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Everything posted by Asmosdeus

  1. I don\'t think the pre-order system has been active for a whole year, more like 6 months at best.
  2. If we say that all purchases up to 7700 were for $7(which the weren\'t) and that there have actually been 7700 purchases (which I doubt there has been that few) then that\'s $53900 right there. So the minimum current revenue from KSP so far is $53900. I think they can live of that, yes.
  3. I still can\'t find the damn thing. Can someone message where it is to me?
  4. When the mun first was released, I always wanted my first mun flight to come down through a canyon. The gash made my day
  5. Warning, large image. Reddit link, for everyone who thinks it deserves an upvote. http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/rdbrh/i_captured_this_photo_of_venus_using_my_cell_phone/
  6. Point the vessel at the landing spot when you decouple and it shouldn\'t change the landing spot too much, as for the parachute, deploy it when you\'re in a vertical fall towards your landing spot. Personally I prefer to just aim for the ocean.
  7. Crab wheel mod would be pretty good, I think... http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=8817.0
  8. Seriously, Nova. You can\'t release them all at once. There will be casualties.
  9. Yeah I noticed, just before the forum reboot. I\'ll add you as 'Semi Ninja' so I don\'t mispronounce it, heh... UPDATE: Sneak peak at my next mission.
  10. Aye the list is out of date, added you all to the list and updated the crew roster with the latest stupidity induced casualties...
  11. BECAUSE OF THE FORUM ARCHIVING IT\'LL TAKE SOME TIME FOR ME TO MAKE THE POST NICE AND SHINY AGAIN. We\'re back. This is the community Kerbal Project. Basicly what I do is I take down the names that members request and then apply those names to kerbals and launch missions. Please, don\'t just request your user name. You may request a feasible mission, it may not happen, but then again it may happen. If it does, you\'re on the mission. The Crew: Kerrogman (Dead; Drag Queen) [Calrogman] Munwig Kerman (Dead; Drag Queen)[Cave Johnson] Sir Fibbles (Dead; Drag Queen) [Grove] San Andreas (Alive) [Two String Guitar] Mincespy Kerman Dead; Oops) [Mincespy] Neomex Kerman (Alive) [Neomex] Sir Muffincock IV (Dead; Soviet Krussian Moonshot) Venku Kerman (Alive) [Venku] Will Kerman (Alive) [Gorija] Skitty (Alive) Bro Kerman (Alive) Pantsie Notwear... (Alive) [iamwearingpants] Tim Barrett (Alive) [Tim_Barrett] Reginald (Alive) Archibald Kermington XVII (Alive) Sir Nibbles (Dead; Oops) [707engineering] Drakomis Kromulus (Alive) [Drakomis] Gus (Alive) Pinkie Pie (Dead; Soviet Krussian Moonshot) Nibula Kerman (Alive) [Nibula] POSkis Kerman (Alive) [Pair of Skis] Eyala Kerman (Alive) [Emilio] Radion S Collier (Alive) [Radion Space Works] Zephram Cochrane (Alive) [Zephram Kerman] Ping Naftali (Alive) [Ping111] Courage Wolf (Alive) [Polecat Industries] Kosmo Kerman (Alive) [Kosmo-not] Caleb Andy (Alive) [Roblox] StelarCF Hypernator (Alive) [stelarCF] Monkatraz bro (Dead; Oops) [MonkTheSpy] Marlow Mannstein (Alive) [Hello1432]Benjamin Lawrence (Alive) [benjamin_Lawrence] Sid Higgins (Alive) [sid] Eugene Silisko (Dead; Soviet Krussian Moonshot) [NovaSilisko] Causeless Derpski (Alive) [Causeless] Bob Kowalski (Alive) [xzbobzx] Lord Strange (Alive) [Lord Strange] Pending Missions: Super Heavy Lifter Test: San Andreas, Tim Barrett, Neomex Kerman Pussy Magnet Mun Mission: (Crew to be selected) Past Missions: [WARNING: LOT\'S OF SWEARING CKP Mission #1: Rule Britannia SSTO (FAILURE) Crew: Kerrogman, Munwig Kerman, Sir Fibbles CKP Mission #2: Rule Britannia SSTO II (SUCCESS) Crew: Kerrogman, Munwig Kerman, Sir Fibbles CKP Mission #3: Drag Queen Speed Test (FAILURE) Crew: Kerrogman, Munwig Kerman, Sir Fibbles CKP Mission #4: Routine Mun Landing (SUCCESS) Crew: San Andreas, Tim Barrett, Neomex Kerman CKP Mission 5: N1 Abort Sequence Test Crew: Pinkie Pie, Eugene Silisko, Sir Muffincock Casualties: 0 CKP Mission 6: Get to the Mun aboard the N1-M. Crew: Eugene Silisko, Pinkie Pie, Sir Muffincock IV CKP Mission 7: Down to Kerbin. Crew: San Andreas, Tim Barrett, Neomex Kerman CKP Mission 8: Rest in Pieces. Crew: Mincespy, Monkatraz Bro, Sir Nibbles. CKP Mission 9: Lesbionic Assassination Rocket. Crew: Classified CKP Mission 10: Oops... Crew: Mincespy, Monkatraz Bro, Sir Nibbles.
  12. My solar panels don\'t rotate to face the sun, in your pictures they do, however... How do I make them rotate?
  13. My mun base complete with landing pad for shuttling crew. Also: Nah I\'m just kidding, heres the real mun base. Something I built back in 0.13.2. My nazi mun base.
  14. The HOL-1 Emily shortly after launch: The HOL-2ML Natasha on the pad: Natasha\'s cargo: A random SRB based rocket I launched: A pretty picture I took from a decaying orbit:
  15. I loved thunderbirds as a kid! Can\'t wait for this!
  16. A reddit post I put up. Read the comments, you\'ll learn a few things http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/qyi8t/ufo_photographed_hovering_over_scotland/
  17. Aww damn it... I thought my community thing was original Ech... Saul Riach reporting for duty, sir!
  18. What happened to the N1 rocket from SIDR? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N1_(rocket) I used to use that thing a lot Is there anywhere I can download the original SIDR and gut it out myself? Found it!
  19. Seriously? I\'ve launched countless missions and I\'ve never seen any of those names.
  20. Ech, probably. But no, Open the persistent.sfs up in notepad and ctrl+F for kerman. Custom crew.
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