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Everything posted by Borisbee

  1. As to why some modders use GeeASL as opposed to mass, it's because it's a hell of a lot easier to figure out how much gravity you want on a planet using GeeASL than having to figure it out using mass.
  2. If you mean procedural in the "random generation" sense of the word, then no you can't do that.
  3. Ok so I should have done this sooner as I just realized Gravitasi asked me about it and since I haven't seen anyone try to use HeightColorMap or Craters yet I'll go ahead and post an example of how to use it. Below is a config for a adding a HeightColorMap and craters to a body such as Tylo. In this example I named the planet Mars with a radius of 60k. PlanetMars { AdditionalData { Stock = False AddAtmoFx = False AddOceanFx = False UnlitOcean = False ModScaledAtmoShader = False AddRings = False AddParticles = False DisableOrbitRenderer = False } Orbit { semiMajorAxis = 12579852236 eccentricity = 0.0534 inclination = 0 meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 2.88114666938782 epoch = 359.279999999964 argumentOfPeriapsis = 0 LAN = 0 RefBody = Sun orbitColor = RGBA(0.871, 0.722, 0.529, 1.000) } PQS { PQSMod_VertexSimplexHeightAbsolute { modEnabled = False } PQSMod_VertexHeightMap { heightMap = GameData\Kopernicus\Textures\odd\test.png } PQSMod_VertexHeightNoiseVertHeightCurve2 { modEnabled = False } PQSCity { modEnabled = False } PQSMod_HeightColorMap { blend = 1 lcCount = 4 sphere = Mars (PQS) modEnabled = True order = 500 Parent = Mars HMLandclass[] { Landclass { name = Ice altStart = -1.0 altEnd = 0.3 color = RGBA(0.286, 0.305, 0.221, 1.000) lerpToNext = True } Landclass { name = Ground altStart = 0.3 altEnd = 0.4 color = RGBA(0.444, 0.513, 0.096, 1.000) lerpToNext = True } Landclass { name = Snow altStart = 0.4 altEnd = 0.5 color = RGBA(0.444, 0.323, 0.094, 1.000) lerpToNext = True } Landclass { name = Snow altStart = 0.5 altEnd = 1 color = RGBA(0.286, 0.305, 0.221, 1.000) lerpToNext = False } } } PQSMod_VertexColorMap { modEnabled = False } PQSMod_VoronoiCraters { deformation = 1000 voronoiSeed = 12323 voronoiDisplacement = 0 voronoiFrequency = 6 simplexSeed = 123123 simplexOctaves = 3 simplexPersistence = 0.5 simplexFrequency = 50 jitter = 0 jitterHeight = 0 rFactor = 0.5 rOffset = 1 colorOpacity = 1 DebugColorMapping = False sphere = Mars (PQS) modEnabled = True order = 100 Parent = Mars } } } And below are two pictures of the planet from map view and in a low orbit. I got the scaledspace by using the export function of kittopia. The parameters you should tweak are the LandClass {} for the HeightColorMap. name can be anything as you'll not see it anywhere. altStart and End is the level at which you want the color to start and stop at and color is obviously the color you want it to be. lerpToNext should be true except for the last one, which should false. You should play around with these numbers to see what you like. You can get some interesting results. Having the numbers go up sequentially as I have allows for each color to be blended smoothly into each other but you can have one stop at .3, and the next start at .4 for a more hard line. Play around with it. It should be noted that you cannot edit this through the GUI so you'll have to edit the config and then just hit the load button in the GUI to see the new results. As far as craters, just add PQSMod_VoronoiCraters and then play with the numbers to see what you like. These can all be edited through the GUI. Enjoy! Oh and this will require the latest version of KittopiaTech from Gravitasi. Not sure if the thread was updated or not as I haven't been following too closely.
  4. You don't need that large of textures. In fact I'v noticed with smaller bodies larger textures actually make things look worse. Larger size does not equal better quality. You will get much better quality if you actually take the time to edit your heightmap so that things are smoother instead of getting jagged points from where space engine throws tiny dots of white all over the place. You should not ever need to go larger than 8k, while 4k is the "standard". However I've had good results using 1k and even 512. It's really about how well you understand what you're doing. As to your ocean problem, perhaps you should post your configs instead? Would be a lot easier to troubleshoot than just saying "help it doesn't work".
  5. vertexColorMap = (MapSO) and heightMap = (MapSO) is likely your problem. Remember when you save a planet config from kittopia you need to edit the file and add back in the path to you textures. Also you can make the config more readable by removing entirely things that you don't change, such as PQSMod_OceanFX, PQSMod_RemoveQuadMap, PQSMod_UVPlanetRelativePosition, PQSMod_AerialPerspectiveMaterial, ect. Also, if someone is having issues with oceans not seeming to appear, it's likely that you need to use more of an offset to your heightmap.
