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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. duck season erm.... no Elmer season ! (if you remember the episode)
  2. Nemrav


    The scrambler (type of amusement ride) a dryer. dish washer
  3. Already been stated a half dozen times in the thread... 1: it means static objects in the scene can be (re)placed (easier kerbtown stuff) and closer to real time 2: Upgradeable buildings and buying completely new buildings, possibly placed where you want them. 3: Bigger career mods 4: 1 step closer to craters around the bodies of the world. 5: demonstrates the new splosions (this is a different reason than "its funny", therefore it counts)
  4. 1/10 everyone but I know you... How Ironic considering we having the same join date.... edit: and post #s.... *please add creepy music for conspiracy theorists here*
  5. 9/10 starter of the most famous of forum games
  6. Some people simply go on forums, don't actually help and simply rage, hate, etc. For all those who want something different, don't you realise that since v 0.17 people have been consistently demanding new plane parts to replace the ones we currently have. Really in many cases, the reason developers, from W.O.T to next car game ignore the forums for the most part, is because all people want to do is complain.....
  7. nope and to your question, yes I think green did guess it right once..... A human will reply next JK its a computer who is next, tricked ya !
  8. But its so comphy in herez.... Waiter there's a forum in mah soop
  9. Nemrav


    tectonic plates ? volcanoes ? airplanes ?
  10. 8/10 You appear all the time on forum games
  11. I think you need to add a rule about no using unbreakable joints, because if that rule isn't there, than I may have already won..... edit : video, but entry probly not suitable...... edit2: I did redo this manned, but for now its confirmed that my entry is not suitable
  12. okay I know there's the riddles thread but I think I'd like my own twist on it... So basically you chose a person, write a little riddle that hints to who they are and then people try to guess it. special rules : to make sure that things stay within bounds you MUST chose from the following to make your riddle about : a - A person who has posted in the thread recently, ex : I just posted here so you could make a pointless riddle about me... b - Yourself, might be an easy thing to guess though c - A community icon, such as Whackjob, Scott Manley, ferram, etc. d - A gamedev or moderator on these forum, former or present (person like Rowsdower counts) e - A Kerbal, who has on the Forum some known popularity, like Jeb, Kirrim or Wherner. I'l start.... I guess, hope this doesn't get merged, I think its best its separate, like pic wars and gif wars..... He was given a Fortune, despite a late start. He always sought to go bigger, even though he had no rivals. He grew in fame, and had no shame. His machines couldn't keep up, but that never stopped him. Who am I talking about. hint to get this thread going, he is within the bottom 3 categories mentioned
  13. Nemrav


    Up and down, or left and right, Mix and match, but be polite. Loaned for eyes, owned for ears, Still the origin's unclear. Away from home not often found, Though in Hawaii there's its sound. On the net sometimes a mess, That's all your clues, so take a guess. --4 new page-- obviously its a controversial thing on the net and depending on how it was meant either comes from or does not happen in Hawaii The us president ? president(s) in general ? something to do with politics ? a political controversy in Hawaii ?
  14. banned for playing this forum game with less than 200 posts.
  15. Nemrav


    European space agency ? Canadian space agency ? Japan ? India ?
  16. okay, after having used unity since unity2, I know of the problem you speak of. Basic pre-packaged unity character controller scripts (which is what Ksp uses) simply set the speed you are travelling when you walk, so even when you do get friction accounted for, whenever you jump, or walk, you will fall way... back. It takes a bit more of a complex script to account for all the cases, and requires a bit of a redo compared to the unity "FPS Walker" character controller. Okay if tl;dr or you dont think I explained well, squad went for a bad default. There is however a happy and free + easy solution squad could use, simply follow the link and replace the FPS walker on the Kerbal Prefab with "Advanced FPS Walker". Link : http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=FPSWalkerEnhanced , Since the script(s) were made in an older version of unity (unity3) some snippets may require updating, but that shouldn't be a problem.
  17. 7/10 see you from time to time, mostly on forum games.
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