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Everything posted by Rowsdower

  1. Hey, everyone! I'm hoping to start up something on the regular, beginning this week. Let's see how this goes! Presenting - The Fan Works Challenge. You'll be given one theme each week. Incorporate that theme into a KSP-inspired fan work of your choosing. It could be a poem, a screenshot, a drawing, a song - anything you'd like that matches the theme and overall spirit of the challenge. Our favorite fan works will be recognized through KSP's official social media channels. This week's theme: Valentine's day. Participate by clicking HERE. P.S. This is not the contest I mentioned on Squadcast. That will still be announced soon!
  2. Hey, everyone! Another week rolls on and the challenges continue. While I didn't see too many challenge entries for the last one, the ones that were submitted were high quality. Thank you for them. We're going to to way better this week, though. Paraphrasing Crocodile Dundee, that wasn't a theme, this is a theme... Australia Incorporate the theme into a KSP-inspired fan work of your choosing and post it here in this thread. It could be a poem, a screenshot, a drawing, a song - anything you'd like that matches the theme and overall spirit of the challenge. Our favorite fan works will be recognized through KSP's official social media channels.
  3. Things aren't automatically different just because another CM's in the house However, I do like to encourage discussion on many different types of subjects as long as they remain civil and respectful to all sides and haven't been rehashed to death. This includes Mechjeb. I never had the impression that Mechjeb was verboten, though, merely one of many hot topics where passions can easily flare into something else. However, this also veers into "rehashed discussion" territory so either way, I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.
  4. Thanks for getting things back on track towards the end, everyone. This thread's just about run its course. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to bring them up to me or anyone on the mod team. Also, don't forget that whenever one pops up, feel free to continue posting your ideas and suggestions here. Yes, they *actually do* get brought to the attention of the devs. Thanks.
  5. Sorry, everyone, but I'm shutting this down while we're ahead. This has been rehashed quite a many times before.
  6. It depends on everyone's schedules. I'd love to see more live guests on Squadcast, myself, but considering this one with Harv worked well for a pre-recorded interview, we'll see.
  7. In case you want to watch the video for yourselves, you can find it here in this article.
  8. Things were on the verge of getting bad again a few pages back, but I'm glad things are on track again. As a reminder, speaking your mind is fine, but please be respectful towards other people on this forum and those at Squad.
  9. <object bgcolor='#000000' data='http://www.twitch.tv/widgets/archive_embed_player.swf' height='378' id='clip_embed_player_flash' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='620'><param name='movie' value='http://www.twitch.tv/widgets/archive_embed_player.swf'><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'><param name='allowNetworking' value='all'><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'><param name='flashvars' value='title=KSP-TV%253A%2BSquadcast%252C%2Bback%2Band%2Blater%2Bthan%2Bever%2521&channel=ksptv&auto_play=false&start_volume=25&archive_id=501587795'></object><br><a href=" http://www.twitch.tv/ksptv" class="trk" style="padding:2px 0px 4px; display:block; width: 320px; font-weight:normal; font-size:10px; text-decoration:underline; text-align:center;"></a> Hi, everyone. I'm hoping to get some show notes going for you on this one, but for now, gear up for an interview that's definitely worth 49 minutes of your time. Maxmaps interviewed HarvesteR on the newest Squadcast. He goes in depth about upcoming 0.24 features and beyond. Also, don't forget to stick it out to the end. You may want to find out what #savethemagicboulder is all about.
  10. The temperature's starting to get a little hot in here. While there's been a lot of constructive thoughts, let's calm down on some of the overt negativity. Thanks. Onto the subject at hand, it's up to the devs to determine what features make it into the game. While there may not be things that necessarily fit your vision, rest assured the devs are listening to the desires of the community. We support the modding community's freedom to give you the gameplay you desire as our development progresses. Please recognize it is not possible for us to implement every single thought and idea requested by the community. As for what will be implemented and when? That's subject to change, thus why it's necessary to talk about them with great forethought.
  11. While we're at it, please remember that when sending a report, you only need to press the button once. It'll still send out. That's all it takes
  12. Want to win a free copy of #KSP? Tune in to watch Carlmundo from Who's Gaming Now?! and you may get lucky!
  13. I enjoy how these have gotten progressively larger throughout the thread. Good stuff.
  14. There's some really great work in here. I'll let them know to check this out.
  15. That's a lot of Ks there It's still really, really early to talk about what will and won't be in multiplayer. The groundwork for that is still being laid down. Thanks for the suggestion, though. Sounds fun.
  16. There's HotRockets. There's CoolRockets. There's all sorts of mods out right now that do this very well. However, seeing it in stock would be cool for the future.
  17. Get off the forum and go to your nearest emergency room or urgent care clinic with haste. If it turns out to be nothing, at the very least, your nerves will be calmed.
  18. I can't believe that's actually patented. Next thing you know it, someone will earn the rights to the word "candy."
  19. Free as free can be. I can't comment on much other than that, though Maxmaps might have slipped some stuff on Squadcast. Otherwise, we've got more info on this coming soon.
  20. Alright, folks. We're done here.
  21. Someone please try this and send pics.
  22. How dark was the chocolate you ate though? The higher the level of cacao, the more bitter it gets. I like dark chocolate, but in small doses. It's better for for you, but not as satisfying to the sweet tooth imo.
  23. No one at Squad, nor anyone on the mod team condones the treatment of animals as conveyed by some posts in this thread. When it comes to spaceflight/high altitude scenarios that require the use of trained, highly prepped animals, please leave that to the experts and bring this thread back on its rails. Thanks.
  24. Wow, that's some dedication. You know what you need to do to celebrate this milestone? Play Kerbal Space Program.
  25. Yes, that is what I was asking for. I would like to see the whole thing if possible. Thanks for the info.
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