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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. So i need some info on this. we are getting a cargo bay big enough for 1.25m probes, thats awesome sauce. but what about cockpits and crew spaces. how many kerbals fit in those various parts?
  2. Is the KSP wiki The official wiki? It came up in a thread yesterday and I was confused it seems. The main page states: It says offical, but it also says community driven, so.... and the planned features page states: and as I read it, that means that anything on the planned features page cannot be taken as squad gospel, and is unofficial. Also, IDK who does the main ksp site, but this page needs updating, partially because some of the planned features have been implemented, and partially because certain team members have departed.
  3. Of particular note is the "try to keep speculation to a minimum, ok?" part....
  4. r4pt0r

    Which one?

    please refrain from mentioning the fan run unofficial wiki when referring to official squad doctrine. Squad please make an official planned features list. https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/about.php doesnt really say anything at all.
  5. r4pt0r

    Which one?

    the poll is fairly diplomatic. you are not very diplomatic. I see the conflict
  6. Is a Tylo decent plausible for 2 nukes and a lander can? im asking for a friend you know...
  7. r4pt0r

    Which one?

  8. the mass of the payload would be added to the container, naturally? this is also how they should do cargo bays lol
  9. r4pt0r

    Which one?

    that twitter link makes me think its some kind of paint mod
  10. r4pt0r

    Which one?

    the poll was kasper
  11. r4pt0r

    Which one?

    yeah having hugo half the summer on the mk series, only to add a modpack that has a bunch of spaceplane parts to overshadow his work would be uncool
  12. r4pt0r

    Which one?

    if its chatterer and some clouds, I can go back to being 100% stock lol
  13. r4pt0r

    Which one?

    well at least we are guaranteed to have some actual firm information about this coming out of the devnotes today, right guys? something akin to :
  14. r4pt0r

    Which one?

    Chatterer please lol. But has anyone asked about KAS or KAC? the quote: Leads me to think its a mod that has many facets and features, and i've heard that theres a bunch of stuff in those mods.
  15. I agree. sometimes it is hard to see the light-green glow that they currently use.
  16. Did someone say 4chan? As someone who frequents /a/, /b/, /pol/ and /x/, I would not call 4chan a community. I don't think you can foster a community around anonymity. This place...now this place is something special. Ranks up there with the Wattflyer forums
  17. Either shift+tab to browse 4chan/cruise the internet, or more recently I've experimented with alt+tab and I literally play Counter Strike:Source or Chivalry:Medieval Warfare at the same time.
  18. Sims 3 on steam = $19.99 All Sims 3 DLC = $379.81 Never buying an EA title = priceless
  19. yeah, orbiting is just falling and missing the planet. get more horizontal speed and you will be eating duna snocones in no time.
  20. Just a PSA here, squad does not have a planned features page, other than this https://www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/about.php
  21. banned for not following standard 4-part disclaimer procedure in your sig.
  22. I chose the kitten, im looking for a cuter one though. anyway yeah, gotta do action groups at present, though I forget sometimes.
  23. I have installed 2 mods. I tried the b9 aerospace pack back in .21 but never used it again, and never used any other mods until now. I now have Chatterer for more ambient noises, and some other mod for visuals that only adds clouds, because clouds are pretty. Jeb forgive me.
  24. why do i always forget about using docking ports as decouplers? Its brilliant!
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