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Everything posted by StrandedonEarth

  1. This. Dogs understand us, but we barely understand their body language. We expect other animals to understand our commands. We should be working to communicate and understand the languages of cetaceans.
  2. Rama II was a hard slog, I admit. Gentry added a lot of verbose social back story aspects to the story in the beginning, but it did pick once they finally reached Rama. III might even be the best of the sequel bunch, IV (Rama Revealed) went a little too far into the religious aspect IMO, which is presumably one of the reasons why the later books were generally panned. E: And while I know the pressure at 9G wont be a problem, I still don't know how the internal organs will handle the gees, or what it would feel like.
  3. Because at that point SLS is pointless. Three FH launches can put way more payload mass on orbit than a single SLS launch (two would do more, but most of the mass would be residual props), and for a lot cheaper. But, politics/jobs...
  4. Brian Mulroney, one of Canada's most consequential prime ministers, is dead at 84 | CBC News Oh right, he introduced the Grab-and-Steal Tax (to go along with the Pretty Stupid Tax in most provinces), which led to this bit of doggerel still lodged in my mind:
  5. A person is a bag of water, so their hydrostatic pressure would balance with the outside pressure. It would be similar to deep-sea diving, without a hardsuit. The recreational dive limit is 100', with heliox mix 200' and more is possible. So at 9 gees, being under 1' of water would be like being under 8'-9' of water, which is easily doable although it gets painful on the ears without equalization (a skill I never mastered; I even have difficulty popping them during an airliner descent). As to how practical or effective it is, I don't know, I ran across the concept while reading Arthur C. Clarke's (with Gentry Lee) Garden of Rama (unofficially aka Rama III in the Rendezvous With Rama series)
  6. One concept I had for limited-life cooling and power generation on a Venusian probe was to start with an ice (water, oxygen, nitrogen , hydrogen?) heat sink. As it boils away, use the escaping gas to spin a turbogenerator. Perhaps some form of thermocouple insulation could provide extra power while soaking up some of that Venusian heat? Is there any sort of refrigeration tech that would be able to reject enough heat on the Venusian surface to keep the insides tolerable for the aforementioned hi-temp electronics, given enough power like the aforementioned wind turbines??
  7. Depends, if you’re suspended in a buoyancy tank it may not be so bad
  8. It's gotta be something silly/stupid, like clashing time stamps or something similarly weird. Especially weird since logging out fixes the issue, only to have it come back when logging in. But I feel for anyone trying to fix this, as intermittent issues are the absolute worst to troubleshoot, especially when not many users are affected, (AFAIK)
  9. As others have said, dual-wielding only really happens in entertainment media. Because, it's cool. The only fiction that touches on reloading while dual wielding (that I know of) is The Gunslinger, who relies on years of training and practice to reload his revolvers, cartridge by cartridge. One line from the book stands out, which my mind somewhat paraphrases into a compact, standalone line (compared to the wordier quote in the book) "And still his fingers did their trick..." Stephen King admits that Roland was inspired by Clint Eastwood, of course...
  10. Hear ye, hear ye: Richard Lewis, comedian and ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ star, dead at 76 | CNN
  11. I learned it as "power of Hydrogen" which makes sense to me given the "Hydrogen ion exponent." I never realized there was any debate as to the actual meaning.
  12. What team? They looked at it wrong and were instantly dissolved...
  13. IIRC the atmosphere has a good proportion of sulfuric acid (although I'm not sure if that it true at ground level) so I think this is the most likely condition of Venera...
  14. I always wanted to visit Meteor Crater, but that's three hours away from Phoenix...
  15. The Defector, by Chris Hadfield, was a pretty good read.
  16. And yeah, it went back to a white screen for me last night (Sunday evening, to be precise)
  17. Ah, but, what percentage would have to look up a given word, vs how many can infer the meaning (or have a pretty good assumption) from the context?
  18. Delta wing, single engine, no strakes? Doesn't look at all like an F-18 to me...
  19. Another article: IM-1 lunar lander tipped over on its side - SpaceNews One tidbit that I don't recall being mentioned in this thread (emphasis mine): So in other words, a pre-launch (closeout) checklist failure/omission. I'm assuming there was a checklist, but that the switch was not on said checklist. Too bad the switch could not be flipped remotely....
  20. Well, juvenile griefing could be curtailed if there was a more realistic game response. What happens in real life when the young of an animal is threatened or harmed? You get Momma Bear on your tail. If attacking/killing a juvenile spawned a full-grown bronto or T-Rex bot on top of you, with next-to-nil chance of survival, that should curtail such griefing. But the devs would have to see the need to make that happen. Unfortunately, the best way to make them see the need is if they lost player base due to juvenile griefing.
  21. Ok, that was cute. Ima gonna paste the pic from that story....
  22. Oddly enough, it still works for me, for now. I know it’s not fixed, because even when S&SF works, KSP1 Discussion still doesn’t. Which is no great loss, but when S&SF goes down it’s a great loss.
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