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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. there are scenarios... next to resume save and tutorials and there are a couple ARM missions. They haven't been changed in a long time, so I think maybe some more varied things might be nice... There may already be mod scenarios (its really just a pre-set save...) WELCOME TO THE FORUMS !!!!111!!!
  2. For most contracts, you get advanced funds, which is upfront, usually enough to pay for the rocket... Then you make your profit when the contract is complete and they give you more funds. Still I like this banking idea.
  3. nope, now you can reach it at least, if you use the difficulty bar and max it, you start with 1000 rep and all rep things give 0.0.....
  4. So, yes I'm aware the biggest problem with this is the amount of time it takes to do a single building in any game...... But essentially it goes like this, c7 aerospace, maxo, etc. have their own complexes around Kerbin, one per company.. Most would have say a store, storage and development buildings... Others *might* have a mini VAB and launch pad/ SPH, runway... Being miniatures, it could explain how Kerbals pop to existance in orbit and the failures mentioned in contract descriptions.... All this would mean is more buildings to bomb .... I meant to say, look out for It could also mean transport contracts or special recovery bonuses (ie, you get c7 parts bonus recovery near the c7 complex).
  5. Before we get into "MILLION VERTICES OR ELSE BRAAAAA" I would like to say that the textures and models are just fine, if not a bit overdone (24 vertices for a cylinder, srrsly, it with many default shaders in unity it can look perfectly round on 16).... The style also seems to compliment the Kerbals... intellects..... Making things look nicer is just fine, just don't remove the current minimums for people running minimum settings.... edit: I'm fine with some extra dirt marks grimy, just not forcing higher res to "get rid of" low res grimey...
  6. Does this work with the galaxy generator you showed off I while back ? And could your grid system generate a texture (terrain paintish thing) based on a height map ? such as for a habitable planet negative levels get an underwater texture while the higher in ordinary units, the more rocky, less grassy the blend is (say 2 layer texture baking) ...... Well, I mean in the future, do you think it could mean that....
  7. Out of here with your invincible _______, or anything !!!!...
  8. Nemrav


    its an anti-something isn't it.... probably one of those hypothetical planets that was proposed but didn't exist. vulcan ? (planet close than mercury (this is not a reference to ST)) planet X ?, the thing that was supposed to be at the opposite us on orbit of the sun... ?
  9. Floor 935 : You find one big empty room with nothing in it, no stairs nothing, so you bust a hole in the roof and reach up, something strange touches your hand...
  10. Good news, redesigned ui is coming within the next 2-3 updates ! It isn't being talked about much though so we don't know the progress nor exactly how soon it might come...
  11. I suspect in 0.26 we will have them, not sure if mk3 gets totally replaced this update, but for sure they will in 0.26 and so with the mechanics in place, they should get a go ahead. How long do you think they should be ? I'm thinking since the mk3 is larger in diameter to make them 3/4 the size of a mk2 cargo bay...
  12. K I updated the points, thanks for the positive feedback. -- also Reserving this spot for later.
  13. That's not nice, don't you realise there are 7billion humans on earth (including yourself) you just insulted ?
  14. Okay, I simply have found many threads that get shot down, because of one reason or another, weather good or not, so I thought (in the hopes a sticky or a mod version to get stickied) of posting a simple, short point form guide for making your suggestions and replies to suggestions.... for suggestors ... 1: Make sure your title clearly states the topic, we don't want "be generic to attract clicks" around. 2: Get down all the points for the suggestion that differ from previous suggestions close to the same topic (aerodynamics for example) 3: Be sure to Read some guide to already planned features, The WNTS and already suggested threads are good, but not always up to date, only bother with first post/page.. I find a personal preference is the Planned features page on the KSP wiki. Get the general topics familiar.. You could also do a search on the web on results should turn up. 4: Don't make an essay, people will simply not read it, no matter how wonderful that idea is.... 1 paragraph should be your max length before you will get ignored. 5:Be sure to make your topic non-inflammatory, think out if a major controversy might happen, the topic itself is okay, but please make sure it stays peaceful (don't force your ideas on others and diffuse arguments FAST) 6: Don't bump for the sake of it.... for those who reply ... 1: Don't simply say, "there's a mod for that, here", make the point available, but give other feed-back aswell, if someone has already suggested a mod, suggest an alternate or leave it there. 2: Just like suggestors, please be weary of controversies and heated topics, try and keep the flame grenades diffused. 3: If you see something that doesn't seem quite right, don't shoot them down, state the flaw, and say how it might be fixed. 4: Don't flame if someone suggests a WNTS thing, make the person aware, be polite and give encouragement. 5: Don't derail the topic, and if you see someone start to derail the topic, state your responce to them and then address the topic in question. If this has already been done by someone else, just continue with the main topic. 6: check the post date on the last post (should be above the username) before posting, for the most part, the older the thread, the less likely its relevance. Well, I guess follow the suggestions and suggest your own, if this stays up for long enough, I might consider even editing this thread to include new ideas (ie this gets longer than 3 pages).
  15. COMRADE JENKINS UR ALIVE !!!!!!! *insert still alive here* Looks like it was menat to be a Kerbal grabbing device, which he managed to destroy Kerbin with and got sent flying into space
  16. duck season erm.... no Elmer season ! (if you remember the episode)
  17. Nemrav


    The scrambler (type of amusement ride) a dryer. dish washer
  18. 1/10 everyone but I know you... How Ironic considering we having the same join date.... edit: and post #s.... *please add creepy music for conspiracy theorists here*
  19. 9/10 starter of the most famous of forum games
  20. nope and to your question, yes I think green did guess it right once..... A human will reply next JK its a computer who is next, tricked ya !
  21. But its so comphy in herez.... Waiter there's a forum in mah soop
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