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Everything posted by Nemrav

  1. integrated ~$375 laptop(+tax) graphics here = 0.23 : below minimum graphics and minimal screen usage and sub 10fps, 0.23.5 = full screen, quarter res, terrain scatter and absolutely 0 water lag. 25 + fps for a real good comparison you need to show both gaming computer and minimal computer I think.... sadly my last 0.23 copies are both modded so it might be rather pointless for me to graph the difference.
  2. So I'm guessing you will make as many possible procedural parts possible (3 tanks maybe, 1 solid fuel engine, 1 ion, 1 liquid fuel, 1 wheel, 2 solar panels etc.) in order to reduce physics requirements and allow soft body ? tell me, On what sort of level is the galaxy generated ? is it like "start by generating galaxy map" then when you visit galaxy it makes star map then when you visit star it generates a planet system.... or will it by "generate it all at once" + will we have seeds ? We need an open alpha soontm edit : thanks
  3. we are sorry, but due to the lack of profits erm.... engine limitations, we will no longer support mods, the next update will be forced and required and has the terrific, I mean sad consequence of no more user modability, all mods, being useless will be removed from any and every domain... But don't worry, we will have new dlc that will more then make up for the loss, only $999.99.
  4. well, I guess turbo fans are jet engines, I think you might go turbo-fan/pusle jet (back to the 1950's), you simply compress a ton of the air (or in this case co2) and shoot it out.... maybe you could mix the compressed gas with rocket fuel and see if it is all thrusted out at high velocity when lit ? I'm not really good at science am I.....
  5. didn't read most of this (tell me if this was covered) but here are a bunch of things to consider : 1)what happens if there is a disease (in early colonies) 2)1/3 of earth's gravity, what happens if you need to send future generations back to earth 3)protection from solar wind (mars = no substantial magnetic field) 4)€€€,$$$ is needed, anyways why not colonize Siberia and Canadian territories/Alaska tundra or northern greenland etc. they are much more habitable for less cash. 5)sunlight, no matter how much you do, plants still need sunlight which isn't in abundance on mars. it would be even less if you increased the atmosphere in order to retain more heat. 6)loneliness, I think mars would have a higher suicide rate. Terraforming is a good idea though.... I guess.... but there's no place like home edit : why not terraform Titan, useful transfer base and also has ocean of what is essentially..... petrolium (methane) and it has a substancial atmosphere.
  6. I'm wondering what non-ship mechanics will be in this, will we get multi-body simulation, maybe lagrange points ?
  7. me, I played during beta which was great, then once it was released, I got a ram2 (which people hate ????) and made my personal record of 11kos and 2 assists in one match with it.... Basically it(the game) was ruined by the MM putting all the noobs and 1 or 2 good persons (typically me) every single match.. it also was too pay to progress (beyond tier 6)... it also used an hp system, didn't have its history accurate beyond the 1st paragraph in a wikipedia search (sexton was literally better in every way to the bishop and yet bishop gets 2 tiers higher ????, and how does a 1920 piece of trash beat sexton too ???)..... Really after the first year the only 2 fun things to do were tier1 and tier 5 when you actually got top rank in the match (which btw is extremely rare)... I switched to warthunder.... and I got KSP once banned from warthunder (wasting too much time on semi-violent thingy(but it was counter effective as I play a ton more KSP then I ever did the former)) and that sums up a few years of personal gaming history
  8. closer to possible then the last tournament.... but not close enough ... could somebody please stream this
  9. maybe for a land module I'k make a flatbed, I was planning on making some sort of a rover anyways..... What will be our standard docking port, the big one ? and otherwise use the claw ?
  10. fenrir wolf is right, their headquarters may be in Mexico city but ~half their team works remotely (people in the US and UK) but really they don't have, as a gaming studio have any real reason for multiple studios... until they get multiplayer going (hosts for servers) and/or get other game projects going. however should they go international it will be something like Northern US, Montreal, London, Moscow, Shanghai.... really it depends on the proximity to the old studio hense NA gets attention first...
  11. new rewrite of the contracts system , all the flags being implemented :D , does this mean we are already getting 0.24 soon tm ?
  12. oh dear, ohhhhh dear... by the way : please tell us the lag comparison from before : after
  13. really the last thing of my concern is 64bit, I don't even have a 64bit machine.... But surely there is other to improve performance cpu wise.....
  14. you are ironically making a post which is defeating the purpose of itself. however both you and the guy that you quoted are right... but the thing is, in forums we don't use big long speaches and the longer it is, the more likely people will look over it....
  15. and yet another one of these threads........ *groan* edit : the reason for no science me thinks is that having it in sandbox would be a spoiler, you didn't do anything for it... And if you use the tiny science instruments then they do give you a display of information, and you can transmit stuff with antennas/dishes..... problem solved
  16. eh, for android a game that's coming soon to android (as in its next update) would be icebreakers : a viking voyage.... to be fair, in addition to my positive bias towards the company that made it, they are getting a steady stream of awards : from pocket gamer alone, they got best iphone game (it was on Iphone first) and best puzzle game of the year and overall best game of the year (it beat zelda, ashphault 8, etc, etc), and that's only the most recent..... for other apps, you might consider..... oh wait, I don't have an android, so I'm helpless helping you
  17. penguin, they are using unity, which from my experience forces a build for mac and windows at the same time !!, not sure how they managed to build for linux go, but the point is, yes mac comes alongside windows, linux comes later typically.
  18. when will people get it through their system and into their brain that resource mining was not entirely cancelled, only cancelled in the form it was originally planned, of which we have no details about... the closest we ever got to knowing how dull the original method would've been was a post by Rowsdower here : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71647-Shoved-under-the-rug-cancelled-content/page7 and squad didn't think it was worth it to find out... man, wish people with their resource mining hadn't ruined the success that thread had.... edit : to keep the thread on track, yes we are all interrested in GP2.... the only reason I can think of, as to why we don't have it is because the goal of squad for this year is finishing the features of career mode and getting an official multiplayer up and running.
  19. we already had a thread for this and I think I saw you participate, anyways here's what most people put : Kerbitz, Kerdols, Kerbucks, Kbites, Kollars (anything with K) edit : Kredits was popular too ^^^^^^^
  20. general robotics basically Kerbaled version of this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_Servicing_System , yup that sums up all the robotics we need. preferably with an IK controller for the arm.
  21. I've seen this since 0.22 and have done eva science from orbit "in space over KSC" I think the only reason we have it is becausethey wanted the ground experiment...
  22. does this have any implications for the kraken drive ?
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