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Everything posted by r4pt0r

  1. the thing is, any shuttle parts(mk3) wont match with anything else. the shuttle doesnt have a circular crossection. that attachment node could be better placed though i agree red iron crown. also, thank you for sharing devs. its honestly nice to see things like this.
  2. Right now action groups are required to close the doors on the Science bay jr, and the Goo canisters. I don't want harmless orange light to taint the experiment results when I hit an atmosphere with open tests. So if it became possible to close those mid flight, and not need to worry about setting up action groups ahead of time, that would be most pleasant. It's only aesthetic, but would be appreciated.
  3. toolbar is built into another mod, so not everyone knows they have it. at least thats how i understand it. blizzy made it so occasionally, you get the weird main screen. only to mess with people.
  4. Good sir, what game are you asking about? And if it's ksp then what mods do you have?
  5. Its my hunch that this building will be where we can exchange Science for more rep or funds.
  6. I love the F-22, and when I made my xbox gamertag like 7 years ago, I wanted to be Raptor. Of course that was taken, and so I had to keep adding numbers for letters, adding another word, substituting numbers in that too. Eventually got one that wasn't taken, and since then I've kept the r4pt0r part in all my forum names on all sites, and my steam name.
  7. Granted. Though it is now ion powered so I would suggest you start walking to your next destination. I wish that my apartment complex wasn't re-paving the parking lot, forcing me to park two blocks away.
  8. 3/10 I've seen you somewhere on the forum, not sure where, when or how many times, but your name is one I know.
  9. and i need a source on that too so i can properly start a suggestion thread please
  10. thats how i always did it in the beginning. set mun as target and launch when mun is half way to the center of the navball. edit: so its not exactly "straight at mun" as 5th horseman points out.
  11. Ive always found that the munar surface in the update videos looks so much brighter and better than the in game mun. also I agree about the division of labor. I would happily take just a 500x600 jpeg detailing the update if it meant our animators spent time adding simple "collect surface sample" or other animations to the actual game.
  12. decouplers are particularly hard to tell apart, other than the big rockomax one. I always remember that one.
  13. Ive never sent anything, manned or otherwise, to Moho, Eeloo, Vall, Tylo, or Laythe. Everywhere else(except Eve and Jool lol) I've done a manned return mission. I'll be rectifying this situation soon, as my .24.2 save has been quite productive. Anyone else have places they have never been?
  14. theres a framework for this already built in and awaiting completion? good find!
  15. did you drop a probe in the ocean during the sea voyage? that made me chuckle
  16. this is semi relevant. its not at all my work, but fits your thread i think.
  17. not attacking in the least, but note that all the eastereggs and names that do relate to reallife people are about people that actively advanced space knowledge. werner von kerman, armstrong memorial, gene kerman.... ect.
  18. name one after paul walker too, because he was in movies about cars, and cars have round tires, and planets are also round.
  19. but thats not stock. or does the "stocktake" in the title not indicate stock eastereggs? also, update title to 0.24.2?
  20. and since this thread survived for 4 months, we can assume its ok to promote the idea in this thread? Hope so.
  21. I've recently come to the conclusion that Kerbals don't sleep. So while it would make sense for them to base a time keeping system off of their 6 hour day/night cycle, I dont think time matters to them. Only boosters matter....only boosters....
  22. if its any more than 5 funds, then Jeb's scraping most off the top to fund his dv addiction. simulations should be nigh free. That said, I have not reverted since .24 launched. I came close to financial ruin after the Mungull 2 decided to become multiple independent craft mid-launch, but I've came out alright so far.
  23. This has been suggested many times, and i guess i personally don't care as long as its not required. sometimes its fun to land on minmus jumping out of craft and using only eva, or maybe eva ship to ship across a km or two. what would your rope thing have for a max length? also i think it would be pretty cpu intensive to model it bending and curving and not just phasing through your craft when you go around it.
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