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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. GOOD GOD MAN! please title threads like these as a question next time, i read it as a factual statement and got so excited!
  2. so how do you read the rep/funds bars anyway? whats the grey band mean?
  3. How/where do you store your rovers on your landers? just slapping it on the side open to the air on launch feels cheap to me. Just looking for your design ideas, I usually skycrane a rover down to my lander using a separate launch, but that costs alot of snacks now.
  4. I for one WHOLLY support a direct community involvement in the music selection for KSP. Your included sample could share time with the current one, cycling through a playlist. I think that the music is one of the areas the devs will need to put some serious polish into once the core game is finished. I would like to see unique music for all bodies at some point. Heres hoping Squad takes community submissions for the final product.
  5. thats just as bad as EA sneaking in that they can use origin to snoop through your pc in their EULA. its still not cool imo.
  6. >PLAYING WITH MODS >GETTING THIS MAD be stock bro, its the only way. game is running perfect for me
  7. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/12/23/kerbal-space-program-dev-on-random-solar-systems-the-joy-of-failure-and-the-cult-of-steam/
  8. lol if only game designers would just delete the bugs, then the games would be perfect! Edit: OH HO 3 rep bars! IM SO COOL
  9. i can all ready envision you building the arkingthaad in career with funds
  10. bumping again to suggest that OP's idea be called "physics significance=2" in config files.
  11. I'm beginning my search for a new telescope. What do you all suggest. My last one was an ok Walmart one, and I could barely see the rings of Saturn with it, but I'm looking to invest in a better one. I'm a telescope novice and know very few technical terms and have forgotten what the different types are, but I can look those up on my own. What telescope do you recommend? Suggestions? My budget is open to future evaluation, but should hopefully be less than $400. My only prerequisites are if Galileo could see the moons of Jupiter in the early 1600's, so too should I be able to. Also, ease of using a camera with it would be cool, and if anyone here does that please share pics.
  12. "We're going to need a bigger VAB"
  13. i use rescued kerbals for testing highly dangerous craft i regret nothing
  14. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/05/16/us-russia-rocket-idUSKBN0DW0PD20140516 Russia's Proton rockets have suffered five major launch failures since December 2010 simulation is no substitue for a real test. also, testing is a neccisary expense.
  15. I say no, because it wasnt free for nasa to "simulate" their missions click anywhere in this video to see space programs bleed funds tests cost money, and should continue to.
  16. best option might be for delployed chutes to have phantom forces applied in a random direction. on a craft at high speed a breeze would be negligible i think.
  17. http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/12/23/kerbal-space-program-dev-on-random-solar-systems-the-joy-of-failure-and-the-cult-of-steam/ I personally agree, i like throwing everything together and watching the fuel tick down while worrying about maybe not making it home, but some people prefer to be more technical. i guess thats what mods are for.
  18. Heres an idea i had, got the inspiration from the galileo probe. Transmit science from inside Eve SOI Transmit science from inside Jool SOI Transmit science from inside Tylo SOI Transmit science from inside Val SOI Now that sounds like a 3 star contract to me. the idea being you can brute force your way to all those, or you can learn gravity assists by playing with the maneuver nodes. EDIT: op the idea is a contract to enter multiple planets soi's, like the start of the galileo mission, not dive into a gas giant like the end of it lol
  19. lol everytime i play a strategy game "but sir, are you sure you want to attack the greeks? we are allied with them" "but sir, are you sure you want to attack the greeks? we are allied with them" "but sir, are you sure you want to attack the greeks? we are allied with them" Yes, i want to attack the greeks. backstabing is how you build an empire, stop bothering me. EDIT: I want the wizard in ksp, not the paperclip
  20. i dare say its just you. I emptied a command pod to launch a probe rescue mission, thought "eh, ill add a few more batteries real quick", and once i clicked the parts tab jeb tried to sneak back into the pod.
  21. voting for reverting to the old way. seeing the same bold black text every 3 inches is a tad annoying.
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