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Everything posted by ModZero

  1. I do, and Cradle is ridiculously beautiful (even though that's largely due to the artwork, not engine power). But note, that this is an image generator (that's what they call themselves on the professional pages) intended to be ran on server farms to do real-time generation of very high resolution imagery (why? Simulator cockpits, that's why). They have a physics engine, but you actually have to try and google to make sure of that, and as for visual quality, just look at demos and screen shots for Unity or Unreal Engine. I've even heard that one of those has a game that simulates a solar system.
  2. I blame science-fiction always focusing on the flashy tech. All those generation ships, without consideration of what would happen to an irradiated 2km long steel beam constantly compressed for 100 years during the first minor course correction.
  3. That's not entirely true. Space stations (like sea vessels, actually) have a limited lifetime, due to various unpleasant stresses happening to large structures in such environments, and general wear & tear. They're definitely not as sustainable as your brick & mortar house (OTOH, I might have an optimistic idea of land structures). Looks for example here: http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=15795.0. ISS was designed initially for 30 years, later that was relaxed to 15, though it seems to be doing relatively fine for now (though apparently nobody loves the Zvezda module).
  4. Sheesh, what's up with you people and "indefinite duration"? I mean, if you just wants your ships to be heavier, there's a bunch of ballast-mods, use those. Also, it's openly stated it's optional. As far as I'm concerned, even MKS shouldn't let "indefinite" that happen, b/c to be plausible you'd need full scale industrial operations.
  5. It fits Warsaw Pact futuristic stuff. We had this kind of wood in living rooms, in submarines, cosmodromes, schools, libraries... ...what it *does* lack is pale-green linoleum.
  6. Fair enough. Anyway, I like the idea from the start, and I like it more the more I think about it. Right now, a single large can of food is pretty much enough to send a Kerbal to infinity and beyond. That's not fun from the gameplay perspective (it kinda verges on making life support irrelevant), and "real life" perspective (MREs get tossed after five years even if unopened, for example, and even deep frozen food has it's best-by date). A mission to places beyond Mars would pretty much have either a very energy-intensive trajectory or a way of replenishing the supplies, OKS style, with dedicated people whose job is to hold the wave of entropy. You got quite a bit of negative feedback in the beginning, so I'd like to make note that some people love the idea and think you should make it stock. Also add the "longing for Kerbin" face expression to the Kerbals. Maybe a terminal opened on a "sorry, can't wait for you for five decades" email in the stock cabin ;-) EDIT: http://oai.dtic.mil/oai/oai?verb=getRecord&metadataPrefix=html&identifier=ADA195871 interestink.
  7. Meh, the less mod admin the better. Pruning the parts directories is easy enough, just make sure any shared assets are out of the way.
  8. Ah, I'd kinda like it more if it weren't completely abstracted out  for a large part maintenance might be a difference between lasting a year or fifteen. But I appreciate that having both a definite lifespan and maintenance mechanic might be a bit too complex, even just code-wise.
  9. They evolved from Venus flytraps. Also, just because something's photosynthetic doesn't mean it works on sunlight alone. They would need fertiliser.
  10. Okay, if KSP gets renamed to KASP, can we keep the jet engines?
  11. Sheesh, after some time most materials start getting all weird, especially all your fancy plastic stuff. At least there's no oxygen in space to corrode your stuff, unless it's a tank full of oxygen (or something even nastier), but then there's radiation, which, given enough time, can cause lots of fun things to supposedly inert stuff. Oh, and coming back to those liquids you carried, they're all gels now. EDIT: but really, the reason *I* like it is less "zomg Real Lifeâ„¢ and more that it would make it harder to put a Kerbal anywhere beyond Mun. If things don't spoil and break, it's all too easy to pack everything.
