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Everything posted by psyper

  1. For my generic craft such as heavy lifters or transporters I have generic names along with the version (mark) of that craft so my current in use ones are Heavy Lifter III (took three different versions before I settled on this one - the first two are now defunct) Heavy Lifter IV (can lift larger payloads than the III version) Transporter VI (took 6 different versions before I was happy with this version. Its able to transport between planets - has an optional fuel tank that can be docked to it for longer journeys) For my space stations I've gone with British Astronauts. SS Foale (above Kerbin) SS Sharman (above Minmus) SS Patrick, SS Peake & SS Sellars to follow at some point!! (note to England - we need more astronauts!) I've been building some large ships which are designed to patrol each planet mining resources along the way - they are there to basically assist with colonisation and also to help if anyone needs it - there are going to be at least 5 of them and they will be in orbit around any colonies or mining/prospecting crew. They are the Astra Planeta Class ships (named after the wondering planets in greek mythology). Phainon & Eosphoros have been constructed so far and is currently going through a shake-down phase before either they are upgraded or lessons learned from them will be applied to the next 3 Phaethon, Pyroeis & Stilbon. Each ship has a miner which is just called xxx Miner (xxx being the name of the ship) and a rescue ship which can hold kerbals and fuel for most situations which was called prometheus after the film but I've since renamed it Angel with I feel is more apt for its role (perhaps I should name each one after arch-angels...) I have another project creating a tourist network - I currently have a hotel constructed in space named after my wife (If you want to get really addicted to a game naming something awesome after your SO goes a heck of a looong way in their books!) and the first SSTO to transport tourists to the hotel is going to be called Dreamcatcher (just because) - I'm tempted to call the next two SSTO's Blackcat and Rabbitsfoot maybe
  2. I'm originally using an bug exploit in MM - in the converter cfg files each resource is listed sequentially with no tags - the older version of MM if you refer to one of the resources and do no changes and then refer to the resource again it'll choose the second resource in the list. With the newer version this no longer happens - I did post in the MM thread but it was while it was pretty busy and I don't think my question was answered - I'll keep trying and see what happens as I really want to add a load more different add-ons for the different mods out there! EDIT: Just saw this on the new mm: - @NODENAME,2 {} let you select the third node of that name. Be careful when you delete or add node as the index will change. *Lightbulb* this should do it - now the challenge of tearing me away from my SSTO VTOL project to bring out the changes to Kethane Plus!!
  3. I see what I can do - my scripts only seem to work with an older version of modulemanager at the moment - I'm trying to upgrade them but its not playing ball - I may need to just include an old version of MM with them while I work things out
  4. I'm so sorry - I really need to look after my mod's and customers a lot more (note to self I really need to check back to the forum every once in a while!) but I am back. The main reason why this kinda dropped off the edge of my peripheral vision is mainly because of the Module Manager errors with the latest version - they made some changes to it and it no longer works with my mod's MM entries - I basically exploited a bug that is no longer there. I have been trying to work on a way around it but I can't seem to get it to play ball with the kethane mod without editing the mod files manually which goes against the official mod rules. I will try and get a better version out there and then work on some other additions (such as saturn) - I've also noticed a few inconsistencies with the part names so I want to clear that up too!! This may 'break' previous versions of the kethane plus but I'll document any changes that you need to do to the persistence file if this is the case. I should have new versions of this mod including the old version of MM which works with them any day now.
  5. It was mentioned in some of the youtube videos from people who get the new version before it gets released (scott manley comes to mind). I think it got drowned out in the ASTEROIDS, ASTEROIDS, WE HAVE ASTEROIDS, OMG I DOCKED WITH AN ASTEROID, LOOK AT MY ASTEROID SPACESTATION etc posts and no one noticed we can change lights, the joints have been enforced and the ion drive has been tweaked to be more powerful.
