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    Curious George
  1. Using this mod a lot and I really like it, but something is still missing imo. I can provide food, water and oxygen for years, but that poor kerbal is just stuck in the Mk1 Lander Can for years as well. Might be a cool idea to include sort of a living space requirement, depending on the duration of a mission. The living space can be consumed over time, same as oxygen, water and food does right now. Longer missions will require more living space. What do you think? Also is there a way to see how much waste kerbals produce per hour? To balance the composter and greenhouse.
  2. Ah yes, current angle vs transfer angle could be the issue indeed. When I checked just now my current angle was bigger than the transfer angle, before it was the other way around. That supports your logic, nice find.
  3. Using version 0.10.4 now, and the timer is counting down. Same conditions, LKO and Dres targeted.
  4. Hate to say this, but the bug with the transfer window timer counting upwards is back again. LKO, target Dres, timer is counting upwards.
  5. Well, there is a mod for that, it's called Science Arkive. But I agree, should be available in the base game. Like an agency like NASA has no clue if their destination has any scientific significance or something.
  6. Science Arrive seems to suggest that we are able scan Kerbal for extra science, is that true? Because I checked orbital distances needed for scanning a large body like Kerbol and I think my ships will just burn up at those distances to the star.
  7. Are you sure this has to do with K2-D2? Because i have had the issue of landing legs not lowering even without K2-D2 active. Usually, then some off my part is offset after loading, you can see it if you look at your shop closely enough. Reloading a few times helps. Returning to the KSC and back also forces to reload the ship I think.
  8. No problem, glad that I can help you a little bit develop this awesome mod.
  9. Ah yes, my bad, it's not a transfer window in the proper sense if you target a vessel or moon yes. Although, you're still going from one orbit to another, so in my mind it's all the same. I just tested it with a fresh install of Flight Plan and its dependencies. Fresh campaign as well. I build a rocket, went to the launch pad, brought up Flight Plan, target Moho, transfer window timer is counting up. It continues counting up when I'm in orbit around Kerbin or Kerbol as well. Think it might have something to do with what kind of orbit you're in. I'm in an orbit around Kerbol between Kerbin and Duna. The timer to Moho and Eve are counting down, the timers to Kerbin and Duna are barely moving, and the timers to Dres, Jool and Eelo are counting up. The strange thing is, the timers also don't seem to be consistent in their counting up or down, some are faster than others.
  10. Love the mod, really a peak QOL feature that should be available in the base game honestly. I do have an issue though, for a few days the timers for transfer windows are counting up instead of down. This is for targeting vessels, planets and moons. It wasn't a problem while staying in the Kerbin system, but when going interplanetary it is a bit difficult.
  11. I have it consistently, reloading doesn't help. Restarting the game does. Although, I think I just figured out what causes it. I have two ships. I set a node for one, started K2D2, but decided not to perform the maneuver after all. Deleted the node, went to map mode, right clicked the other ship and switched control. If I set a node for this ship it shows up correct in K2D2 until I press execute, then it shows the time until the deleted node for the other ship. Edit: Did some testing, it seems to occur even without switching ships. The trigger seems to be K2D2 active and then the node is deleted. Only restarting the game helps resolve the issue.
  12. You might want to have a look at Science Archive and Orbital Survey to help find more science regions.
  13. Since the update K2D2 refuses to perform any maneuvers. All the info about the maneuver is correct until I press start, then it reports that the node is in the past and refuses to do anything. I have checked for old nodes in my game, but was not able to find any.
  14. Ah okay, I thought your craft was just spinning to show that it could continue to spin. Then weird that it wasn't spinning for me, wonder what happened. As for the explosion, I haven't had that occur after warping without SASed warp active. Maybe because before I didn't warp under thrust. If it goes away after reloading, it might have to do with the dislocation bug. Just a guess.
  15. I really like the idea of this mod and it should be a feature in the base game honestly, great work! I did encounter some strange behaviour though. Whenever I try to use SASed warp with my ship it starts spinning violently while under warp. I have only seen that with this ship, not with others. See the video. Oh and I didn't manage to reproduce this for the video, but sometimes it will randomly explode after exiting SASed warp.
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