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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. The real polluters are SRB's, with all the aluminum and chlorine spewing out. I don't think the STS SRB's got high enough to affect the ozone layer, but I did read the Shuttle punched a huge hole through it with every launch. Of course, then there's the Proton rocket with its highly toxic propellant stew of N2O4/UDMH
  2. What we really need is a device that can convert low-grade heat directly into electricity, with little temperature differential. Essentially a thermocouple with one end stuck at a very cold temperature. *brainstorm!* Maybe something like a piezo-crystal that could turn the motions of the atoms (that increase as things heat up) directly into electricity? If an inexpensive-enough device could generate electricity directly from waste heat, or especially from ambient temperature, that should go a long way towards getting us unlimited access to clean energy. And probably upset a few energy corporations too. And make whoever patents it very rich.
  3. I can't spot what's new under all the pre-flight covers, but that's the first time I've had a view into the trunk.
  4. Have you returned a Kerbal from Eve? Without using a command chair? In stock aero? How about a full crew of 3? Disclaimer: I've only done it with the lawn chair, stock aero
  5. Ah yes, I'm usually zoomed in too much to notice the ground crew. That's usually when I try to move the camera. If it's stuck, I know it's thinking about it
  6. Just know that sometimes it seems like ctrl-z isn't working, but it's just slow. I think it also helps if the cursor is not on the parts list, IIRC
  7. I don't think I've seen Scaled Composites or Virgin Galactic mentioned yet, although I'm not sure what they'd have to offer. Still, "Kerbal Galactic" has a certain ring to it. Or maybe it should be "Kerbin Galactic" More logos!!!!
  8. All of the above, but especially this: And an overhaul/expansion of the Kerbal Experience / Skills system
  9. Are you on a slope? Sometimes things like to wiggle their way downhill, especially if you're using girders/trusses as landing legs. I realize you're on wheels, but it may be the same issue. If you have landing legs on your rover(s) to jack them up, it may help.
  10. I need a Hype-Barge for the SpaceX launch on Monday....
  11. Is there a Hype-barge I can board? Because I'm pretty hyped for this launch and, more importantly, the landing attempt
  12. Yes! A partnership with the Estes model rocket company would be an excellent idea. All it would really need is a decal pack and some new nose cones.
  13. So I finally bit the bullet and installed Steam. Can anyone recommend some decent free Steam games? Marvel Heroes looks interesting. Not sure if I can get into Star Trek Online. I'd probably like some sort of flight sim or space fighter game, in the vein of Rogue Squadron. Any suggestions?
  14. A better "Kerbal experience" experience. Currently it's a completely passive system (land/get points/get skillz, without having to click a thing), and that's no fun. I want to be able to pick what skills my kerbals pick up with their experience, and to be able to cross-train them. If I want Jeb to be able to fix a landing leg (after all, it was his[/] hard landing that broke it), I should be able to train him for that, and it should cost 2-4 times as many exp points for him to learn it, compared to a 'geer. Let's see, a rookie 'geer can't do anything, and a lvl 1 can repack chutes. There won't be any chutes that need repacking until Duna, but I bet there'll be lots of broken landing legs on the Mun! I wonder how that "shmelta-vee" thing is coming along, or did that get shoved to the back burner?
  15. I like this idea, always need to have some stupid fun after a grueling Tylo crash, er, landing! I meant Landing! Visions of Bob and Bill duking it out over who gets play "The Last Kerbonaut" after Jeb
  16. That would be useful info. Old versions of KSP had a "Qty on hand" (always set at "99999") or something like that on the part descriptions, as if they planned on having to order shipments of parts from a factory. I guess that plan fell by the wayside
  17. i'll get some baling wire and Mickey Mouse it
  18. I may try to move some .craft files into the sandbox, and see how they fly/crash/splode. Other than that, another fresh new career.
  19. The default assignment for the PreciseNode hot keys are on the numpad
  20. I replace the oxidizer with fluorine, for even more performance. The ground crew starts wearing hazmat suits full-time
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