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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. say, what do we do if we bought the game via steam and them made multiple installs ? if I try update with my alternates then it says I can't update
  2. YAYAYAYAAYAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAYAYAY. please don't be an april fools joke "patch" ofr our game PLEASE. either way still EPIC !!!
  3. does anybody know what the big bug that is causing the delay is, I asked during lolbster's stream and he didn't know :|
  4. what ? must be your pc, I suggest reposting in the forum forum or support categories. you could be right, sounds li*e that latest javascript virus's side-effect. your pc might be useless within ~2 day, so better bac* up all your files on a separate hard drive. edit : loo* its not an april fools jo*e, this is pretty serious. lol
  5. yes you met a very minor form of kraken, you got off lucky....
  6. well, I only bought my laptop (and one of the latest models) less than half a year ago, and it only has 4gb ddr3, so 64bit is pretty useless to me. NOT EVERYONE OWNS A GAMING DESKTOP. and since most developers thankfully have that in mind they don't make 64bit a requirement. otherwise yes, it improves performance but can be a little hastle for one of the smaller benefitial optimisations....
  7. for planned spontaneous disassembly of planet(oids) you might consider looking into the fracture script, it worked in ye olde unity 3 and somebody managed to convert it enough to get it to work in unity 4... It would need some extensive tweeking as it only fractures along already made vertices... or you would need to rely on your voxel creating enough vertices to work with... also requires a generic enough texture.... here is the original, demo : http://btm-site.webs.com/fracturetest.htm the thread, if you look enough you will find the updated but not as good version : http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/57994-Simple-Fracture-Script-v-1-01 there's a demo of a "deform test" that I'm not sure if there's a script for it. edit : the script was orginally meant for for before unity 3.4 , people have only updated it to that version it appears (from the thread) edit 2 : come on somebody plz keep it going !!!
  8. ooh I got a good one you blow yourself up and yes I know, the ship above is not star trek and yes I don't like star trek, except for this .gif from my source of .gifs
  9. what does he like doing in KSP, (if he likes landers then make a lander deploying lander) or (if he likes stations then make a station made of mini stations), a recursive loop, it'l troll him.
  10. don't worry, tomorow we will get a huge surprise. probably a horrific story about 0.23.5 . where did they ever say asteroids would be save breaking ?
  11. awaken the deep space kraken in version 0.18
  12. O_O modder kings unite(y) all you need now is ferram4 to do your aerodynamics. one thing you might find a problem is lift coefficients.... if you plan to have wings. all still looks great, who knows, you might get a fan art bundle soontm. what's the part standard can't wait edit : how come KSP no have ?
  13. PLEASE BE A separate TEST SCENE, PLEASE !!! otherwise, looks great . one thing that might be nice is a web-player build, to be used as a demo to put on your site, no installation required and perks up the page a bit how did you get a new physics engine in ? asset store ?
  14. the smell of necro permeates the air..... anyways there are much newer and more up to date threads, these are from pre 0.18 so we don't even have the same parts anymore. while we're at it, let's have a post countdown til a moderator locks the thread. ~5
  15. banned for having a Kerbaliser avatar.
  16. can't repair that can you. first post on the pic wars
  17. one lol from steam timing was once, saw somebody installing portal2 on his gaming computer and it said the installation time was 1 year hint : it took less than 20 minutes
  18. I think the reason he clocked that much time in KSP is because he has the steam version... and steam never gives that good depictions of how long you spend, its records like 2 hours for every 1 and a half...
  19. Before getting KSP, there was one game called star conflict which had pretty bad space physics, it did use realistic-ish controls.... but in the end I uninstalled it..
  20. given how the menu works and how unity works, it would be pretty easy. in-fact you could make the Kerbal on the start menu a ragdoll if you liked..... in-fact you could have an entire mini game (but the menu might get in the way) you simply drag and drop a Kerbal ragdoll onto the menu and add the terrain a collider. (unity FTW !)
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