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One-Way Films

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Everything posted by One-Way Films

  1. When you start pointing out the issues in a smaller kids' science project. I didn't mean to be mean.... THE DELTA V REQUIREMENTS TO THE MOON WERE WRONG!! THEY HAD A CLIP-ART ROCKET AND NOT THE SATURN V!! WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO?!!!
  2. my ksp refuses to start after installing this mod. It worked before, but then it stopped working after I re-installed it and changed the pallet. Any tips?
  3. The meaning of life is to spend life thinking about its' meaning, which is to think about its' meaning, which is to think about its' meaning, which is to...... you get the picture
  4. oh, whoops *deletes thread somehow* I'll need to get a mod. one sec
  5. So... when did you buy KSP? Why did you buy it? Was it a video? Who knows. But hey. For science!
  6. I am in the middle of exams at the moment so my next film is taking a while. Here's a few screenshots though.
  7. I never used Mj. I learnt everything the hard way. I concidered Mj but I pushed on through. I stuck with the Scott Manly Tutorials
  8. Some test footage for a large(ish) project I'm working on. The thumbnail is much brighter than the actual video... which is weird...
  9. What was the best moment (so far) in KSP history for you? Was it an update? Was it a mod? Was it a mission so grand that, before you undertook it, you passed it off as impossible? Was it your first step on the Mun? Was it a sight that was so perfect and beautiful, that you had to just stop and look for a few minutes? Share it with the rest of the community. 1.0 will be here soon and we'll have a whole heap of new players. Let's give them tales of before Jool or Duna or before Spaceplanes ever lifted off from KSC. Thank you. To 1.0 and Beyond... Seriously Squad. For a space sim, you've done a spectacular job. You guys deserve a round of applause from a stadium full of people each. This is easily my favorite game ever and it shall be for the known future. Thank you dev team. Pat yourselves on the back. If it was legal and if Ireland was closer to Squad HQ, I'd buy you all a beer.
  10. Huh, I was actually thinking of a cinematic that would require a launch vehicle capable of launching a few station modules into LKO, actually. So if you could provide a download link so I can download the craft, that would be awesome. P.S: everyone else, I call dibs
  11. wow, it's 50-50. I wouldn't. I'd just delete a mod since I love the stock parts so much. Also I've built a lot of stock/mod hybrid ships using a variety of stock parts and I don't know what might break a set of ships or not
  12. Here is my cinematic that was *clears throat* "Inspired" by Interstellar and 2001. Enjoy!
  13. I'm afraid I'll have to resign my post. I simply don't have the time I thought I had for this. There is no point in me not contributing and just sticking around to be in the credits. I'll be doing my state exams this year and I'd better do well in them. Thanks for having me guys!
  14. Enjoy the Numerous Interstellar/2001 references everyone! I'd like to thank Astronomer for the awesome pack and SpriteCoke for helping me with the effects!
  15. Here's something I made over the last few days. Enjoy the many Interstellar references!
  16. Where can you order these things?! I need to launch one of these! So far in my model rocketry career, I've used water bottle rockets to fulfill my need for some sort of real-life KSP recreation. They're decent, but they ascend to about 2ft when I use them... how someone made a water bottle rocket rise to 4Km amazes me...
  17. Yeah, That was the smart thing to do good ol' google
  18. Mine is to study more and to focus on ksp a bit less. I need to do well in my exams this summer. What about you?
  19. Airsoft, drawing, mountain biking, short film making (not sure if that counts since it's in ksp. I'm saving up for a decent camera though)
  20. I'm One-Way Gaming. I hope I don't confuse anyone though with my insanely different names on KSP Forums and Steam
  21. I look forward to this! I made a Christmas cinematic yesterday by the way... if you'd like to see it... at all.... I'll just leave it embedded here... out in the open... Advertisment ftw! I love suprises and I love christmas. This should be good! I also love presents!
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