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Everything posted by Asmosdeus

  1. The Dropbox link is 404\'ing. Can you post a working link please? The looks great
  2. Hover Gunship, Aye? Well I don\'t have any guns but I\'ve got bombs and unguided rockets
  3. Yeah, I also have a ship called the Alan Parson\'s project, I believe its some sort of hovercraft. Simspons reference Heheh.
  4. Nah I don\'t get much lag unless I\'m flying a HUGE ship. I just use those RCS cells for aesthetic purposes.
  5. Today I landed one that\'s much more recognisable as a plane.
  6. Yes I did, Viper! And it was glorious. > Welcome to the forum Also I made another ship, I call it the Jefferson Starship. Infact most of my moon landers are C7;
  7. Actually, silisko, I used YOUR parts to get it off the ground. The KW parts are only for the ship once its in space. Thank you Silisko! You made it possible for me to launch ships I could only ever imagine!
  8. The Destiny created mostly with Silisko Probodyne Kit. Entirely solar powered. Everyone else had sencible designs, BUT NOT ME.
  9. I made a video of my entry to the challenge. WARNING: I SWEAR PROFUSELY AND INVOLUNTARILY. It\'s a side effect of being scottish.
  10. Can\'t you see a taller peak to the right, in the second image?
  11. Err.... The mediafire link downloaded KSP Silisko Edition to my computer... You sneaky little bugger, you
  12. This is my personal favourite... I took it 5 minutes ago from what I call the Riach Platoo.
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