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Everything posted by Borisbee

  1. You can't set it through that config, you need to literally change the opacity through editing of the image.
  2. Yea I used an image editor to change the opacity on it. Although I *think* if you export the mesh from kittopia it will fix any lighting issues, not 100% sure on that though. If you're using photoshop or paint.net, just open the normal map and set the layer opacity down to about 50% and try that.
  3. What do you mean more vibrant? Is that planet the same as the one you linked a few posts up? Setting the opacity of the normal maps doesn't affect anything as far as I can tell, other than fixing the lighting.
  4. Not sure what causes but if you're unaware, setting the normal map to like 50% opacity will fix the issue.
  5. Ok I just tested again as it seems my memory was a bit off. It will indeed save the PQS and load it as well. The problem comes when you try to export scaledmesh. It looks like the mesh only uses spheres or something, because the scaledmesh is still spherical in shape and not like what you see in the picture below.
  6. Yes, Planetfactory has a few custom PQS mods. PFOblate and PFOffset being two of them. However, there IS a PQSMod_VertexHeightOblate which will work if you add it through kittopiatech. The problem however is it will not save the mod, so each time you load the game you have to reapply it. I'v mentioned this to CaptRobau but without it saving it doesn't seem useful. Also I believe the reason why the asteroids are easier to create is the heightmap is much more gradient in general and the planet has a much smaller radius which creates a larger difference in height giving the irregular shapes.
  7. This has me wondering, are we effectively maintaining two version of Kopernicus right now? Your version and the offical version? Would it not make more sense for you to do pull requests to the official one and just keep one version so no confusion can happen? What changes have you made to Kopernicus that differs from Teknoman117's version? Edit: I just realized how cluttered the SaveLoad folder gets, so I figured I'd take the time to request a small feature. Could we have it so the SaveLoad folder will work with other folders inside? It would be nice to group planets together in separate folders.
  8. Hey Teknoman117, could you maybe explain how the lightColor field works for Atmosphere? I can't quite figure out what the 3 fields are for, they certainly don't seem to be RGB. Moving them around makes wird things happen. Changes the color, and even the gradient in which they appear. Here's a picture to show what I mean I got that color combination by pure luck moving around the sliders randomly. Is there a way to specify a gradient for the lightsource? Or do I just need to play around with the settings until I get something that is usable? I know you can make a gradient for scalespace, but I'm dealing with the atmosphere from ground. Thanks Edit: Oh and yea I know that slider isn't part of Kopernicus, but I was just using it to test colors.
  9. I'd look at ksp.log. I run DRE and FAR and it runs fine for me. Not sure what's going on with you.
  10. Try editing the atmosphereTemperatureMultiplier of Sarnus to something a little lower than 5. It's interesting CaptRobau didn't have any issues as I also noticed a fairly hard "wall" when dipping into the atmosphere. My periapse wasn't even dropping, but once I hit the hard wall my periapse drops from a high encentric orbit down to basically orbiting within a matter of seconds, which results in lots of fire and super high Gs which is what causes the destruction.
  11. By setting ModScaledAtmoShader = False for Tekto I was able to get the proper atmosphere to render over the planet. Still trying to get a better looking view from the land though. If it's a very thick atmosphere you shouldn't really be able to see into space during the day. Should be like Eve.
  12. Nah it doesn't, I landed on it and didn't see anything. On a brighter note, I believe I figured out what values need to be tweaked to make sarnus and the other giants feasible for DRE. You're gonna want to play with the atmosphereTemperatureMultiplier and the atmosphereScaleHeight. I can't describe exactly what each does, but I found that Sarnus has a value of 5 for tempMultiplier which is way the hell too high. Jool has a value of 2.5 so I changed it to that, along with dropping atmosphereScaleHeight down to 15 from 20 and it seemed to be much smoother. If anyone would like to do more testing on this, I found the best way is to get into an orbit that is about to enter the atmosphere of a giant, then quick save. Then adjust the numbers after quickloading each time. I found it wasn't very tedious and didn't take long to find some working results. Hope this helps to get this mod in an even better shape and to make it feasible to use DRE to aerobrake.
  13. One thing I noticed with Tekto was the lack of visible atmosphere without using EVE. Is this a technical issue that we haven't figured out just yet? One reason I haven't bothered trying to create atmo planets myself was I couldn't seem to get the atmosphere to show up visually like it does on Duna and Eve. Kind of bummer to land on what is supposed to be a thick atmosphere, only to have a crystal clean view into space.
  14. I just wanted to say that last night Teknoman released a new version of Kopernicus fixing a few bugs, one major one being the biome problem. As of right now Biomes are working as they should be with Kopernicus with the latest release. Five pages of comments and no one has mentioned this yet so I thought I'd let everyone know. Shame to hear about the DRE. We're gonna need to figure out the atmosphere multiplier settings to figure that one out I think. I can't imagine playing KSP without DRE.
  15. Ah yea that fixed it, I had the release 03. Awesome, we have working biomes now.
  16. Hrm, I may be doing something wrong but biomes are still seeming to be replaced on stock bodies. Is there a new way to specify biomes?
  17. Awesome. Can't wait until we have working PQS mods. The current Kittopiatech seems to have issues with trying to apply some mods, especially mods that aren't naturally in the template body. Like VoronoiCraters.
  18. Ok I think I found a bug and has potential to cause some trouble. Seems sometimes duplicate PQS systems are not accounted for in the config when loading. I used the Mun as a template, and I wanted to disable all the PQS cities and flattens, but keep both VoronoiCraters mods. I'm able to change and save the first mod, but the second one gets saved out but when loaded back, only the first mod is accounted for. This can be tested by using the Mun as a template. Save the config and then go and change the mod to disabled in the config and reload it in Kittopia. You will see the first Crater mod will follow the rules the config set, but the second one is ignored.
  19. There are a lot of settings that probably need to be tweaked to solve that. Things like temperature multiplier and atmosphere multipliers. I'm not sure what all of the settings mean or do.
  20. CaptRobau, if you wanted to make Ovok more eggshaped try adding a PQSMod_VertexHeightOblate. I haven't been able to get scaledspace to update after adding that mod though, but it should do what you wanted.
  21. Hey Augustus, try adding the follow PQS mod to Inaccessible. PQSMod_VertexHeightOblate { height = 1300 pow = 10 sphere = Inaccessable (PQS) modEnabled = True order = 100 Parent = Inaccessable } It should give it a more squished appearance so the middle sticks out a bit more like the original. Bad news however is I can't seem to get scaled space to update with that mod active. EDIT: appears that loading that after saving to a file doesn't work. However try adding it via ingame with Kittopia and play around with it.
  22. Better to get started making biomes early though. Now that Technoman is back working on Kopernicus I suspect that bug to be fixed pretty quick. I believe he said it was caused from the change to the biome API from Squad with the .90 update.
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