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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. Lol stop applying earth logic to 1m tall, green, 3 fingered bipeds, half of whos mass is head/skull.
  2. later in that thread Max decided to cancel kerbals modifying part stats.
  3. Granted, Just download it and install it from the official NASA site. I wish every person who has ever posted in this thread the best of luck next time they tie their shoes.
  4. I support this message. But lets examine Official sources for facts on kerbals. They grow hair. They eat snacks/drink liquids and judging by the toilet in the broken down ksc, they produce waste and have similar digestive systems. They have hearts We can assume from they have skulls and some bone structures.Their eyes work same as ours, as shown by the fact that some wear glasses, presumably to correct poor eyesight. anything else?
  5. I think they should be visible because the current order doesnt make much intuitive sense. ladders for example make no sense being so far back in the tree. should be easy to find.
  6. >kerbals >respecting limits of the equipment now really?
  7. since the kerbal experience plan has been taken back to the lab, i think the http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97769-Opinions-on-Kerbal-Experience?p=1498270#post1498270 thread can be shut down, i dont want the temp to get too hot. plus redundancy and such. views have been put out there, and untill squad posts the plan b, theres no need to discuss plan a since plan a isnt happening Edit: Thanks Sal. Im sure some great ideas will be fleshed out in the suggestions forum
  8. I hate the experience idea and I hate mechjeb
  9. The issue is not throttling over 100%, its that donfrey kerman can, but dunfrey kerman cant. Its the same ship both times, and should(under the players guiding hand) have the same dv, throttle, ect.. potential both times. Edit: if anything the rookie would be more apt to overthrottle
  10. Instead of these magic stat upgrades, perhaps only "experienced kerbals" can use features like the "fine rcs control" or more action groups. idk but others have had good suggestions.
  11. Ada? ADA! If there is a special female added I think a sophisticated name would be nice to offset jeb, bob, and bill. Preferably a name from ancient mythology...like Asteria
  12. Just caught up again, probably wont do that again. Glad to see something came from our friendly little discussion.
  13. before someone cries necro, this thread is still relevant. Seconding Red Iron Crowns idea (again )
  14. Well 19 pages later and im caught up after working third shift. I'm quite glad I was able to cause a discussion, and I'm also glad the devs have at least seen the majority negative response to the very concept(as they envision it) of kerbal experience.
  15. Kerbals not listening to command inputs from the player amounts to random failures, lets be honest.
  16. Since comparing ksp to other games seems to be the trend, let my put my thoughts forward. In halo 3 multiplayer, what determined victory was player skill, not some perk that lets you sprint longer, or reload faster, or some other perk. Halo 3 had the best MP because everyone had the same stats, only separated by skill. The same applies to KSP, in a roundabout sort of way(MP aside). Every player in KSP should have the same part stats, separated only by building and piloting skill.
  17. forgive me, but as I remember skyrim follows certain rules. for example if you are standing ~1 meter away from an NPC and swing, you hit them. you just do, its kind of a law, if i may, in skyrim. KSP follows certain laws too.
  18. Wait and see might be indifferent? cant edit it unless a mod is lurking this thread.
  19. Do you like this concept, as its described by Mu?? I think that kerbals should not effect part stats myself. Science maybe, but Jeb isnt going to magically squeeze more isp out of an engine, or keep it cooler at full throttle. EDIT:SQUAD HAS SINCE CANCELED THE IDEA More details to come im sure
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