  6. I'd caution against trying to use too much of his code. I haven't read much of it, but from what I'v read in that thread it's really a buggy and hacky way of doing things. I'd think if anything it would be best to use as a rough guide to go about implementing a system into Kopernicus. I know there seems to be a lot of people really wanting star systems to work, but I can't help but feel there are other more important things to be done. Figuring out the ocean system would be one of them. Tekto could sure use it. - - - Updated - - - Oh good, I was going to see about tackling that myself so glad I didn't start on it hehe.
  7. I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to figure out a way to get oceans to work properly but so far have come up short. By "properly" I mean being able to add an ocean to a body that doesn't normally have one and being able to change the color and have it show up in scaledspace. So far I'v come up empty handed on both accounts. I can't find where in the pqs.surfacematerial it's stored, but I'm pretty confident it is indeed the place to look as I put eve's surfacematerial on laythe and you suddenly get purple water. I can change the ocean texture so it shows up close. I can change the "_colorFromSpace" so that it shows up while zoomed out a good distance but still not in map view. But I can't change the color inbetween. Not sure how much knowledge you have on the subject, just figured I'd tell you what I have been trying to do as I don't think there is anyone else working on this type of thing. Teknoman117 seems to have disappeared. - - - Updated - - - Could this be an issue with RSS and kopernicustech?
  8. That's awesome. I actually tried to do this myself but I struggled with the code and could never get both the config and the hard coded planet to load together. My goal was to actually just be able to hard code planets so that you could fine tune every detail. Do you have any interest in working more on this sort of thing? I have been struggling with trying to get oceans to work properly, but all my work has been done in a kittopia fork instead of Kopernicus as I found the Kopernicus code a bit above my level of understanding unfortunately.
  9. That seems really high. Even if it is true, the amount worth actually downloading and using is significantly smaller.
  10. Gravitasi, I sent a pull request with the changes I'v made so far. I haven't spent hours testing, but from what I'v seen it seems stable and hasn't had any issues.
  11. you don't actually need a normal map, and the reference body is Sun because his mod obviously deals with our solar system and he added a "Sun" object. The real issue is he did not include descriptions for the planets. By leaving it blank it causes it to not load. If you don't want a description it's best to just not include the Description field at all so that the template description is used instead.
  12. Why do you ask? There isn't really a need for it. Almost all of the planetfactory planets can be recreated with kopernicustech.
  13. Unfortunately there's more testing I have to do. There are some issues that make it unplayable that I was not aware of when I posted the image. The problem is it lowers/raises the vertices of the planet and so you end up hitting "sealevel" before you actually touch the surface which makes you go "inside" the planet. I'll see if I can work it out later, but that's on the backburner for now as there's more important stuff to work on.
  14. Time for another teaser. That's a pretty large Oblate applied to that planet just so the effects are clearly seen for testing purposes, and yet it still shows up in map view. This is done using just PQS mod and no heightmap editing. I got curious as to whether the old Planetfactory mods would work with scaled export so I added PQSMod_PFOblate into kittopia and tried it. It seems to work as the picture shows. There are a few side effects of using this, although nothing serious, but I wanted to have the option of using them so if nothing else I can recreate the planets Ablate and Inaccessible from PF. Every day I mess with this stuff I learn something new, and it's giving me more and more ideas and things to fix in the current code.
  15. If that is your complete config file, you're missing a closing } bracket at the very end to close @Kopernicus. I recommend using a text editor like Notepad++ to edit config files. You can select a bracket and it will highlight the matching bracket so you can keep track of silly mistakes like this really easy. Also you need to specify a description, you left it blank and it doesn't like that.
  16. Np, been kind of fun. It might be a little while before I'm ready as things are going slow since I'm still learning how everything works and this is my first time writing ksp code, but progress is being made. - - - Updated - - - I haven't really checked, but there shouldn't be any huge ram increases as long as you stay reasonable with them. I'll check into it.
  17. This isn't entirely accurate actually. There is a PQSMod_VertexHeightOblate and offset, however the changes will not take effect in scaledspace. So it's not really usable, but it does indeed exist and you can see the changes if you play around with it. Now with that out of the way, I want to give some teaser screenshots of something I'v been working on. If you can't tell by the screenshots, this is a planet using Vall as a template. I have changed the color through landclasses, and even more noteworthy you will notice the obvious craters. Yes that means I have PQSMod_VoronoiCraters working. Still have some work to do, but when I'm done I'll send a pull request to Gravitasi so he can incorporate my changes in the .dll for everyone to use. For those who don't know what landclasses are, Vall for example uses a HeightColorMap mod, which uses landclasses to supply color. You can specify a color and height range for each color, and then it colors the terrain accordingly. This means you only need a heightmap and not a full color texture.
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