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Everything posted by 700NitroXpress

  1. Mission 1 with the HVS is complete, getting ready for mission 2.
  2. I'm assuming this is for career mode. You can get there without fuel lines, however, it's best if you unlock fuel lines first and then build a rocket that uses asparagus staging. There is an insane amount of science that you can get just from flying around Kerbin.
  3. I've decided to remake my versatility ship after the loss of my crew during the Jool V mission. Here is the new one with the shakedown run completed, the HVS.
  4. Rodger that, I see it all now. Nice work with the mission and the craft is approved.
  5. Yeah, I like seeing the explosion shots, and it looked like you had a well thought out fuel system. The Duna rover missions are fun to design. I was working on getting my rover garage to both land and take off, but after the door gets blasted off, there's a CoM issue that requires a counter weight, so I'm working on a retrieval container.
  6. Finwen, it looks like you landed a manned science team at both locations so that's an additional 100 points. 300 + 100 + 5 + 5 + 20 - 15 = 415
  7. Yeah, the small ones should have no problem with this. The large ones will have to get creative.
  8. Mission 5 is finally up, it's simple, but very challenging depending on your core craft's design. This will really test the limitations of the ships. Good luck to all!
  9. New mission is going up tomorrow. Or maybe by the end of Monday seeing as how I'm busy again...
  10. I expect to see at least 100 ships that explode before leaving the atmosphere and all those that do manage to achieve orbit will die on the way back down. It would be fun if we could see the craft and place bets on which will explode first.
  11. Yeah, now I'm going to make a memorial for the mission and put it somewhere at the KSC. I'll retry this challenge with career mode and with a much different ship.
  12. You should have unlocked fuel lines so you could do asparagus staging, then your problems are solved.
  13. After a really long mission out to Jool and successfully landing on all of the moons, I returned all five kerbals home to Kerban. It was all going well until I tried to land them all in a space plane on the KSC runway because that would have been epic. After a fantastic explosion, Jeb, Bob, Charlie, Kelson, and Mitrod all lost their lives on the runway. R.I.P.
  14. After a really long mission out to Jool and successfully landing on all of the moons, I returned all five kerbals home to Kerban. It was all going well until I tried to land them all in a space plane on the KSC runway because that would have been epic. After a fantastic explosion, Jeb, Bob, Charlie, Kelson, and Mitrod all lost their lives on the runway. R.I.P.
  15. After the landing on Pol, the docking port on the lander broke and I still had a lot of fuel left, so I just sent the kerbal pretty far back to Kerban by himself. He has an orbit almost from Kerban to Duna. I'll meet up with him and have plenty of fuel to get all the way back.
  16. Bop and Pol landings completed, on the way back to Kerban, I ran out of fuel. I just finished sending out a refueling ship and now the Jool V ship is headed to rescue the stranded kerbal and then return home. Jool V refuel ship docked in an orbit around the sun.
  17. Here is a Hubble Space Telescope with a launch vehicle, docking port, RCS system, and Orbital Thruster System included. Download it here: Click This
  18. Here's a Hubble space telescope with launch vehicle and docking port included: Click Here
  19. I basically did this challenge when I did a showcase for my Atlas V Lunar rocket. Would this count for method 3? What kind of staging would you classify this as? It's not really asparagus since I'm not dropping sets of 2 tanks, but I'm using fuel lines. Spoilers: Niel Armstrong Memorial
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