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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. Nope, they had absolutely nothing to do with it (and since when does a big company make an open source film ?)
  2. I'm going for.... Alfred Nobel , mainly because of the Nobel prize and because Isaac Newton is already taken
  3. MEME THEME SALE, EXTRA EXTRA, real deal 1 : Yo dawg I heard you liked to pay money... So we've made it so you have to PAY MONEY TO PAY MONEY. *pay an extra $5 to not pay infinite money due to paradox
  4. they are using unity which automatically builds for pc and mac together, and it is possible to do linux builds. that is unless they switch to ogre or panda 3d...
  5. We all know and love blender, the completely free animation/rendering/game-engine all in one software which is used by KSP modders regularily.... A few years ago the blender foundation released SINTEL, a short film made under CC attributes 3.0 .... AND NOW ON YOUTUBE SONY IS CLAIMING TO OWN IT. and of course on youtube it got categorized as copyright infringement and was taken down.... SONY doesn't even have the rights to the film... :mad: read any of these articles : https://www.google.ca/search?q=sony+tries+to+close+sintel+on+youtube&oq=sony+tries+to+close+sintel+on+youtube&aqs=chrome..69i57.9889j1j7&sourceid=chrome&espv=2&es_sm=93&ie=UTF-8 SPREAD THE WORD
  6. probably best describes how you get into the game
  7. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zu5x71iy23vvj1m/operationDuna.png A flag I made.... who knows, going to prepare my "module" But do we have a list of participants ? will everyone from the previous base participate in the duna bases ? edit : OPERATION DUNA - accepted
  8. Can't really tell what the problem is, as I can bearly write code and I can't see it in the first place but... I think its got to do with what your script is detecting, and rigidbody mass, maybe you made some things kinematic ?
  9. hey WE HEAR DANNY'S VOICE ! that of GLaDOS, just as we all suspected.
  10. Awesome , really makes my want to start for duna. edit : I'm going to make a flag for our duna base.... to go along-side maybe a ring of flags (1 for each youtuber ?) like the way the UN does their headquarters if we do this be sure to put your flag in with the save when we return it to Nauthy so we can all enjoy it. Should edit the first post for the new attempt. (no completely but get ready and put cakeninja's trailer on it)
  11. Well, it seems with the new pack we got a lot of optimisations, and leaves more room for follow-up things. maybe here are some example ideas : Remove the water that's under land terrain (if you manage to glitch a Kerbal underground you will see this), this should reduce rendering over land and improve water-lag levels. Asteroid optimisations, they are needed as they produce a lot of lag for lower end machines. (aka me) With the new structural integrity maybe we could get a 5x or 6x phys-warp maybe so the ion engines can be 1/4 less powerful. try and optimise anti-aliasing, it actually produces tons of lag.... Any other ideas ? (no steriotypical "64bit !", that is planned for the near future). feel nearly free to discuss
  12. I guess at best these agencies would say "well if you like maybe you could make an imitation of our ISS modules" but nothing compared to what we got in this update....
  13. AND I thought my ssto docking with an asteroid was big....
  14. well, bit off topic but I did an ssto docking with an asteroid... Judging by the lag it made, I think either this is my first cpu limitation encounter or asteroids need optimisation. it was still great and I'm terrible with ssto s so this was a big accomplishment. it was a C-class asteroid that I had put in 145,000 m orbit.. Jeb became my first Kerbal to spacewalk on an asteroid
  15. You know, E-class is pretty rare, and you don't have to click track if you don't want to go up and get an asteroid or have an impart etc.... There were a ton of optimisations and if you hate these new parts and asteroids, you can go right ahead, all the new parts are in a folder in the gamedata aswell as the asteroids and you can go delete them. Also as for the new parts, you know they would be size 1 if we nerfed the fuel lines a bit... then we would have no use for smaller tanks would we... and the sls that you are campaining against would be supreme, in-fact we could nerf ions to realistic thrust... have fun increasing your orbit. oh well, if anything your solution will be to go to the configs and such and nerf the parts...
  16. one thing we should be able to do is electric planes, the ion engine got 4x the power, meaning we could probly do duna ssto s. But currently I'm worried because I don't really have any imagination for what to do.... edit: I'l try kmp again if you get a server running
  17. optimisations, things to do its all great. can't wait til next week.
  18. The only thing is, if you got the game using steam, and make multiple installs (for different mod combos) and try to update each of them individually then there is a thing that askes for your KSP store account and if it checks and says you haven't paid then it doesn't let you update. so basically you need to copy paste and hit replace files if you happen to use multiple installs. But for a while you are perfectly fine(as in until you copy paste the game for multiple copies) , just tell steam to always update immediately update whenever there's an update and there's no drm.
  19. claw's can attach to anything other than a planet/moon/building. Loving the improved performance.
  20. just caught my first asteroid and put it in a stable orbit, crew returned safely.. boys those things have a lot of mass. I also did a fuel transfer between 2 vehicles with the claw..... except they were attached by a Kerbal I stuck in the middle Just loving the new framerate
  21. ok, lock it then it was so nice getting a few official responces though.
  22. Ok, if you hadn't heard of my cancelled content mega thread then check out the link in my signature. It was my only mega thread to date and it picked up quite some useful conversation AT FIRST... then we had technical difficulties. RULE FOR THIS THREAD : NO, ABSOLUTELY NO DISCUSSION ON MINING OR MULTIPLAYER, IGNORE ANYONE WHO BRINGS EITHER OF THEM UP. SAME GOES FOR ANY CONSPIRACY this thread is meant for people who find videos/screenshots of prototype features/parts that haven't made the cut for unknown reasons. And explanations of why (put citations) aswell as what happened to them so far what I had from previous thread : Chad's airplane parts (including a cargo bay, bigger landing gear and a helicopter rotor) - on a live stream he said they never got past his channel - gp2 -unknown- mun2- Harvestr said it was only used to test the patched conics and nothing more- New and what motivated me : NovaSiliko's inflatable module (on his channel), unsure if he was part of squad at the time or not. if you are a moderator and disapprove/ think people will derail the topic quickly, please lock the thread before people notice it.
  23. already made a good old multistage asparagus. it'l probly work... Now we still need that one person to finish......
  24. great, now when do we get 0.24 ? just kiding, can't wait to hear what they say for the dev notes edit : WOOAHHH its faster !
  25. granted, now you are no longer imune to the radiation of the visible spectrum. I wish I could code better
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