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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. just a question about time and how it relates to .24 and contracts. unrelated: i think its dumb that a kerbin day isnt going to be an even 6 hours now. at least thats what i read in another thread
  2. ? https://www.etsy.com/search?q=kerbal&ship_to=US http://www.redbubble.com/explore/kerbal http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=sr_kk_1?rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Akerbal&keywords=kerbal&ie=UTF8&qid=1405389648 while none are the plushies op wants, theres hundreds of unofficial merchandise items avalable for purchase online. black market plushies are only a matter of time. EDIT: OH this is that thread, my bad thought it was new.
  3. i support this.we should eventually be able to re-create almost all real world mission types in stock i hope.
  4. i always use the poodle for landing on the mun
  5. what do you guys think we will get for recovering a ship that has an asteroid attached? massive rep/funds/science boost?
  6. as always 100% stock, all planets/moons will receive a probe flyby/probe landing prior to manned operations. i think with budgets i will no longer revert to vab upon launch accident, and all manned craft will have an escape tower.
  7. knowing the date would help me decide if i want to volunteer for overtime at work. my weekends are precious to me.
  8. i rotate my ship to fling ejected parts away on re-entry. though having the last stage wiz by as your burning up makes you feel epic
  9. as far as i can tell aerodynamics is all thats left as far as big features go.
  10. please take a moment to space this paragraph properly lol. it reads like 3 long run on sentences.
  11. i play exclusively stock, but i may make an exception for a mod that renames them snacks.
  12. the wheat, and all wheat by-products, has become venemous snakes (any "welcome to nigtvale" fans here? http://nightvale.wikia.com/wiki/Wheat_%26_Wheat_By-Products ) i wish for a freezer that restocks itself with desserts and frozen italian pasta meals upon closing
  13. im stealing your design when .24 drops, and im not paying you royalties.
  14. people make custom plushies and sell them on etsy all the time, i found that out when i used to browse 4chan's /mlp/ board...... heres some of the avalable items when you search for "kerbal" : https://www.etsy.com/search?q=kerbal&ship_to=US none are plushies yet, but given a known demand someone will take it up.
  15. 8/10 i dont like advertisments at of any kind, but props for einstein. and acronyms can be fun
  16. there are 2 concurrent threads pertaining to saves and someone knows the answer.
  17. this is a good point. isnt experimentals where they test whats balanced(and bug testing too of course)? if they see something at this stage, its a matter of tweaking config files, not rewriting code. they might do that yet.
  18. just bumping for this. if its in experimentals right now ,someone already knows the answer. telling us this wont spoil the update in anyway so give us a concrete answer please.
  19. i returned all my kerbs to kerbin in march, been on stand by since then
  20. i think it would be cool if landed and on EVA, a kerbal could pull a "suitcase" or box out of the sci-lab jr. , drag it some meters away, and deploy it something that could only be done with EVA like these: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/08/Apollo_11_Lunar_Laser_Ranging_Experiment.jpg/1024px-Apollo_11_Lunar_Laser_Ranging_Experiment.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/49/Aldrin_with_experiment.jpg : edit better still would be to pull them from an "experiment locker" that attaches radially and partially clipped in like the ladders are. then they are taken out and deployed.
  21. i have a i7-3770(comparable you yours iirc during my shopping) and i use an 2gb evga 660. i play max graphics settings and 1920x1080 and run at >35 fps on ships less than 700 parts. its still >20 fps on bigger craft for me. i recommend that card to everyone. i play almost all my games at max settings, and that cpu/vid card combo can even emulate all the gamecube resident evil titles at max settings 30fps.
  22. so any bets on squad quietly adding biomes to a few planets this update? so that once .24 is out we can have "collect duna ice cap surface sample" as a contract?
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