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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. anytime you are testing or launching no one should be outside. its a saftey thing.
  2. dug through steam just to up-rate your review good sir. well said. the learning through failure is one of the reasons I love KSP so much.
  3. I know it is possible to change the physics bubbles size cuz some mods do that, and knowing that, Squad could maybe add a "physics bubble slider" in the settings? with pop-up warnings when you make it larger than default? and glimmers would be cool, esp if it extended to looking at orbiting stations or satellites from the surface.
  4. so hey, not trying to start a wildfire here, but what do you mean by "social aspects"? I read through real chute's features and am led to believe that you are not referring to the mods features, but rather something forum side?
  5. It looks like streaks from a millennia of micro-meteor impacts. I like the change.
  6. anybody got comparison pics?
  7. Man I lurked when skunky was here, good times. guy has an amazing rep/post ratio. also, I am on my way to this magical light green land.... EDIT: 60th...this will never do. ill have to be more obsequious...
  8. being completely honest, I like the black stripes on your new truck thing. Resembles this concept design sort of now But whats inside the main body of that beast?
  9. I would like small rover tires that can retract like the plane tires sorta. this whole cargo bay stuff is new to me, but it already seems to be hard to fit a rover in there. and on that note, some kind of rover science, or maybe just rep. I mean anytime curiosity finds something on mars we hear about it on the news amirite?
  10. By now steam has to be at least 1/2, if not the majority, of KSP users.
  11. thing is, the game is alpha, and you have got to let go of the old versions at some point. save them if you wish, by all means, but come v.1.0, im sure many parts will have redesigns, small tweaks to the nodes, ect.... This is the price of playing early access. Its like expecting saves to keep working through updates. they don't transfer all the time, and neither will .craft files. Coddling will only slow down the forward progress.
  12. Sometimes, you can't focus on catering to the lowest denominator of spaceplane builders if you want to deliver the best experience. Old parts are will be gone, New parts are already here to take up the soon to be vacancies.
  13. whoa, thats going to be a problem for me this weekend. Hoping theres a hotfix for this before then.
  14. Who's excited for season two of "Psycho-Pass"? it airs in two days!
  15. there's the .25 discussion thread(which belongs in Gen disc. but has fallen to page two ), and there's the HYPE THREAD (that often discusses they hype itself, not the update) and really has a more gamey feel to it.
  16. You think thats bad? my pet spider has poor vision and needs 4 pairs of 300 dollar glasses!
  17. Are the KSC buildings are represented in the physics sim? just do the various mun boulders in the same manner as the kcs buildings. or am i misunderstanding?
  18. Is scatter in the same place everytime? If so, there shouldnt be much problem i dont think. They dont need physics, they can be immovable solid objects. then theres no need to stress the physics out. The game is already rendering all their polygons, it shouldn't be an extra load on the cpu. and if it is, I wonder how many polygons KSC is when you are on the pad? similar poly count to a landing zone terrain scatter i would think.
  19. Who is the manufacturer of the new sp+ parts? "Porkjet Aerospace"? Does his company get its own logo and offer contracts? Or are his parts added to an already existing company like "C7 Aerospace Division" I was just wondering. If anyone could link me to a media team video where we see the parts in the VAB that would be much appreciated.
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