  6. If you get close (below 1 meter) the magnetic attraction should kick in - make sure you haven't got SAS on - switch it off otherwise it will fight against the magnetic locks. Once close and you're not getting any pull from the magenet try pressing f5 (quicksave) then press and hold f9 to reload it - this will reset the magnetic locks and should connect. if you don't have too many mods would it be possible to post the craft files so we can take a look at them?
  7. yep. It worked in previous version of MM but now its not changing it and the changes I make to the cfg file is either adding water to liquid fuel or to all the modules. I test it by changing the cfg file, reloading ksp, bringing up the debug and checking the relevant parts - I know its having an effect as these do change but not correctly.
  8. Nope sorry that didn't work although I think you're on to something in addressing the individual module elements somehow - ideally I want this in place so if I create a different MM script I wont need to worry about which order the modules are in! From your idea I also tried along the lines of: @PART[kethane_2m_converter] { @MODULE[KethaneConverter]:HAS[@OutputRatio[*]:HAS[#Oxidizer]] { @InputRates { @Kethane = 0 Water = 8.25 } } } but that didn't work either
  9. Sorry I didn't make it clear. I want the part file to ideally turn from this: MODULE { name = KethaneConverter HeatProduction = 600 InputRates { Kethane = 6.75 ElectricCharge = 12 } OutputRatios { LiquidFuel = 1.03 } } MODULE { name = KethaneConverter HeatProduction = 800 InputRates { Kethane = 8.25 ElectricCharge = 8 } OutputRatios { Oxidizer = 0.99 } } MODULE { name = KethaneConverter HeatProduction = 1200 InputRates { Kethane = 3 ElectricCharge = 10 } OutputRatios { MonoPropellant = 0.85 } } MODULE { name = KethaneConverter HeatProduction = 300 InputRates { Kethane = 2 ElectricCharge = 8 } OutputRatios { XenonGas = 0.25 } } to this: MODULE { name = KethaneConverter HeatProduction = 600 InputRates { Kethane = 6.75 ElectricCharge = 12 } OutputRatios { LiquidFuel = 1.03 } } MODULE { name = KethaneConverter HeatProduction = 800 InputRates { Water = 8.25 ElectricCharge = 8 } OutputRatios { Oxidizer = 0.99 } } MODULE { name = KethaneConverter HeatProduction = 1200 InputRates { Kethane = 3 ElectricCharge = 10 } OutputRatios { MonoPropellant = 0.85 } } MODULE { name = KethaneConverter HeatProduction = 300 InputRates { Kethane = 2 ElectricCharge = 8 } OutputRatios { XenonGas = 0.25 } } Basically changing the oxidizer input fuel from kethane to water.
  10. Thanks for the reply but that removes the kethane on all the kethaneconverter modules and adds water to them
  11. I have a modulemanager script which replaced kethane with water to produce oxidizer and it had (somehow) worked in the older version of MM but now doesn't when I upgraded. The code for the 2m converter was: @PART[kethane_2m_converter]:HAS[@MODULE[KethaneConverter]:HAS[@InputRates[*]:HAS[#Kethane], @OutputRatios[*]:HAS[#Oxidizer]]] { @MODULE[KethaneConverter] { } @MODULE[KethaneConverter] { @InputRates { @Kethane = 0 Water = 8.25 } } } As you can see its totally wrong but it worked - I'm pretty sure it just ignored the HAS operators in the first line but it ignored the first KethaneConverter module which is the liquid fuel one and zero'ed the kethane and added water to the oxidizer. I could probably just turn the first line in to "@PART[kethane_2m_converter]:HAS[@MODULE[KethaneConverter]]" and it'll still probably work but 'if it aint broke don't fix it' came to mind and I left it!! Now running MM 2.1.0 it come up with a space error so I correct