So aside from possibly removing evidence of the history of Mars why shouldn't we do this. I'm not talking about the effectiveness or the amount of energy required. Simply reasons of why not. I mean you created the thread but you didn't really explain yourself.
Guys comeon get a thread already! I was actually hoping that it would be an ad featuring The Martian not just a quick cameo. Oh well. That new clip is really tempting but i must remain strong! I did it with Into Darkness I can do it with this!
Can we not have the Gravity Interstellar discussion here please. It's a quick way to ruin a good thread. And I think that I will refrain from watching that, I've read the book so it's not a question of spoilers but I'm really looking forward to the reveal on the big screen. Anyone else doing the same?
I think that once the life support runs out the crew just become complete dead weight until returned to Kerbin. That way they won't be "dead" but you couldn't take one to Laythe without keeping them alive the entire time. This could be even better if living space was taken into account.
Am i the only one who actually likes CST-100 as a name? The same goes for SLS for me. Honestly i don't really see the point for a name unless it is there from the get go. Edit. Sorry mitch just saw your post.
Hypothesis, say it with me. Hypothesis. On topic one thing that nobody ever seems to consider is that maybe we are the advanced ones, assuming that other life manages to evolve intelligences without killing themselves off with the power of the atom.
Being a binge reader if this was a 3 part series I would be so annoyed, even though the last part wasn't as good as the first two it was still an entire story which I am so happy about. To be honestly what I really want is a book completely filled with information about the infrastructure of the world.
Aside from our part in the DSN not really anymore, don't forget we live in a country with a population slightly greater than the New York State. But even so lets not forget our role in Apollo 11!
Pretty much, it's the same reason why scientists don't become politicians. It seems like the industries that could benefit the most from scientists are the industries that no one with any scientific literacy wants to go into.
I very much enjoyed the first two parts of this book. The third part I found a bit unsatisfying. I was honestly hoping for more illistrations in the back of the book but alas google is your friend once again.