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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. Pretty sure its going to be a difficulty option slider... such as a)SAS only B)upgrades C)all probes fully upgraded...
  2. error: wrong user predicting : Ikaneko
  3. Nemrav


    does this thing have a dual personality ? a leaf ? like it does glide and is in among trees, cast aside and burned....
  4. Nemrav


    hmm..... 1st and last bloc refer to a single alone thing while the middle blocs refer to plural evil defeated things... They must corrolate.... Some opposites thing ? names ? doesn't fit... This has got to be another one of those chess map type riddles Vexx, are we in for a long time....
  5. Okay just thought of some part ideas that might be practicle... but chances of them having been suggested (for clairity extensively) (or reasonably searchable) are low... just add a number and post but if the part you described can be searched in 1-3 words of the search box plz do so (no old already seen flame battles).. 1: Tetrahedral wings, high drag, high lift, light but enormous wings... (see the AEA's Cygnet I, II, III (preferably) or the Oionus I). 2: strut with attachment nodes only. That gets mesh collider that we can place things radially on it, mainly to solve the problem of the hierarchy type building gaps... 3: air bags, deployable like a parachute that has low heat resistance but can absorb lots of impact/can float (lithobraking ftw) 4: large extended radial decoupler, simply not a fan of having to use panels as part deflectors.. edit : I only saw in the search some mods for airbags
  6. Not from squadcast, but apparently they took the barn out because people whinned too much....
  7. Another question, apparently, Harvester worked on a module that got rid of drag on parts in cargo bays... Any news on that one since the twitter post (which someone linked to me) ?
  8. To those who want size restraints instead of part count, for once i'l give in, it wouldn't actually be hard to code... In unity (not unreal, home, cry etc. engines) all they would have to do is add some colliders(around 5 per VAB level), set them to trigger and add 2 lines (excluding variable definitions) that goes something like this: "for (triggercolliders in scene){ if(mytriggercollider.collided == true){outsidelimits = true;}}" or skip the for loop and just have an if statement for every single collider..... I'm now counting the posts before the time bomb goes off
  9. That's what upgrading the launchpad does exactly... Anyways even my biggest ships only have 150-200 parts, so its not like its going to limit you much at all.
  10. Nemrav


    hmmm..... 1st bloc sounds like its a thing people toy with in their mind. 2nd seems to indicate that its a thing to be forgotten 3rd fought with 4th cast aside and obviously its plural ... maybe..... they are.... weapons, paper, conscription, loss, lost ones but its Vexx, so I'm wrong by default.... They are simply that good
  11. Secret 0.90 feature 0_0 .... DIFFERENT CREW TYPES !!!! HYPE http://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/2o42bx/devnote_tuesdays_the_thousand_words_edition/cmjjjr8
  12. Tracking station sounds like a good idea, but side note here (hope this doesn't derail) /off topic-- Secret 0.90 feature 0_0 .... DIFFERENT CREW TYPES !!!! HYPE !!!, spamming this in the hype thread !!!! (single post) /on topic Maybe could of proportional modifiers, low tech probe close to Kerbin has all function, but further out they lose the functions, then to use the advanced functions farther out, you need better core....
  13. 9/10 pretty well known in forum games (but nowhere else on this forum)
  14. Ah, a planetary orbit sim except maneuver nodes are way more accurate and (since it is its own scene) can handle more of them... Dv for each maneuver and everything... But what happens if I miss my target , maybe mission planner could perhaps suggest a correction maneuver ?
  15. You could try the orbiter forums.... like KSP did maybe some flight sim forums like "mission4today" (il2 sturmovik ish forum, but not actually limited to it...) So far, to go with object manipulation and rovers (and their deployment) have there been any robotics related things added? edit: have any staff been added to the project... ? what have the others been doing ?
  16. That's a great control system for manipulation of objects.. But how does it work with 0g or low gravity...? What about on rovers (claw with limited manipulation)? Will I get to throw huge cereal boxes filled with tnt into some poor unexpecting inhabited planet? Will I be able to bring black-holes into the human galaxy to create an apocolypse (game over)? And above all, will this become a g-mod construction (for astronaut) with spaaaaaaaaace!!!! ??? Ok I'm getting giddy, being serious what's the gameplay for the office going to be (or is it just going to be a hub/menu or sorts?)
  17. When I joined years ago (probly same time as op) it was great, armored patrol, galleons, other wingman8 stuff... But by the time I stopped it was becoming trash ("role playing") things, anything decent had absolutely no people on it.. But then again that was a year about ago, maybe its changed...
  18. For the rovers.... have you thought about the control system, will it have a KSP-ish system or something else... On that note, have you thought about a tracked rover system (maybe even arrayed wheels but less likely) from observations of others doing it in Unity its basically just a series of wheels with suspension and then using bonnes you get a track mesh to stick to the ground... Also, have you considered a web demo build ? yet... of prototype 0 ?
  19. banned for using imgur like everyone else !
  20. As in the previous thread about this, I'l mention that at around 0.14 there was work done on propellers... In addition to a bigger landing gear and airbrakes and cargo bays... other plane things on chad's channel...
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