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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. As a base get something that might be similar to stock(as a place holder), then take it as you feel it should be, don't let anyone intimidate you. any quirks will someday be considered a fun challenge anyway.. Everyone seems to be condescending these days if things aren't as good as they "should" be even though they are perfectly fine... Don't let that get in the way of any foresight you have..
  2. 7/10 see you around, but only in forum games..
  3. What about the date the first kraken drive was made (the egg device)... Otherwise I'm for when Danny created his channel....
  4. when Whackjob himself admits it might be slightly on the small side, I mean really only 2 vabs' tall ? That might be interresting come to think of it.....
  5. Good idea, even better than the snacks ish system that was suggested.... But the "simply put a probe on it" is a pretty big issue... Solve it without having the younger audience complaining and I'l be sold...
  6. Museums that display the log and the craft have been something suggested before, but really, I have no idea why not..
  7. While I agree on the texture complaints, and the fact that they could spare a few polys on the buildings (even on my low end laptop) I disagree with the people crying out at the notion of Kerbals having thrown something together in order to start out... I mean with this the altitude record contract might actually be a challenge rather than the very first the that you do.
  8. banned for editing due to nonja's my guess is that I will be banned for this white text or for the ninja grammmar erorr...
  9. sorry... guess_whos_next.py says its going to be : r4pt0r my guess is rarity though....
  10. Lol, how many stages will the upgradability be in (I imagine 3-5 for start) and will we be able to make our own space center stages ? Also will I be able to downgrade in sandbox to admire small buildings/destroy a building and then build old version instead of direct repairing ?
  11. cmon, I was meant to do it ;( now I will forever be tempted to look at yours.. oh well red iron crown edit: my version import random people = ["Overfloater","Starwhip","Nemrav","Mrrpamplemousse","Red Iron Crown", "Vexx32","Endersmens","LABHOUSE","MrMuddyBoots","General Rarity", "The Destroyer","zekes","worir4","Lhathron the Elf","cantab","r4pt0r", "Fyre Flare","Lundmunchkins","Megalodon 720","Frozen_Heart","aceassasin","KasperVLD", "new person"] amount = len(people)-1 picked = random.randint(0,amount) guess = people[picked] print(guess) input("press enter to exit, be sure to copy/paste before you leave")
  12. #syntax error : Overfloater is not valid syntax guess.py working... success, new guess is : "Starwhip" come to think about I might actually make that script to freshen up on me python
  13. until later, in the mean time, have you got unposted screens ?
  14. nope, never seen you here before.... plz stay, we always need more people around btw Kasper, does this mean any projects the you support such as the 13.3 and older will get official support (or something close to it)
  15. no ponies here... the one who is "rarely presidential"
  16. Yukon 10char edit: wait there's a KSP forum steam chat, link plz !!!
  17. banned for having only 7 more posts than the person above you
  18. Kerbals do not get poofed when they land on jool, and last I recall someone has managed to do a return mission from the Jool surface, it was a science expedition last I recall...
  19. banned for 2 quotes by same person in your signature.
  20. 3/10 seen you on naval combat thread..
  21. this has been suggested before, in ermm speculation about a crawler way usage by guess who.... It wouldn't be too hard, have a camera in the vab scene(game engine camera, not in game object) that screen the rocket and ignores the rest of the scene.. Then you paste that image onto some preexisting images in the loading screen and all you have to do is move it along... say from left to right on a perfect side view.. the amount the rocket is close to launch pad shows progress to scene loading... tl;dr not that hard, screenshot the rocket's side and paste that screen with some other images into the loading screen, make them move with load progress.
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