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Everything posted by Borisbee

  1. Pretty sure everyone has given up on those. As far as I know there is no way to get the detail of those planets without using PQS_mods like map decals and oblate. What we really need is finer control in how we can create planets, or ideally having Kopernicus doing everything. Right now we are stuck having to use both RSS and kittopiatech as dependencies for actual terrain control. I am sad to see the planet factory planets go away though, I found most of them to be fairly well done.
  2. How so? It applies it to the planet your modifying.
  3. I'v been playing around some with trying to create interesting terrain. Having some issues with really jagged terrain close up, but I have a shot from a distant that looks pretty damn cool. and here is an issue I'm having that I'm trying to solve. I think the issue is too small of a radius planet. I had it at 5k. If I bump up the deformity on the heightmap to 15-20k it comes out pretty smooth but it also makes the overall size of the planet increase. Was trying to go for a real small asteroid with deep craters. Has anyone had any luck exporting the scaledmesh from kittopiatech? Normal maps work fine for the base height map but once you start adding in PQS noise mods and the terrain starts changing the normal map isn't going to match up anymore. - - - Updated - - - You could try adding the normal map to the RSS config instead.
  4. Has anyone tried playing with oceans? I'v been messing around some and while I can get oceans to add the body, I can't seem to adjust the terrain down so that the water is really visible. I can adjust the radius of the ocean, and that does in fact raise the water level...except it's not actually water. By that I mean if you walk to the water, you'll just fall through it and continue walking on the terrain underneath as if the water isn't there. The heightmap I used I painted black to bring the terrain down all the way, but it's still not enough to get oceans to show up properly. Also tried setting the offset to negative, but that didn't seem to solve the issue either. So just curious if anyone has any advice.
  5. Ehh, could we stay away from naming things after popular youtube personalities? Maybe I'm alone in this but I'd like to have a more serious tone seeing the quality of the overall planet pack.
  6. Interstellar is not really supported for one thing. It's a dying mod with an obsolete resource system (ORS). Everything is moving to the regolith API. Like I said, the missing default pqs is "normal" in that even RSS has those messages pop up in the debug but they don't seem to cause any harm.
  7. I'm glad you mentioned Contract Configurator, I was going to suggest looking into that for custom contracts for OPM. The author is really active and open to suggestions and advice. As for biomes I think a google docs is a good idea. Should do just like the community science logs. This way we can get a nice collection of blurbs so you don't have many repeating. - - - Updated - - - This is "normal" behavior I believe for Kopernicus, or maybe RSS. I'v seen this error pop up in pretty much every new planet that is created. I'v also seen the error appear in the RSS mod (the one that changes stock bodies to RSS) so it may be more related to RSS than Kopernicus. I don't think there is a workaround but I also think it's harmless for the most part. I'd try asking Nathankell.
  8. Did you forget to include a RSS config? I gave it a test run and while all the planets show up in scaledspace, Rocko looks like minmus when you get close to land, Belenus just looks like a glowing ball of bright light and appeared to be unlandable, and I think Cyrion looked like eeloo. Manley was an extremely mountainous grey moon while I kind of liked but I'm not sure if that was intended or not since all the other planets seemed to be out of sorts.
  9. This is what I did. Got tired of being limited to what I can do by x32 and just did a small Ubuntu partition so I can use stable x64. Can't recommend this enough. - - - Updated - - - That seems odd, wonder why that would be.
  10. It should be noted that ORS is largely depreciated at this point in time. I believe it's only really used by intersteller mod which is itself nearly dead. The old author hasn't touched it, and the person who ported it to .90 is also dropping support for it so I wouldn't be surprised to see it die off completely in the future. If anyone picks it back up I'd hope they port it over to the regolith api. Personally I'd worry about resources once you get biomes completed since regolith can use those to generate resources in more detail. Out of the box, Regolith will generate resources on all bodies by default, but you can narrow it down by specifying in more detail using the configs. If you're curious about how it works take a look at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1apMiDJDYtfGi_wznWejP5MmBjK7RxPZnRwFPCsATrIY/edit
  11. While I'd like an atmosphere, I also understand that bodies with atmosphere are a lot harder to do well. I'm sure we'll be seeing an atmospheric body in a future update though.
  12. I'd love to be able to load this alongside Kopernicus. Seems PF planets won't load if you try to use Kopernicus.
  13. Well I just did a quick and dirty landing on Slate, and I have to say I'm impressed although I was kind of expecting an atmosphere. Good work, I like it. I would suggest doing something to Plock to make it different from stock Vall, even if it is a placeholder. Tweak the deformity a little or something that can be done in a few minutes just so the terrain isn't exactly like stock. - - - Updated - - - What's wrong with the names? Are they not orginal? I haven't heard of them.
  14. They are supposed to be outer planets though, that's kind of the point. It adds extra challenge to veteran players where the stock planets have none anymore.
  15. Kopernicus itself doesn't do biomes, but there is a custom biome mod that you can use. It's what RSS uses for it's planets.
  16. Your problem seems to be the scalemesh section of the kopernicus config. Removing that and the planet loads. The planet still looks like gilly, not sure if that was the goal or not. I can't help anymore, trying to manipulate planets with kopernicus and RSS is an excercise in frustration.
  17. The configs look ok to me other than the RSS part missing a bracket that I figure you just forgot to paste in. Do you see RSS create the mesh when it loads the planets in?
  18. Porting to Kopernicus isn't really feasible sadly. Kopernicus offers no means to actual edit terrain, it only creates new stock planets and can edit their orbital characteristics. PF allows you to do a lot of things that even RSS or Kittopiatech doesn't, like apply Oblateness, or use map decals. Augustus tried to port the Sentar system over to Kopernicus before and it just didn't work out. Things like the features of Ablate, or the mountain of Skelton are just not possible outside of PF. Yes, Planetfactory uses a ton of ram which is unfortunate but it is far ahead of the other mods in terms of planet quality in my opinion. What we really need is someone actively working on Kopernicus so we can get these types of features added, but the current maintainer has already stated the PQS system is a bit over his head so that's an issue. Edit: Just got done playing around with hyperedit landing on most of your planets. I have to say I think you did an excellent job with these. The colors seem natural, the terrain is interesting, and most importantly when you get close and land the terrain isn't really pixelated and low res looking. It almost has a stock feel to it. A few critiques I would say I think you could change some to be a little more heavy so that gravity isn't so low. Felt like the gravity was really low on pretty much all of the bodies. I noticed none of the bodies have atmosphere and I'm pretty sure I know why that is, which is because atsmospheres are harder to get right and can be a lot harder to do. I also think the orbits are kind of wild. While they don't personally bother me that much, I know a lot of people don't like planets with unaturally wild orbits. I'd like to see some heavier planets in the future, maybe a few with some atmosphere and custom biomes and science for all of them would be amazing. It's unfortunate these can only be enjoyed with PF because a lot of people are going to miss out on these, but I like em.
  19. If Ovak is nothing but a perfectly round sphere it doesn't make much sense for it to have biomes in my opinion.
  20. Borisbee


    Nothing dead about PFCE. I still use it as do some others. PFCE is still the best mod for creating detailed planets and if you're running 64bit in linux the RAM issue isn't a problem. This is moot point anyway, since this download will be removed as you're clearly not following license rules.
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