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Everything posted by biohazard15

  1. Okay... Trying to replicate A-5 Vigilante also doesn't work as it should: The tail decouples, the payload decouples, the chute... yeeees, cannot activate while stowed! And of course, it works if I open cargo bay - but the whole idea is that you DO NOT OPEN IT!!! Folks, please. Find a way to disable this horrible thing. It simply kills advanced designs.
  2. The fairing base (interstage fairing base in this case) is located between Mk16 chute and small battery. It is simply not visible here (but you still can attach fairing to it), and it's also upside-down (so fairing goes down, not up). Apollo-like fairings - again, the interstage fairing base. But it can be hard to make it work right with that "Cannot activate while stowed" nonsense. By the way, I've managed to make it work - you have to decouple the probe and deploy the aeroshell chute at the same time. Of course, that may cause a collision with the heatshield you've just discarded...
  3. This. This thing prevent my aeroshell design work as intended, and thus should be exterminated in a most violent way possible - via external plugin.
  4. Aaaand of course it didn't work. Re-entry is nice (without SAS!). Buuut... "Cannot activate while stowed" after I decouple the probe. Can this Squad-induced thing be disabled somehow?
  5. Small question. This aeroshell is designed to work as follows (designed for Eve direct entry): - As it is in lower parts of the atmosphere, the heatshield decouples (it's attached to the probe) and the aeroshell parachute deploys, aiding in separation - Near the ground, the probe decouples from the interstage base (it's attached to its floating node) and uses its engine and two small FASA chutes to land. Would it even work? Tests on launchpad shows that all decouples correctly - but the fairing base tells that "Parts shielded: 0". Any suggestions?
  6. This is a story-oriented contract pack, so it goes into add-on development, not in fan works. @kimiko: Great concept! CC is there for a while, and I wonder why no one yet made a story-oriented pack. Although I won't download this (I don't use BDArmory, and I don't like the idea of turning KSP into 3D action), the concept itself is great. Now, if it was something exploration-oriented (for example, a NASA-themed pack using FASA and raidernick's US Probes and Skylab)...
  7. Bug: nosecap doesn't appear in career mode. Fix: you've made a typo in cfg - it should be supersonicFlight, not SupersonicFlight
  8. TVR-200L and a couple of powerful 1.25m engines would make a nice LR-87. You can also use a dual-nozzle 2.5m engine from KW Rocketry.
  9. Please make it so this fuel switcher module could be deleted without any negative consequences for your pack (except for the tanks being LF\OX only, of course). I've never installed these things - I don't want my other mods to get such functionality (and possible bugs associated with it).
  10. Any part with some fuel inside (monoprop in case of capsules) becomes extra-resistant to reentry heat. Try to remove it from the capsule - and they'll start to "ablate".
  11. As an small off-topic, it makes me wonder why some people are so fascinated with CKAN. I never used it, and I never will - simply because I prefer tight totalitarian control over my GameData folder, which means I know every mod installed and I track its updates manually. It's simply more reliable than leave it all to some third-party piece of occasionally buggy code.
  12. It's flipping out - MJ tries to correct it, swings engines like some schoolbells, and eventually lose control. I think it's a MJ thing.
  13. Congrats on the little one! Just noticed one small thing - Farshot engine doesn't have a fuel cell functionality anymore. Is this intended?
  14. Huh, never noticed that test update... Made a test flight with Odyssey-Jupiter (I've used the craft file) with 25-ton NRAP in its cargo bay. First, it's overpowered - TWR 2.15 on the launch pad. Tweaked both SSMEs and boosters to 75%. Second, and it's the most funny thing - it flies very well with Mechjeb (1.4km gravity turn start, 50% profile). The only thing here is that you need to place the shuttle in such way that it makes the turn belly-up. Otherwise, it would end bad - both with manual and MJ's roll. Also, DO NOT decouple spent boosters until the shuttle stabilizes. And disable pitch and roll action for the tail (and yaw for the elevons). Engage RCS when circularizing or doing orbital maneuvers to provide better control. The Odyssey can be tricky to land - it does not glide very well, and you have to be careful during your re-entry and final approach (Intrepid is obviously easier, as it have jet engines). It would be a good idea to have some monoprop for OMS, just in case of emergency. Bugs: - Two "Open\Close Bay doors" buttons in the cargo bays options - Brakes are super-effective - I came from 50 m\s to a full stop in less than Odyssey's length
  15. 1) Some parts has an insane amount of MaxTemp (Kibble Jr has 3000, for example) 2) There is a warning in log about all Station Science parts: "PartLoader Warning: Variable heatProduction not found in Part". No other mod gives this (and I use a bunch of part mods - KW, NP, MRS, SpaceY, Tantares).
  16. Here's couple of 1950s tactical jet bombers - Ilyushin Il-28 Beagle and Martin B-57 Canberra. The Beagle is obviously not built for speed - but it can go from KSC to Desert Temple, land here and go back - with some fuel left. Also has an internal bomb bay. The Canberra is a high-altitude plane - thanks to MRS Turbojets, it can cruise at 14K, and make small hops to 19K. Mods used: Adjustable Landing Gear, Modular Rocket Systems.
  17. Hmm, I'm using "MJ for All" MM script and I've never had any problems with it. Although I've deleted MJ parts (which also disables its career progress - all the modules are available from the start, except those which need tracking station upgrade to work)
  18. A suggestion for a future update: move Freyja engine from Command Modules to Propulsion Systems. This way, we can get the entire Odin\Thor system in Tier 1 R&D, which would help immensely in Mun exploration (it's very tedious now to accumulate enough science for Tier 2 nodes without visiting the Mun).
  19. Prone Okay, that was fixed. Thanks! I hope all other such things were removed from the blacklist as well.
  20. Okay, I've got a contract to build the KSS... ...but I don't have a Science Lab currently. And I can't have it, since I haven't yet upgraded the RnD to 2nd tier. Not a major bug, but still
  21. These filters actually are used only by newbie admins - like "hey, that's a nice feature that would help us do our job!". No, guys, it won't. Seriously. All it really can do is to annoy normal users. I totally agree on banning things like F-word or B-word, but not things like "prþn" (which itself was invented as a way to circumvent word filter, LOL) or other strings that may occasionally form "normal" words. And trolls and such will ALWAYS find a way around the filter, unfortunately.
  22. Funny, but "prþn" wasn't added until recently. I've noticed it in my thread about KSP Winx64 first; it was "x64 version is unstable and ....e to crashing". And I remember perfectly that there was NO such censorship when I've created that thread. And I would not agree, Starwhip. In this case, it IS dumb, not "moderately annoying".
  23. Apprently, some time ago you've introduced a blacklist for some words. And apparently, those who implemented it weren't a pros. ....e prþne Please, guys, don't do such things if you don't understand how they work (obviously you don't) and how they can actually hurt a normal user. Pretty please? (In case someone wonder, there is a Cyrillic "o" in a second "prþne" The first "prþne" has a normal Latin "o". Bam, blacklist engaged.)
  24. Solar panel are in NF Solar pack, not in NF Electric. And NF Solar is fully compatible with 1.0.2.
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