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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. mods: FAR, Procedural wings, Kerbal_Konstructs, Atmospheric Trajectories. Issue: Revert flight menu option disappears, not grayed out, completely gone. It happened after a runway Crash (on takeoff), I checked that the difficulty options were still checked, will post log tommorow if needed. Reason of Crash: front wheel of plane had its collider disappear for some reason, couldnt take off, so I face planted basically....
  2. 8/10 Pretty accurate, you along with Kasuha are always able to redirect Plights among other things.
  3. nope, Starwhip i'm guessing its been a really long time since pamplemouse played , I really miss that kraken gif now...
  4. You aren't going anywhere.... *Waits for random mud post*
  5. Nemrav


    bullets ? seeds ? yoddler ?
  6. banned, for never hearing of it and the damage it caused the users.. srrsly most vets seem to have it on signature.
  7. Nemrav


    the northern star ? one of the dippers ?
  8. Nemrav


    planets, the moon, the milkyway, andromeda, the solar system in general ? *starts making desparate grabs at possibilities* (because stars are taken) edit : Satellites, space stations ?
  9. granted, they are now so big that your heart can't pump enough blood through them, they (and the feet) become paralyzed until you take back your wish. I wish i could take a few more days off...
  10. I think this kind of destroys the point of giving suggestions to the devs, or even the devs developing the game apart from engine updates... Why don't we just mod everything in ! On the actual part... You are right in that the intake is mostly well... an intake, but unless we get a dedicated compressor piece I think a slight weight balance is the best we can do... that or increase fuel tank weight..
  11. banned for joining exactly 1 year after the forum kraken attack...
  12. Until there's a complete redo of the aerodynamics model, I think the added "-fuel weight" (aprox 3 words in code needed to be added(or removed if its to be cleaner)) and some weight balance is quite worth it. If people want something really realistic, we could make the air compressor a completely separate part. and give it a bunch of the weight. Then with the jet split in 3 parts, we could have wackier designs....
  13. 7/10 idk, but i'm always scared to give higher than 8 incase there is something even better. edit : nvm 8 or 9/10
  14. EEK, unity + online DO NOT MIX. Well, least ways not if you want to have ANY physics based objects from the client side (like a player). I'd recommend starting off with doing a split screen type if multiplayer, make a joystick work as player 2.... Its much simpler, mostly fiddling with input and camera outputs to the screen. Either way there are plenty of tutorials, although no multiplayer thing is easy to follow, local co-op/versus is a much less time comsuming option.
  15. I throw a bomb at your wheel with a flag, then I do the same to the asteroid. And I don't make a new Hill, but I imagine a hill in my head, and its my hill. My hill inside MY HEAD
  16. nope..... no clue, will probly figure it out a year later and not know what page it was that I saw the question. The user below me...... ermmmm..... is a moderator.... in disguise ?
  17. banned for using a font I don't know of to answer your location
  18. 7/10 quote reminds me of Wile E. Coyote, ("Super Genius") But I'm not a huge Browny fan, fun people to talk about for a minute, then it goes crazy edit: I mean when the Brownies are being discussed not the ponies GAAHHH THIS IS WHY !!!!
  19. granted, the points on the tree branches are so pointy that you impale yourself (im not implying that ur dead, but you know, bad thing) I wish that people didn't get biased on topics where emotions typically run high..... (real wish, i get really agitated when trustworthy sources do it)
  20. Nemrav


    Well gj, on guessing the impossible riddle. Now I have one question to ask. how do you compose a riddle? So that it obeys the rules and rules others aswell ?
  21. Nemrav


    hope, perserverance, (idk the grammar) call of duty (not the game) triumph over _____ hmmm..... tell us if its an emotion/object/figure/ideal/ something pretty general.... if we dont get it right by the next page the riddle in question : 'Tis the tune of an ancient song; The harbinger's call heralds harms, Gathers rich, poor, right and wrong. Menace be mustered with psalms And shoes; let the sieges begin. Every man has their day, Every man has their flaws and sin, But all today enter, and pray. At sovereign behest, the day is done, But only then, and not before. The endless songs are sung in fun, Yet the silent song has solemn core
  22. Nemrav


    mourning, war heroes separation. never been good at riddles and haven't looked beyond the last page for what's already guessed, but i'd say its something to do with gallantry etc.
  23. banned for using the most overused reason to ban used against vexx32. (srsly every time I come about and see him play this game its used against him)
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