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Everything posted by Rowsdower

  1. Pardon the intrusion. I edited the title to make it more relevant to the topic at hand. That said, nothing makes me want to play KSP more than watching other people play KSP. Carry on.
  2. There's been some drafts passed around and we're hoping to update the website copy to better reflect the state of the game around .24. Thanks for the feedback
  3. This is exactly what the Times Square ball drop should look like. Nice to see you back. Don't turn this PC into rubble so quickly.
  4. If you'd like to make a skype group, no one is stopping that from happening It would be in an unofficial capacity, of course. diomedea was just making note of other options, should some not be aware of them.
  5. I'm stating this upfront - I'm going to close this thread because there have been a number of similar ones in the past that have gone sour really fast. However, to answer your question, kerbonaut101, there is no plan to publish a public roadmap for future updates. There is a lot that can change during a development cycle. Unless clearly noted otherwise, such as HarvesteR's article about what he has in mind in 0.24, SQUAD wants to make sure that what is stated to be in the game, will, in fact, be implemented. There are certain long term goals, like budgets, contracts and multiplayer that have been laid out publicly and will see release.
  6. I think this thread has run its course. I'm going to correct a misconception then call it a day here, ok? Sorry to spoil the fun, boxman, but that's not the right assumption here. Despite what's been debated as imbalance or an overpowered nature of new parts, the appeal for new players due to such measures was not what the developers had in mind when implementing the parts. They create parts they feel will be fun to play with. Period.
  7. Glad you had fun, Barklight. Do tell us more about the experience.
  8. Heck of a first post, Oradon. Your ship rocks. Get it? I'll show myself out.
  9. Ampsterman had previously stated that the conversation be kept to the parts themselves. Speculation on budgets and its effect on the game can appropriately be taken to that thread. Now is it hot in here or is it just me? It'd be nice if you could turn down the heat a bit, but all things considered, you all have done a great job with keeping on point and not going too far with your words. Consider this a friendly reminder to keep it that way. Thanks.
  10. Thread closed on account of it no longer being April Fool's Day.
  11. I just spoke to the guys about this and in short, yes, those screens are as old as space, itself. Time for a revamp, I say! Since you guys are so pic-happy, would you like to contribute some shots? They must be made with the latest version, must be fully stock, must feature a variety of gameplay elements and most importantly, they must look cool. I'm not sure what kind of credit we could give for them just yet, but we can work something out.
  12. Well this thread sure went...um...yeah. And how has this gone 5 pages without seeing an "Obey Kerbal" image? It's time you get back on the ball, folks
  13. Buzzkilling disclaimer: Other than comments that have been public by SQUAD devs and other members of the KSP team, be aware that the talk contained within is speculation. Blah blah blah, shut up Rowsdower. Ok, have fun.
  14. You don't need advanced goal line technology to see that one was worth a point. Nice work.
  15. Hi, Justin. While there must be some space given for purposes like focus and concentration, calling it an ivory tower is a bit of a misnomer. Though their individual presence may not be as prominent as it was in years past, members of the KSP team are apt to check in to see what the community's up to. There's also the hard working mod team and myself who do our best to tap the pulse of the community and make sure it's in their face.
  16. If it's anything like the last one, you're not going to know what it'll entail until just before it starts. Good luck if you enter. See if you can stream your play on Twitch.
  17. I don't get the hubub over jaffa cakes. I've tried them on multiple occasions and never liked them. How many mods do you all tend to use at once?
  18. I think the real question in attempting a real time challenge is what do you do with all that extra time? Read a book? Buy some groceries? Run laps?
  19. Hi, everyone! In what was a lengthy, yet fun process, the KSP team combed through each entry from the recent company logo contest and picked their personal favorites. Today, the favorite entries were pared down into a group of winning logos that will be officially placed into the game. We saw many great entries, from the professional to the hand drawn. We appreciate all the effort that went into making each one. Many hard choices were made, but in the end, we were happy with the final picks and we hope you will be, too. Winners will be contacted soon. Thanks again for dedication and hard work!
  20. The store patch should be up, katateochi.
  21. The hotfix for the R&D bug is now up on Steam. Thanks for your patience.
  22. An update from HarvesteR about the R&D bug: As many of you pointed out, there was a weird bug in the 0.23.5 build that caused the R&D facility to appear as closed if you loaded an existing save. We've already spotted what caused this issue and we're now testing a hotfix which should solve the problem. The revised build should restore R&D functionality, but unfortunately, if you've experienced this issue with your save, your science progress will already be reset. If you have a recent quicksave, you should be able to revert to that after the patch without problems. This issue managed to slip by undetected through testing, most likely because it requires an old save to be reproduced. New saves should not be affected by this issue at all. We'll get the hotfix build out as soon as possible, hopefully in a few hours. In the meantime, avoid loading existing saves to bypass this problem. We'll let you know as soon as the hotfix is up. Our most sincere apologies for this inconvenience. Cheers
  23. Haha, maybe other CMs might, but homey don't play dat. I think it'd be unfair of me to claim everything that happened in the name of a joke. Thank you, though. The thought is enough
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