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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. Granted *TRIES TO RESIST* I....WISH......FOR.....B-B....B-BISCUIT!
  2. 4/10 Nose cones are unnecessary in the current aerodynamic model
  3. Its here, below the second picture is the quote about dv in-game.: http://www.pcgamer.com/kerbal-space-program-dev-on-random-solar-systems-the-joy-of-failure-and-the-cult-of-steam/ Personally I agree, I dont even know what the rocket equation is. I play to have fun not for math. Sure i see it fitting some more OCD playstyles, but it is by no means necessary. I've never wasted my time doing calculations and I enjoy the game just fine. Those that want those numbers can get them using the *Official Mod Repository, Curseâ„¢*
  4. Banned for tracking mud into the house.
  5. There is usually information floating around pertaining to the development of the game that unless I put aside a good bit of time, 49 minutes for example, to watch I usually don't get. Perhaps there could be an "Official Squadcast thread" stickied in the Suggestions and Development board(or elsewhere, whatever). Anytime the squadcast mentions some hard data on the next update then the original post in that thread could be updated with the pertinent information. This all depends on how much effort that would be for whoever would be posting it. If it would be a pain then please disregard. Basically, the Squadcast usually has some juicy bits in it, but I cant drop an hour to watch it for just a bullet list of points. EDIT: I just see "where did you hear that?" "it was in the squadcast" alot, and this would help remedy that.
  6. r4pt0r


    Risky/10 I tend to error on the side of caution, in KSP at least. "So be it" I listened to the Bourne Trilogy on audiobook and Bourne said it alot. It rubbed off on me and now I use it alot.
  7. I think they could have just used a simlar texture/design to these and these
  8. not sure your point here. All of these point to being "ZOMG THAT IS SO KERBAL XD", and lends credence to the "kerbal spirit", that is the pure unadulterated enthusiasm for space travel.
  9. they are seriously un-serious. I like that. matches my playstyle. I dont waste time with dv, or weights, or any calculations. I build a ship and it either works or doesn't. If it doesn't I redesign.
  10. EDIT:WRONG PAGE MY BAD *distant rumbles and whistling wind*
  11. Red Iron Crown, With your "Qualification" bit at the end of your big post, would you elaborate? Without a docking port specialist for example, will I not be allowed to launch a ship that has ports, or will the ports just never work until a trained kerbal is onboard?
  12. better still, keep the magnetism on, but don't lock the ports until we click some "lock" button. then when you are magnetically attached, rotate the way you want, then lock the port. I think that would be more versatile
  13. frayed knot by the nine, its RARITY!
  14. I like to imagine Red Iron Crown just has stockpiles of high quality muddy boots pictures.
  15. I have to "spread the rep around" but i lol'd at the kirk one, i forgot about that. Im amenable to more unique suits, more variation. arm or helmet stripes for one. as long as the big3 starters stay unique and special
  16. Oh? were they the first kerbals in the game? or only the first "kerbos" mentioned in a doodle from a decade ago, long before any actual development of the game started?
  17. I like only the original 3 getting the orange myself. as said in that other thread, if they add a female 3 with the badass trait, they could use a unique colored suit too, but not orange IMHO
  18. Granted. I hope you have the facilities to care for a female whale, otherwise known as a cow. I wish spring comes soon.
  19. When I get home from work(3rd shift ughh), I like to boot up my game O'the day, and surf the net while I eat cereal. As the steam browser can be slow sometimes, I ALT+TAB to desktop and run chrome. However, When I boot up KSP and ALT+TAB out, it pauses the loading. Stops it completely. Obviously people with lots of mods have longer load times, and mine is only ~1 minute or so and isn't really inconvenient, but I just wonder why KSP won't load if it isn't the active window?
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