it to this: @PART[kethane_2m_converter]:HAS[@MODULE[KethaneConverter]:HAS[@InputRates[*]:HAS[#Kethane],@OutputRatios[*]:HAS[#Oxidizer]]] { @MODULE[KethaneConverter] { } @MODULE[KethaneConverter] { @InputRates { @Kethane = 0 Water = 8.25 } } } Which doesn't error but now doesn't touch the part at all. I tried removing the first @MODULE[KethaneConverter] and just had the first one which should 'in theory' work but it doesn't. Finally doing this: @PART[kethane_2m_converter]:HAS[@MODULE[KethaneConverter]] { @MODULE[KethaneConverter] { @InputRates { @Kethane = 0 Water = 8.25 } } } Just changes the liquid fuel but not the oxidizer. No matter what combination of the above scripts I use I can't get it to recognise the 2nd kethane converter entry! The part page is: //Kethane Pack Asset PART { // --- general parameters --- name = kethane_2m_converter module = Part author = Keptin // --- asset parameters --- mesh = model.mu rescaleFactor = 1.15 node_stack_top = 0.0, .308, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -.310, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2 cost = 3500 category = Utility subcategory = 0 title = KE-C190 Heavy Converter Unit manufacturer = Organization of Kethane Equipment Producers description = The KE-C190 features deployable heat sinks to aid in keeping the unit cool during operation. When it's not overheating, this heavy unit can rapidly and efficiently process Kethane into other fuels. TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry entryCost = 50 attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0 mass = 2 dragModelType = default maximum_drag = 0.2 minimum_drag = 0.3 angularDrag = 2 crashTolerance = 6 breakingForce = 200 breakingTorque = 200 maxTemp = 5200 fuelCrossFeed = True MODULE { name = HeatSinkAnimator HeatAnimation = M2_converter_EmissiveAnimation OpenAnimation = M2_converter_converting OpenTemperature = 300 MaxTemperature = 3600 InternalDissipation = 0.04 HeatSinkDissipation = 0.28 PressureDissipation = 0.14 AirSpeedDissipation = 0.007 RadiatorNormal = 0, 0, 1 } MODULE { name = KethaneConverter HeatProduction = 600 InputRates { Kethane = 6.75 ElectricCharge = 12 } OutputRatios { LiquidFuel = 1.03 } } MODULE { name = KethaneConverter HeatProduction = 800 InputRates { Kethane = 8.25 ElectricCharge = 8 } OutputRatios { Oxidizer = 0.99 } } MODULE { name = KethaneConverter HeatProduction = 1200 InputRates { Kethane = 3 ElectricCharge = 10 } OutputRatios { MonoPropellant = 0.85 } } MODULE { name = KethaneConverter HeatProduction = 300 InputRates { Kethane = 2 ElectricCharge = 8 } OutputRatios { XenonGas = 0.25 } } } what am I doing wrong? Many thanks in advance
  12. if i remember correctly you need to right click on it and select to sit on it. you have to do the same to get off it too.
  13. Doesnt it all depend on where you're coming from and what your final apoapsis needs to be at - if I was going to Jool from Kerbal and needed to be at a 100km from it then I would need a different aerobraking altitude than if I was coming in from Eelo and needed to be in an orbit that'll intercept Laythe. So just ignore the thrust vector and just burn radially. Cool many thanks
  14. when I do that it changes the orbital velocity of my ship which then changes the periapsis that I need to be at in order to reach the right target height which is why I have to put in the new figures and do the whole procedure again - it takes 3 goes at this normally before I get a low enough dV that it doesnt change my velocity all that much and in turn doesn't change my target periapsis. I was just wondering if there is a proper way to do this?
