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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. Do you like Mecha anime? You could watch one here.
  2. I completely agree, all we need if for squad to just enable it. theres discussion on it here Could be one of those use it if you want to, don't if you don't situations. I still wonder what percent of users use steam for ksp.... It got a major boost from the sales there, steam has to be a sizable percentage of the userbase. Heck, i might use more than chatterer and enhancedvisuals if all it took was a single click AND it updated itself
  3. when in IVA you can zoom with the scroll wheel, you can also double click windows to get a better view.
  4. When you see an official daily kerbal thread similar to this one, then you will know http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/86410-Kerbal-Space-Program-First-Contract-Now-Available also, the forums will blow up when its out. cant miss it so dont worry.
  5. Id also be curious on the sales numbers. how many are steam and how many aren't? I can only see how many people logged in at least once(on steam)
  6. and his other examples? The question is why cant squad just enable the workshop for those that want to use it? How much work is it on their end to allow it?
  7. this is the kind of speech that breeds subversion inside the kerb-hive, the nest where kerbals are all bred from the same genes... giving the drones too much individuality might spur them to think unsanctioned thoughts... ....Yeah so until they add cities(if they ever do), then i imagine kerbals as an underground hive-minded civilization, who all only need one last name because they are too busy working the mines for ores to build rockets.
  8. Oh by far the best option would be a built in utility. Imagine opening up ksp, getting to the main screen and seeing a popup *chatterer has been updated*, then before you click start game you click the mods button and quick download a new airbag mod your friend mentioned earlier. *download of "rex's airbags .26"complete* pops up as you click start game.... but alas, tis a dream.
  9. name a modmanager that doesnt require sign up or registration? the nexus(for elder scrolls games and such) requires that stuff, and I don't know of any other modmanagers.
  10. according to the OP the reason for workshop implementation is for the effortless mod updating. mod managers usually require a download so your counterpoint is moot, unless you can point out a modmanager that doesnt require download.
  11. I use steam to update my skyrim mods effortlessly, and to abuse the frequent sales. the workshop is really great since i will never install a third party mod manager for any game. I love steam, but i can see users not wanting to be forced to use it (I will never install origin*ea spyware* on my pc). The same was said about curse, and i believe that the switch to curse made some modders abandon modding ksp altogether. some modders use kerbal stuff exclusively and wont touch curse. how can you do that and then say that you don't want to do exactly what you did with curse? allow me to demonstrate: Anyway, back to Curse: I think it would become a mess. Modders would be endlessly harassed to put their add-ons on the Curse even if they don't want to, and I can tell you some will not want to. So then the modder has to upload to Curseforge and Kerbal Stuff, and keep track of all the versions of his add-on that are going around. In fact on the flip side some add-ons may only become available on Curse. I don't really think it'd be a good thing for the modders or the players users to implement Curse. on an unrelated note, those steam sales are great. even if you dont use steam for ksp id suggest getting it to take advantage of those
  12. are we finally getting that development roadmap we have always wanted?!?!
  13. so in essence, some structure to encourage unmanned missions to bodies, then unmanned lander missions to bodies, then manned missions to bodies, in that order? I like that. It's how I play usually anyway though.
  14. When everything gets merged into the main .25 thread i cant keep up As for the OP, Have they removed the heat tiles from all parts? even the old ones?
  15. Dont even care. BIOMES ON ALL BODIES CONFIRMED FOR .26!!!!!!!!1111!!111!!! :D
  16. 7/10 Neat craft, but I've never watched any stargate.
  17. Only on fullmoons does the werepilot come out...beware....
  18. lol hes making a reference to . We super over analyzed an image posted by rowsdower, just like they analyzed the nessie picture back in the day. Crew transfer was also confirmed i thought.
  19. r4pt0r


    essentially, Im working on a story about an american agent in north korea, whos job it is to sabotage the DPRK through various means, and it will have parts that read alot like a splinter-cell game. But the story opens up my dashing hero foiling a satellite launch. My rough idea is for him to hit the main rocket body with a sniper rifle, piercing the fuel tank from a mile away. Since he does this at the very end of the countdown/as it launches, the fuel leaking out is ignited by the main engine. and the whole thing ka-booms. how would that work in real life? (hope this doesn't break any rules, i did re-read them)
  20. while its great that this is a thing, and im glad they dont hurt cpu use too much by making the destruction animation the exact same thing as in 2005's "Destroy all humans", I believe Lord Hood said it best in Halo 2: "For what purpose, Master Chief?" Why? I feel that a placeholder of just changing the buildings texture to look ruined would be better since you are still in alpha, while you work to make the game itself feature complete. unless you don't have anything left that is higher priority(better aero, c'mon), in which case this is why so many people clamor for a "roadmap" of sorts, officially detailing the planned features. Rowsdower you said you might look into that a few weeks ago in a thread with regex, any word on that?
  21. I took the liberty if screencapping those scenes so we can analyze it like the "Rowsdower image"
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