  12. It's not the new generation, they're talking as fast as people always did, we're all just getting old and think slower. *creaks*
  13. Well, in the Real Lifeâ„¢ replacement parts are a large consideration, and would be a significant portion of the payload for complex, long-lived missions. I do believe it's impossible to simulate that in a playable way without either abstracting it into oblivion (and then you could consider your "replacement parts" a part of the life support supplies and ignore them) or having something like OSE Workshop/KIS going on. And some people would hate EVAing around fixing leaks enough to make it reasonable to make it optional. But no, it wouldn't make sending Kerbals to far out places impossible. Just super hard, as it should be.
  14. Dear Sentient Bread, you are now officially more stock than stock. Congratulations.
  15. So, from another Mac user here - Mac's are great programmer's laptops, and competent for your gaming on the go - especially the top tier ones - and will generally run KSP just fine. It just doesn't make sense to buy one specifically for the purpose of gaming. If KSP were your only game, then you could get a really cheap PC. And for a price of a high-tier Mac with a dedicated GPU and all that you could buy a monster desktop PC. Sure, it wouldn't have fancy touchpads and retina and stuff, but playing KSP on a touchpad sucks anyway - I know, I tried. Oh, and way too many games are developed for DirectX first - KSP included - which also tends to be a drag on them (KSP runs on OpenGL, but many others use weird compatibility layers for Macs). That makes a Windows PC the best enthusiast gaming console ever (and is a reason why I own both a PC and a Mac, btw). And if you can't have both and dislike (like I do) Windows for work, you're actually likely to find Linux very competent for most things, and you'll get better mileage dual booting. Of course you can dual-boot an iMac for games just fine, but again efficiency would be against you. Oh, and judging by how well iMacs do compared to Macbooks, I'd also be worried about how seriously Apple treats them. They're kinda weird machines, nice in concept, but for most people it's a really weird decision, with Minis, Macbooks or PCs usually being better choices.
  16. Sheesh. You should all calm down. It's 64 bit depth on the sound samples.
  17. Aw, no fancy MKIV ramp then? Oh well :-( (naw, it's fine, if you get something stocky to work, that's kinda better). But, would you consider making a boost shield for the 4K pod? Similar to the one you have in MKS for the Mk1-2? The lack of boost shield bothers me a bit :<
  18. That is just not true. As long as it's either "machinery consumption" or "parts that fit inside KIS containers" it is not. It increases payload size and attention cost, sure. I do believe people would hate having to replace parts that require > 1 Kerbal to move around, tho.
  19. Yes please, but not the actual parts, please - the idea of having "maintenance", involving more-or-less abstracted swapping of internals is fine, but having to stick/unstick or just kill parts would be a bit annoying. I think you have similar mechanics in MKS already. Maybe something like the CactEye telescope mod (where there are small parts that need replacement) would be OK, but large-ish parts would be a bit too much of a bother. You know KeepFit, right? It has a few rough edges, but I think it did remarkably well, all things considered. Making Kerbals frail was neat. Yes please. Yes - anything that makes Eve more Venus-like ;-)
  20. Well, then your USI-LS is just misconfigured</troll>. In all seriousness, it could be configurable or sth. Considering that our glorious benefactor will probably be rewriting the UI any moment now, we're probably talking about far future anyway.
  21. If there's USI-LS around, then I guess running out of supplies is a better indicator of strandedness? But that's mod dependent, and I don't know how well USI-LS exposes that situation. I would like to have that as an option, though.
  22. Of course, I've been facetious. I'd love a 3-kerbal Soyuz, but I also know it's not going to happen, and have made my peace with that.
  23. Well, there's your problem: (Seriously, though, I don't think we can squeeze Kerbals in a way that would let us pack them efficiently like that?) IKEA flat-pack Kerbals!
  24. Re things-wot-swing-around,having a bay that opens *really* wide and is completely empty inside (maybe a node or three) should be enough to facilitate the robotists around us. Perhaps an oversized version that's taller in the middle than other modules, but that's it. I, for one, would be happy.
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