due for an F5 and haven't done so in a while.
  10. I had that bug also, everything seemed ok but the contract would not complete, presumably because it didn't think it was 'new' anymore. I used the alt-f12 debug menu to force completion.
  11. Took an unmanned refuelling rover for a test drive, and accidentally tapped Mission Control with the Klaw....
  12. Let me rephrase that to "as balanced and bug-free as reasonably possible in the time available before the release deadline"
  13. I think new loading screens were in the works for 1.0, but were then shoved to the back burner with a bunch of other things so they could make sure 1.0 was as polished as could be.
  14. I can cook water without burning it. Oh, and I can cook bread too. My signature bachelor dish was maple-style beans'n'weiners (Thank you, Heinz!). If pressed I can make fried rice with veggies! Or any packaged meal with instructions, like Hamburger Helper, especially good if you throw in some mixed frozen veggies. For anything more copmplex I have a wife, who can do the cake-from-scratch level of stuff. Being Hungarian, she specializes in things like Chicken Paprika, cabbage rolls, and she makes a mean beigli. She complains that my Kraft Dinner is more like macaroni-and-cheese-soup.
  15. When you press the spacebar to launch, and your 1000 ton rocket falls onto the launchpad and everything explodes. Not that I've ever done that......
  16. Your craft will need to be piloted, either by a manned command pod or a probe core.
  17. "Give it a kick!" By which I mean quicksave/reload, or go to the Space Center then back to your vessel.
  18. Well, the P6 solar arrays on the ISS were retracted when they were moved to the end of the truss. But spacewalking astronauts were required to assist the retraction.
  19. My wife, before I go to rent a drain auger from Home Depot: "but I've always dumped bacon/hamburger grease down the drain, you just have to chase it with hot water." Sure, maybe back on the farm where it just soaks into your septic field, but it's going to harden somewhere. She never heard the news reports where they've (I've heard Vancouver and London both) found 10 ton balls of grease clogging their sewers
  20. Just ran across this clip from while surfing the Space.com website. Perfectly done 80's-style sci-fi
  21. Hoverboards! They would also make for anti-repulsor-vehicle mines: Place one upside-down on the ground, and any repulsor vehicle passing over it will strobe and get shot into the air
  22. Yup! Just escape Kerbin's SOI into solar orbit and it's done
  23. Step 1: Place or build (presumably from asteroidal resources) a huge sunshade at the Venus/Sun L1 point, to cool the planet. Step 2: Wait. Eventually the planet will cool and the atmosphere will precipitate out. I'll make a WAG of 100-1000 years. Step 3: Profit!
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