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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. put a crazy contraption on the mun, build a silly rocket concept (detach the top first ?), etc.
  2. something here is suspicious, why would anyone join a forum, look everything over, decide to choose this particular thread near the bottom of the suggestions+discussions list, ignore 8 and 9/10's by most popular game reviewers (ign, rps, joystick, gamespot etc.), youtube videos etc. then create an account on a forum they are never going to use, because it is for a game, they will never use, simply to say "I will not buy your game, you are trash and criminals for being indie and doing below average work on 14 buildings, ignoring maybe the rest of the whole thing".... Something tells me that one particular disident decided to try to get a point across by using an email alias to create a separate account... Really, if you looked at this thread and decided not to get the thing, why bother with all this, chances are you have a steam account and could therefore simply write something on the steam forum... But anyways, you won't get banned for a pointless thing like this, and if you are a separate person from a previous poster, welcome to the forums , try the 2 year old demo and enjoy your stay.
  3. Devs probably misplaced a couple 0s... suspect next patch will make it right..
  4. with 30 parts and most basic tracking station.... the asparagus got me 1/3 of the dv to the mun, the little (1/2 sized 1m stack,pod,goo,2parachute,4panels,lv-909) pod had to do the rest... I did a blind landing (litterally could not see anything on external) using only iva instruments at best... I even chose my landing spot blind... Landed, almost perfectly flat terrain, fufilled contracts and proceded to get into the wrong orbit direction for a return.... Boosted out of the mun, only to get into a bigger kerbin orbit.... Waited til apoaps, tried to de-orbit, but not enough fuel.. So jeb got out and pushed, and it worked, I returned successfully..
  5. hmm.... People have extracted it to sketchfab I believe and done things with it, try there first, if not, a Kerbal is a "part" so you could find it in the gamedata-->squad folder and extract it using the .mu exporter.... Someone else will probably churn out the links soon enough...
  6. thing is, I don't even get that when I do stage things....
  7. Nemrav


    A fated pair, we're quite a bother, Though one is longer than the other. While both quite full in all regards, Our contents differ, claim thy guards. As time goes by, the longer grows, Changing with the winters' snows. All the while, the shorter slows, 'till all our pieces cast their blows. What are we? You didn't know what a menorah was Vexx ??? , also how is a menorah annoying ? anyways, maybe, they are dr. Jeckel and mr. Hyde ?
  8. Well, calculation of exposed surface so that cargo bays and fairings do what they are meant to do would be nice... same goes for wings and maybe stalling.. But really, Squad should simply do something independently of the forum, it always creates crying when things aren't perfect to the way 2 polar opposite opinions want, but it always tends to work out in the end...
  9. Nemrav


    icicles ? doesn't fit "our contents differ", unless you've found a heavy water icicle (which is very doubtable)
  10. Thinking of KAS, I think final tree would be like this... lvl1: repack chute lvl2: repair leg/wheel lvl3: repair/ deploy solar panels lvl4: place struts lvl5: place fuel lines
  11. Looks like we need a new poll option... But that does look like its possible with sepatrons (although they are much bigger)..
  12. Accepted a rescue "___" from lko orbit contract.... then I realised that I didn't have any tracking station upgrades at all.... I'm horrible at rendezvous, and I didn't quick save.. But after 5 tries and 2 different designs, I managed to do my first ever rendezvous without the maneuver nodes, had just enough fuel to get back down... Well, I guess its harder than a mun transfer, but probably not as hard as a duna intercept... On the note of that mission, its funny that I don't have eva ability yet, but those Kerbals are still standing themselves....
  13. say does the ESA agreement mean rosetta grappler type parts and comets, like the nasa pack... Its only a question of time before CNSA, Roscosmos try something...
  14. 5 seconds ago I saw 75 pages now I see 92 KSP TV is lagging... Squad is waiting to release f5 key is little drop of liquid from pressure and friction heat and mr.negative has already posted to no avail. Seems like a typical update
  15. Nemrav


    cat/dog It can "rain cats and dogs", they obey humans(or robots I guess....), we definetly buy them etc.
  16. Yes.... that's right, speaking of which, has he ever done forum games ? Starwhip
  17. Not many unofficial mods for games make entire websites for themselves and pay for it themselves You're doing great !
  18. you troll, you were meant to put Titan there... Titan, 2006 RH120, Vanth
  19. I'm left handed and I've used it.. Its not exactly symetrical and is designed for right-handed people, but if your thumb is twisty enough (can put it parallel with index finger) that little thumb rest (for right handed) works just fine in my opinion... Also it has lots of button on base (which aren't labeled for your temp inconvenience), stick twists (which is new), buttons on stick are logical and the little circle thing ontop is kind-of a stick itself, useful for camera... Think that you may need a little weight to add to it so it doesn't tip easily.. Really liked it, despite not using sticks that much.. I'd say go for it. But if you consider a different stick, just get a symetrical one, I don't think they're that hard to come by.. just go by image and don't limit your search by using extra keywords..
  20. no, how could you possibly have had it wrong.... Zekes
  21. It generates viruses for those pesky atm's that withhold money from you...
  22. Last I played was 1.5.0 Just wondering, is desyncing still a problem(splitting into parallel universes with occasional interactions), and is there any lan server options ? Those bug fixes look great
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