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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. yes it is possible that it was surface, but really, this has happened many times, stock and modded, guaranteed to be in orbit mode... guess I could uninstall my part mods on my steam save and try and replicate the effects... or il search some footage I already have as a demonstration.. should this be moved to bugs ?.....
  2. I'm not sure why this is happening, maybe there is a physics thing I havent picked up. but for some reason, on my minmus transfers as I get closer to my apsis, my speed is increasing, which is strange since I'm half-way to minmus, not burning and definetely not near the SOI of minmus..... any effects i'm not taking into account or is this a bug ?
  3. I think maybe just remove the terminate function completely in career and just have missions to take them down after X amount of things are in orbit...
  4. you land on jool, your ship is destroyed and you, a kerbal is left on the surface with his head glitching out of the suit and, in general having a very hard time with your mesh glitched and all.....
  5. 1/10 , wow, I just commented on your avatar in my last forum game post...
  6. 6/10 a howling dog, they get on my nerves...
  7. ALL CAPS FTW 1111!!! learn to use blender or unity ?
  8. a tissue box, pessimistcally, I would put my head in it... or optimistically I would attempt to sue it to filter my breath, but really its useless.....
  9. I couldnt get the latest version of the kmp client to install properly.... hopefully that will be resolved
  10. well, I've sent a probe the equivilant to the distance of 1.25 MILLION LIGHT YEARS ( ) or so, and its still going... but so far, no end of the skybox so I think as RSwordman said its infinite
  11. banned for only being a training kraken and not a full kraken !
  12. 3/10 haven't seen you anywhere but here... a lot....
  13. Get the first reference, however if you are a true north american, then you have seen redgreen - handyman corner, the living proof that you can fix anything with duct tape ! anyways 8/10 because, because, becau.... well Idk..
  14. granted but its poison that makes it more juicy.. I wish the person below me wouldn't corrupt this wish !
  15. In a sense this can already be done, you just have to pretend that a mk1 lander can is your storage container... and that you also put a probe command module on it so you don't have to send a Kerbal home... step 1 : rendezvous with the probe you want to send home 2 : send a kerbal on eva from the main vessel 3 : now on eva, right click the science things + the main module and click take data 4 : now right click on the mk1 lander can on your probe and click "store data" 5: send your probe on its way and put the kerbal back in the main vessel...
  16. One thing people here haven't looked at is simply expanding on what squad already has, if you look under gamedata/squad/parts you will find that they have already divided their parts more logically, instead of just "utility", propulsion and such, they have "aero", "command", "electrical", "engine", "fuel tank", "science", "structural", "utility", "wheel".. so what we really need is more gui buttons for each of these categories respectively instead of the current generic ones... and yes I agree put the ion engine in the engine category !!
  17. I really agree, I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT when I'm switching to another vessel, then it gives the launch clamps and then I can't get off the launch clamps !! this would be sooo nice
  18. You know, unity already makes such small builds that the memory required means its an ideal game engine for making phone games, some people have as many as 5 INSTALLS of KSP at 1 time, I don't really see where the memory issue is... So it comes down to "I don't like loading screens and i'l delete parts in order to save a few seconds there"..... anyways, it may be better the way it is and have everything ready to go rather than wait while a heavy part/plugin file loads mid-building and you wait that same minute fustrated while you're building your ship...
  19. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa_(moon) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryobot I know I shouldnt use wikipedia for my sources but, as other people are, why not ? There have been proposals to send probes to europa for investigating its sub-surface SEA I know that some plans were cut and the submarine one not in serious planning stage but only a concept : BUT THESE ARE MISSIONS ABOUT WATER ! and as for "cluttering the parts menu", guess what ? they just add another category alongside propulsion/aerodynamic/utility etc.. maybe this new category could hold rover wheels and boat things..
  20. get the lazor mod for achievements, no steam achievements are happening and yes I can confirm that the save file does record if you have done a fly by on what bodies and landed on what bodies, orbited etc. though these probably will not be used for achievements but for career mode contracts and reputation..
  21. When we get multiplayer, there should be a Kerbal text-to-speach
  22. mk1, well the basic rocket fuel tanks are already here... mk2, only use it for spaceplanes anyways, maybe.. mk3, We definetely need oxidizer, its meant to be spaceshuttle (which used rockets) anyways..
  23. I'l try and fly my krazy thing tomorrow... btw : where's whackjob ? hes bound to have the biggest most successful thing of anybody.. edit : wont actually, but I did make lko, not going to submit.. my skills are not great enough
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