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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. white radial engine : when you need thrust on a rover carrying landing (rover underslung) and you don't want your staging hidden from the shear amount of rockomaxes... well my uterly useless part has to be..... the clamp-o-tron jr. I have clicked on it to see how it looks and thats it, if you're building a spacecraft so big it needs them, why are you doing it probe sized multi-launches.... donut tank, I use it, it combined with oscar-b s take such a tiny space !
  2. this may be old but here's another 64bit reference thing : http://www.twitch.tv/hocgaming/b/443077849?t=1h0m15s but personally I don't at all mind not having 64 bit support as I only have 4gb ddr3...
  3. hmm, a flame fest thread, let's have a shot at it.... devs view on procedural : http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/12/23/kerbal-space-program-dev-on-random-solar-systems-the-joy-of-failure-and-the-cult-of-steam/ reasons for unity : most time saving features, tiny builds, started with it (you want to go back to 0.7.3 by switching engines then go ahead). reasons why I don't want eye candy : as it is intel hd graphics suffer from 2x anti-aliasing (had to turn it off) and settings manually set in the config (lower than lowest in the menu). anyways they stated they NEVER will... let's make a KSP metaphor that people should recognise for this : its like saying "Danny should talk, Scott Manley is awesome because he talks" when we all know that it simply wouldn't be funny anymore listening to Danny make witty remarks at his failures... no he should continue to use text, its better that way... A better suggestion would be like "Danny should make a 1 hour video of his craziness". More content sure, but changing how he makes it is a big no-no... Also unless a super turbo and nitro charged Kraken drive were to be implemented stock, so that you aren't cheating, how would you get to all these places...
  4. I'l probably see how many asteroids it takes to build gilly in Kerbin orbit... and for that I really hope there's more options to prevent my gpu from frying...
  5. I'd get out my laptop and see what playing KSP in 0g is like... You are forced to be the first live tester of Danny's mass relay.... he made some VERY SPECIAL modifications just for you....
  6. The reason its not a first part thing is that its RADIAL, which makes sense I guess.. What I would like to see is be able to load it up with a Kerbal in the VAB instead of attaching a mk1 command pod with sepatrons and decoupler on it just to get 1 Kerbal on a seat...
  7. well, I haven't uploaded in a while so I decided that I would make a series to keep myself busy over the march break (nothing to do)... My original video was Rapiers are OP, but I had to re-upload it, in-case you were wondering, it was also my inspiration for the new series as it was my most successful video... Well here it is, Rocket concepts episode 1 : detach the top ! Please tell me how you like it, don't ask for different music or me to talk..... otherwise suggestions are open...
  8. Don't forget xenon tanks ! or batteries or hitchhikers or or or......., It really is annoying playing with the tiny struts isn't it...
  9. granted but since there is no rule against rules, they corrupt the muffin with adding rules. I wish we had KSP v1.0
  10. banned for the person who will post below me will ban me.
  11. true, what is it.... The person below me highlighted this text to see what it was
  12. Thanks mods, hopefully it won't come to locking this thread after getting so far Is there anything the original purpose of the thread would welcome that anybody could unearth ?
  13. Demo challenge : The demo is limited, everybody has the same parts, and no mods exist. and even those who haven't bought the game can play. What you do is up to you, build mass relays using only your limited parts, fly into Kerbol, make cannons... The point of the challenge is to see who can make the whackiest thing and most whackjob-ish things... As a prize I'm going to make one of my pixel art flags and a picture for your signature soontm. (if this gets popular) only rule is that it must be the 18._ demo. Have fun.. Creative contraptions 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : Whackjob contraptions 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : scores will be vote based
  14. false, I'm not even at the legal age I'm allowed to work.... The user below me is going to use white text to answer yes because I kindly asked him to so I can finally guess right COME GET THE BACON, YES YOU GET BACON IF YOU OBEY THE ABOVE LINE ^^^^^^^ :sticktongue::sticktongue:
  15. the last couple seasons were good, but they trashed the series in the middle, the start was mediocre though... episodes 1-2 weren't that great (1=geared for kids when its an adult show, 2=love story, no action) and people thought episode 3 would be bad aswell, but it was actually on par, except with better effects to 4-6... disney closed clone wars because it got a bad reputation, so they are starting fresh, made by the exact same people with a show called star wars rebels, which is animated aswell... its probably going to be released ~2015.. hope they dont make the same fatal mistake as clonewars.... personally my star wars fan days are over, only saw a few snippets of clonewars a year ago, and only because somebody else was watching when I walked in the room...
  16. That seems to be what the devs said, but it still goes along with them saying "after it was all said and done" at the kerbalkon... I don't think there is such thing as no conspiracy theories, but from what I see that's what we were getting into and those typically end up in flame wars, which of course get banned really easy... I don't think we really need that do we ? okay, but really now, can anybody find stuff that was tested but never really talked about, that's what this thread is for really... not heated resource mining, multiplayer discussion..
  17. ah finally I will compete : How will this do ? edit : haven't calculated the dV, but I used every bit of fuel in it (I used the remaining fuel as an interplanetary probe) I still probably don't make the leader board do I ?
  18. Multi-player has always been in the WNTS list just like many other things such as more parts, robotics etc. that certainly doesn't mean they weren't intending to implement, rather a "i'l get back to it later" over and over again..... Otherwise can you give me a page that eludes to multiplayer being an "we will never" thing ? Right, conspiracy down, what else can anybody dig up ?
  19. Thanks for clairifying, with asteroid and grappling hooks im sure somebody will assemble a "mun2" next update litterally, grappling hook + asteroid.. Always waiting for that next teaser or in the case of this thread, the next long-lost proposal !
  20. let's count how many posts until somebody suggests that you guys film the meet-up and stream it for all to lay their eyes on This should be a great pressure cooking post especially since a few people will now think that this would be a great idea posts : 12
  21. oh, well if its "we just happen to be there" then its a superb idea . I wish i'd known about the Kerbalkon stream, however when you can't land on the mun and find the idea of travelling to minmus mind boggling then, well you know your a noob and chances are you haven't heard about the grand event or even the forums . As always GL.
  22. Rowsdower, I think that considering the global interest in the game, that maybe on a weekend, set-up a livestream on the forums where every person can ask say 1 thing every once in a while, as streamlined as possible.. maybe un-ban them from talking if they have good points (to prevent spammers) so that much more of the Kommunity can participate. Maybe show off test footage of 0.24 etc. Otherwise you only get the San Francisco population, narrowed down to those who play KSP and further narrowed by those who can actually attend. edit : shouldn't you sticky this to prevent it from going down in the list (already down 2-3 places)
  23. found a new test bed celestial body Harvester is giving a lecture at unite 2013. Its called mun 2.... probably the base of minmus.
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