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Everything posted by 700NitroXpress

  1. Nicely done, the NASA launch points don't apply for Mission 01, but it looks like you left them out. Nice designs on the NASA rockets, well done there. All your points look added up correctly too, so please continue to do this mission summary for all missions as this was really easy for me to verify. Edit: found an error, this is partly due to a typo in the points. For each additional kerbal landed on a moon is +5. So if 4 kerbals land, you only get points for 3 of them because 1 is excluded as he is required. So the new total is 250 Edit 2: Found another error, this one is for additional points that weren't calculated. Since you used NASA rockets, I don't think you used jet engines so that's +5 So new total is now 255
  2. Alright then Hodo lets see here... You didn't go to Gilly and landers were eaten by a Kraken. Mission option 1 was your target for completion, but going to Gilly is still part of the mission. Mission Option 1 completion minus points for not going to Gilly = 200 points. Mass of the science package is less than 15 tons = -10 points 1 piece of space debris = -5 points Subtotal = 185 points I need to know if you brought additional Kerbals on the mission other than the standard 2 Did you use jet engines to lift anything into orbit? Did you detach anything other than mission critical gear? Did you use NASA launchers to get things into orbit? Did you use an SSTO to get things into orbit? Go through the bonus points section and see if any of those apply to you for this mission and then I can get the grand total.
  3. I assemble my craft in Kerban orbit, then once the ship is fully fueled and ready, I go into a solar orbit. I leave the Kerban SOI either prograde or retrograde depending on what planet I'm headed to and then set up an intercept just like I would for docking. As long as I bring plenty of fuel, I can do multiple landings and still have plenty of fuel to get back.
  4. Just got my science package into orbit and docked with the rest of the ship. Almost ready for departure, just have to send up some more fuel and we're off to Eve! 4 Kerbal science team is on board and ready. Got the first fuel tank attached on the inside, one more to go. Got the second fuel tank attached on the inside, ship ready for departure to Eve.
  5. Landing legs are useless on Eve, go with I beams or use structural panels or combinations of both. I managed to land at 9 m/s on Eve using parachutes because burning fuel is counter productive, you need that fuel to get off the planet.
  6. I love my Leviathan lifters, gets 200 tons of payload or more to orbit depending on the design and uses slack tank asparagus staging to regular asparagus staging. Everything you need to know can be found here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57409-Leviathan-Heavy-Lifter
  7. That's not so bad, I haven't even departed yet. AMD processors work a little differently than intel processors as far as the core architecture goes and the support software that they use, but 400 parts isn't bad. I generally try to keep my craft under 1400 parts because then the VAB starts lagging out. The Eve escape pod that I launched was 1100 parts on the launchpad. My current vessel in space is around 730 parts combined. Intel i7 3820 3.8 ghz quad core, 32 gb RAM, EVGA GTX 690 4gb Waiting to see the video!
  8. Did you add up everything for your launches and any additional bonus points that you can apply for? I need a mission debrief from you so I can calculate it. I think you're the only one that's completed the Eve mission so far. I'm launching mine tomorrow. It looks like Sirine is at the same point as me, doing some last minute launches and setup and then we're off to Eve and Gilly.
  9. Yay 70 points Is everything ready for you to do the mission or do you still have to construct some things?
  10. Yeah, but Planetside 2 is running on a different game engine and most of the stress is GPU related. Every model in that game is more or less one part so the physics calculations are easy. KSP is very different and Unity is very different from the Planetside 2 engine. One tank in Planetside 2 is about the same as a 6 part rocket in KSP.
  11. Maybe it's an i5 thing then. In terms of performance power, you're not too far off from my PC so you shouldn't have such a drastic change in the part counts of ships you can handle.
  12. Hodo, this game was made in Unity. Unity games only run on a single core and I don't think Unity has support code for Nvidia PhysX. That's why the game seems to run slowly on everyone's computer. I do think you're running into RAM limitations tho, I use 6.5 gb of RAM right now with KSP open and the internet open. So depending on how much stuff you have on your computer, you could be slowing down due to RAM constraints. Either that or you have a slow i5. What's the processors clock speed? Yeah, there's a new low part count version out now since the 150 part version was too high. The SSTO still serves a very good purpose tho. Edit: Just checked, Unity doesn't have physics acceleration support of any kind, which means that KSP will never have it unless they change engines.
  13. I use my Leviathan lifters. The eve escape pod is about 200 tons so that's nothing. The escape pod is fully fueled, I have to refuel the core craft a little bit because I used some RCS and liquid fuel for intercept and docking. I'm sending up the science package, engine assembly and landers right now. It's going to be a little tricky because I have to dock 2 docking ports at once.
  14. Well, the speed on the runway won't really affect much, getting up to max altitude and max air speed is key, then you have to descend at just the right time and land on the runway as fast as possible.
  15. Ok, good to hear. The new one is now linked in the mission description, and it's a subassembly, I just removed the old one and updated the image. I tested it and it works just the same, rules for it remain the same.
  16. I made a low part count version for those of you that can't handle the 150 part version. New version is 68 parts and it's a subassembly, 28.99 tons
  17. Here, I'll ask that you at least test it first and see how your computers do, then if it's a problem, I'll make another one with a lower part count.
  18. You're allowed to take just 2 to Moho, drop them off, then return to Kerban and collect the other 2, then go back to Moho. Which is what I would recommend because there's no point in taking all 4 in one trip. So that would only be 300 parts total for the actuators. I just got done launching my Eve escape pod into orbit and it's 608 parts.
  19. 1. It's a regular craft file for the VAB. 2. I guess you could remove some struts, maybe the Xenon gas tanks if you really need to. 150 parts should be no problem unless you're using a laptop.
  20. You can do as many launches as you want to equip the core craft for the mission. Once you head out for the mission, then you can't return or refuel until the mission is complete or you suffer the point penalty. So you can launch up a refuel ship, then launch up the satellites, then launch up rovers, launch up a lander, launch up crew, and so on. The number of launches you do has no impact on point values, unless it's all NASA launches or 2 shuttle missions. NASA launches are not applicable for Mission 01. Just leave orbital debris.
  21. Yeah, you really have to time the nose dive to runway just right or your time gets screwed.
  22. I just made a simple rover and drove over to it, nothing went wrong.
  23. You could always just build a really small rocket with a parachute on it and some landing legs and just fly over to it. Problem solved. Or, try using the aircraft landing gear and a jet engine.
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