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Everything posted by dtobi

  1. Is there a context menu in the editor or no context menu at all? Are you using SSE as well, maybe an older version? If yes, you have to replace the KM_Lib in the Plugin directory with a newer one?
  2. Ok, I found the issue. one of the old timer models was still attached to the Explorer Craft. I'll upload a fixed zip file. Without procedural dynamics (wings) only Firefly and Explorer are available.
  3. Great, thanks. Would you mind of I would append this to the first post?
  4. Weird, did you do a clean install recently? I updated the example craft files in the latest two updates. Could it be that you are still using an old craft file?
  5. Some require B9 and the Atlantis models also require procedural wings. Do you have these mods installed?
  6. That shoudl be fairly easy, I think. Do you mean per engine or for all engines at the same craft? The first one is more difficult to achieve with a part mod.
  7. 1 and 2) Yes. That is because of the strange implementation of the gauge tweakable. I might try to do someting else in the future. 3) is in the readme. The gears action grouop does not work reliably. Assign your gears to any other action group and fire that group. This works reliably. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
  8. I tried to implement staging but I had to delay it because it wasn't right for some reason. When I removed the feature I broke the timer (that was the bug that Andersenman noticed). My problem was that I could put a staging icon to the staging bar but it stayed even when the part was removed. I need to figure out how it works. Then I can put the feature back.
  9. Yes that is possible just add enableRoll = true to the KM_Gimbal module in the part config file of the engine (e.g., GameData\Klockheed_Martian\Parts\Shuttle Engine X3\part.cfg). For example: MODULE { name = KM_Gimbal gimbalTransformName = gimbal debug = true yawGimbalRange = 1 pitchGimbalRange = 14 enableRoll = true } Other options that you should be able to preset are: enableTrim = true enableGimbal = true responseSpeed = 60 (or any other integer) trimX = 5 (or any other integer lower than the pitchGimbalRange. Negative trim is also possible.)
  10. The text was wrong but the dimensions were OK. It should be OK now (fixed the text).
  11. A new update is out. Thanks to everyone who made suggestions and comments! V0.2 Trigger improvements * Heading control over radio * Improved altimeter device (thanks to Firov) * Bugfix in the timer code * Fixed overly long part names * Added example craft * Corrected size descriptions of fuel breakers
  12. I'll consider that for a future release. Right now I have some trouble with setting up a stagable timer properly (that's why it doesn't shpw up and wor properly with staging). I'll remove the staging actions completely. As yoiu say: one has to waste an action group then but it works reliably.
  13. A new version is out. V0.9.2 Updated Smart Parts and Fixes * Heading control over radio * Improved altimeter device (thanks to Firov) * Bugfix in the timer code * Corrected size descriptions of fuel breakers and tanks * Fixed bug with engine tweakables that made the CoM disappear * Increased the weight of the OMS engines to match the TWR of the LV-909 * Reduced the heat production of the X3 engine * Updated Firefly example craft (was broken)
  14. They are in the same TWR and efficiency range as the Mainsail. Therefore, I put them to Heavier Rocketry. Go ahead and edit the files if you want ;-)
  15. Ouch you're right. The part is somewhat broken because it activates accidentally during staging. It should only activate with an action group. I'll upload a fixed version soon. Thanks for reporting the issue.
  16. Quite strange. It happens even for the OMS engines, which are really not using any of the new gimbal code but only sock code. I'll see what I can do. Thanks for reporting the issue.
  17. Enjoy! :-) Please post images of your craft here. I am still looking for more meat for the inspirational album.
  18. Oh... I don't think taht works (actually I do know it doesn't). The trim is set via tweakables. Is there another way to set gereral trim in KSP?
  19. Very cool video! And a wonderful shuttle. Thanks for the gratitude. that goes down well :-)
  20. In the right click context menu or by disabling trim from the action groups (toggle).
  21. This looks as if you set the trim to a value other than 0. Even if gimballing is disabled, trim is still aplied if gimballing is off. Is this the case? If it is the case: If you want to return the engine to the 0 position, also disable trim.
  22. I can help with the tech tree integration. This should be a part that is available quite early on, right? Maybe even from the start? What is the reason that it has to go into the parts directory? I'd love to see this mod in good shape because it seems to be quite useful for my radio controlled action group device.
  23. Hi, this looks as if I want to use it. Does it work with .23?
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