I've stated this elsewhere, but just so you're aware in the thread, the original intention was not to show ARM off as much has we had and then follow up in the way that occurred. Ever had to stop short on the road because you didn't see something until the last minute? That's what essentially happened here. By the time we realized the scope of the situation, we were knee deep in promotion. It's more than too late to stop what's happened, but we're already reshaping and restrategizing on ways to prevent this in the future. Now what intrigues me most about this thread is that it echoes something I've been seeing more and more of lately - a distaste for spoilers. Not that I'm a particular fan of them, myself, but what is it in KSP in particular that you would not want spoiled? What would you consider to be a KSP spoiler and how would you rather see it presented?