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    Ahrensburg, Germany

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  1. Wonderful. I use to have Bobcats Mir in many of my games until now. Nearly everything worked fine. Okay, the RCS thrusters have some ugly graphics when thy fired, but that was not so bad. Or, if it was, it was just at the docking procedures. I just had the attatchments updated, but that was all. But even that was not nessecary, because one could deactivate that problem. I would be delighted to see some part soon
  2. I tried it with Version Most of the gauges work quite fine, but the barometric pressure and the like doesn't seem to work. MechJeb Custom Windows show the korrect barometric pressure in kPa, but Nano Gauges only show Zero.
  3. Rover Dude, I would like to have this resurrected
  4. Just something: 2014 there was a USS Voyager with a nice IVA. It is long gone, but I have the files. And an Enterprise (TOS) with IVA too. Maybe you want to have a look. I can send you the ZIP, if you like.
  5. Hello Shadow I like your Starship very much. It is a real beauty. But I seem not to be able to maneuver it correctly. Would you mind to give me (and maybe others too) a simple manual how to take off, how to land an how to fly simple normal maneuvers like changing apoapsis or the like. Thanks a lot!
  6. OK, I found the error. It was quite simple. On the PAO the animation for opening and closing the SKD cap didn't play. On the PAO of the Progress it did. Since I didn't use the Progress until today I didn't notice that. Now I compared both cfg-files and it was obvious: The 'animation generic' module of the PAO was remarked as comment. It has the '//' before every line. I saw that earlier, but I thought it has to be. But in the cfg-file of the Progress it wasn't remarked as comment. So I deleted the '//' and now everything works as it should. Greetings, - Isabelle
  7. Hello, I like your Soyuz very much. It inself and in combination with the Angara Rocket it is a great addition to my play. However I have the problem, that ihe animated engine cover will not work. The engine fires but the animation does nothing. The cover stays closed. Do I need some other mods to have the animation play? Greetings from Germany, Isabelle
  8. I'll see, if I can have a look today.
  9. Hi! Funny as it is, I have testet the Space Bus with only the Main Unit (the pod) plus the two engines (vtol and Main engine). TCA run smooth and very well. So the engines are not the problems.
  10. Hello Kunedo, I like this vessel. It has potential. But I have a question: I like to use Allistas 'Throttle Controlled Avionics' (TCA). That is a mod helping one to move VTOL vehicles around. Landing and taking up and so on. Normally the vessels like Major Toms Eagle Transporter or the Lander from the Endurance are been supported by TCA. Unfortunally your Space Bus is not. And I cannot see why this is so. Do you have an idea? Greetings, Isabelle edit: I found out that if I leave the left and right lander, then I can use TCA. If I attach them (what I would like to) then TCA is not possible. I will see, if I can find something that is the problem with the landers.
  11. Hello, very nice addon.! I have tried to make a german language Version, but I wasn't able to upload it into the github. Does it make sense to post it right here? maybe as 'code'? - Isabelle
  12. Hello blowfish, thank you for your quick response. I understand. The only way to use the APFD then would be to change the cfg-file: from: cameraTransform = B9ForwardCamera to: cameraTransform = ExtCam1 Then it would use one external camera (with index 1) instead of the internal. is that right? Best wishes, - Isabelle
  13. Hello, I would like to ask a question. I tried to understand how the internal cockpits work. They use the RPM. And they have an own RPM-Screen, the B9-Display. I like this better than the normal RPM-Display. I think the use of the buttons is much better. And (!!!) they have the Syntneticvision. APFD with the SyntneticVision. What I would like to know is, how do you handle the internal cameras, the B9ForwardCamera and the B9LandingCamera? I know, that some of the Displays are able to use the ExtCam (1-8). And some don't. That's okay. I can alter that, but I woulkdn't. But where do I find the definition of the B9ForwardCamera and the B9LandingCamera? Position and FOV and the like. Thank you in advance, - Isabelle
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