  15. Does anyone know how to use this amazing site? http://alterbaron.github.io/ksp_aerocalc/ I've used it several times in the past and what I normal do is do the calculations on the site then set up a radial/anti-radial maneuver node and burn in that direction to the correct height and then put the new values in to the calculator and fine tune my orbit and keep putting in the value until the orbit it asks for is the same as the orbit I'm at. Is there a better way - where it says Thrust Angle - where is this located on the navball? As they say on Reddit; ELI5 with pictures pretty please
  16. I'd be interested to see how long people have been playing ksp in relation to which option they picked. I think in kinda hit a sweet spot when I started ksp. It was about 2 months before career mode version was released so I was too advanced in my game to scrap all my achievements and start with career mode but still too early to get bored of sandbox and wanted a challenge that career gives. Every now and then I'm tempted to start anew but then I get an idea of building a new colony or a new space station and to have to start my current infrastructure (all those launches and fuel transfers from my kethane mines on minmus all to do again! Shudder) would be too daunting. I have two flotillas enroute to duna and jol and two large mining vessels training and evolving prior to a tour around the system. To scrap that and start with a few parts and digging kerbal dirt to get points seem pointless for me (not dissing career itself but its just where I am in the game) I think when currency comes out with contracts and gets fully integrated with the kethane and life support mods I might manually edit my science to unlock all the tech tree and start from there. IRL you wouldn't see the commercial ventures such as spacex having to learn from scratch or even China and india,; in my game we'll have a fully fledge and researched space programme that is ready to take on private money to fulfill contracts and mine resources to bring back home - or rain metorites on our enemy cities, for science or something.
  17. Even earth IRL has trojan moons and asteroids in the same orbit and is still considered a planet. I think there is a percentage threshold of mass in ratio to the planet for it to be downgraded. Kerbin and earth are still planets
  18. Thats just cra... thats ama... its totally awe... theres just no words to describe what you managed to do there!! and holly cr@p you managed to actually fly the damn thing too! I watched both seasons of your youtube series in the space of one week like a tvseries marathon and watched you go from newb to this - its awesome to watch!! Keep up the great work you're doing!
  19. If you still cant get it working and you dont mind installing mods it might be worth giving goodspeeds Automatic Fuel Pump a try. You can set your outer tanks to value 1 and have them set to auto-pump and they will empty out first prior to all the others (fuel always flows from higher numbers to lower ones) http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/goodspeed-automatic-pump/ http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67163-0-23-5-Goodspeed-Automatic-Fuel-Pump-v2-14-1 TAC Fuel Balancer is also a popular one that people use. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25823-0-23-0-23-5-TAC-Fuel-Balancer-v2-3-22Dec
  20. note to self: I really need to setup skype and make myself ill from work for a couple of weeks and find myself a young padwan - dying to pass on everything I learned from ksp but my friends aren't really interested in it (although they are major geeks) and there are soooo many youtube channels out there that I don't think I'd get much interest in it
  21. I started playing ksp about 2 months before the science update first came out so I was in the unique position where I was too early to not be far in to my game play of ksp to want to start again with career mode but too late in the game to be bored of doing what I'm currently doing to want something new. I'm still having so much fun exploring and landing on planets and have quite an infrastructure set to to want to put all those hours building it to one side and start fresh with career. When it first come out I watch everyone install it and learn step by step how to use it and the best way to do this or the best way to do that - I watched as science spamming was stopped in favour of the MPL and how best to do that. It does look like people did enjoy that trial and error but I prefer knowing what I was doing before I jump in and do it (I watched more or less every scott manley vid before really playing around!) So the point I'm making is that thankyou guys and especially navyfish for discovering these little tips and tricks - I'm subscribing this thread so its bookmarked for when I do finally venture out in to career mode!!
  22. I think what Taki117 is trying to say is that while thrusting and you need to adjust your course you may need to turn off rcs, maneuver, turn rcs back on and then keep thrusting. I don't think there is a way to disable individual rcs jets on an rcs part otherwise you could turn off the lateral rcs jets and just leave the ones you're using as rockets.
  23. most of us just use media player or a simple music player to play the songs - theres a load of other suggestions in this thread: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/74970-Good-Music-to-KSP-Too not sure if theres a mod out there that you can add music to though..
  24. my final stage has around 60 rcs and thrusters along with a probe body and solar panels - just gotta get it below 21 km for kerbin and it'll disappear (you know you're there when your view switches). My final stage is used to get my orbit to match with my space station or ship I'm constructing in space - it unloads any remaining fuel and just leaves enough rcs to deorbit
  25. This did it - found a few of them that had the state of acquire. Changed it to Ready reloaded and as soon as the physics came in to play the craft snapped straight in to the docking port!! Thanks Remkeau.
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