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Everything posted by Rowsdower

  1. Have a hankering to see what’s on the menu for the upcoming 0.25 update? Game Informer and Maxmaps are here to give you an overview of what’s to come in a brand new preview VIDEO.
  2. Ever have that sinking feeling that you said something just a bit off? After clearing my head for a bit and thinking on it, I wanted to go back and make sure I had this absolutely right, so here's a statement I made back in August. As it happens, I mixed up my mays and my wills. Aero, along with many of the popular suggestions made in those threads *will* get a more thorough look post-scope complete but it *may or may not* make it in, as we are oft to not guarantee that sort of thing as a policy. That is our stance and I'm sticking to it. Now, aside from buying you all flowers and taking you all out on dates, a simple and humble apology is all I can offer for the (my) confusion. While we're at it, it may do some good to also brush up on one of HarvesteR's from before 0.24. It tackles scope completion and the current development philosophy. Wondering about what comprises scope completion is and why some features may be developed ahead of others? That article's a good start. Ok, now that this was nice and visible and the tar and feathers are still fresh, shall we get back to 0.25?
  3. While we appreciate discussion of all sorts, telling us to "put on our man pants" and "quit being afraid of us" is a little out of hand. I'm shutting this one down early.
  4. Pretty much not setting a precedent. It seemed a bit off to me in how it came up.
  5. Guys - last time. Shall we not resort to this?
  6. What news flash, sky_walker? It's been stated in several other threads that things like aerodynamic improvements would likely (may or may not, though) get another glance post-scope complete. And P.S. this has nothing to do with 0.25.
  7. Or you can also watch the VIDEO Let's not get this hype train off the tracks just yet haha.
  8. On the other hand, though, it was also stressed that if you're good at what you do, you may never even encounter it. That's not quite the mark of a Kerbal being stupid. If players want to reenact a Michael Bay film at the KSC - and not everyone will - they can do so, but must remember that it comes with a price. It *is* something completely new, so that's worth it imo, but as Max stressed, it was still something just small and fun in the scheme of things. Although as you suggest, the possibilities have opened up, since it leads into the long project that the art guys have been working on for 0.26. That's something that may get another look post-scope complete. it's a smaller slice of a bigger pie. Now everyone, please remember to be constructive and props to those are. I reckon some of you may be underwhelmed, but "it sucks because it sucks" isn't going to get anyone anywhere. Also, once again, remember to play nice in the thread. We already had one flare up taken care of. Let's not make more of it. Thanks.
  9. Keeping the element of surprise and also making sure that everything was exploding in the way we'd expected.
  10. And that's important to note. If you'd prefer not to play with destructible buildings, it can be turned off.
  11. It actually seems like there are a lot of people in that chat that were happy about it. Not all of them are Youtubers, surely.
  12. If they want to review the game, that's sort of on their own standing to do so. We will push for *previews* and other types of editorial, but not reviews. It wouldn't really be fair for either party to give/receive a more definitive-sounding message on a game that's still in development, no matter how playable it is right now.
  13. Shame to hear, regex. Spreading the word about KSP is always appreciated. As for me, the "what do you do?" question is always an invitation to talk about KSP if I'm meeting someone at an event or get together. Usually it's followed by some sort of reaction that acknowledges that they have played/currently play it or want to know more about it. I'm always game to tell them more.
  14. I never liked that film, though Wesley Snipes' hair was on point.
  15. Jacksepticeye uploaded a video 6 days ago that has 423,786 views. That's definitely not a low view count. While we love Youtubers and the content they post up there, the game features aren't based on what they think is great for their videos. We just make the game. They're the ones that make the magic, so to speak. Even things that might not be considered as typically entertaining fare are made great, thanks to the fresh new looks and experiences playing the game they constantly convey. However making features just for Youtube views is not a thought that's at the forefront of development. EDIT: Correction. jacksepticeye's video doesn't feature KSP gameplay, but directly tackles the question of him making KSP videos, both in the title and the image preview, which is kind of insane when you think about it. Regardless, we're still pleased with the high number of KSP gameplay videos put out on a weekly basis that can range in the thousands of views on the regular.
  16. Hi, lammatt. While we understand the deep belief in your cause, the forum is sadly not the right place for such a discussion. It falls under 2.2e of our rules. Please be aware of this going forward. Thanks.
  17. From what I've seen, it was actually guessed correctly pretty soon after a secret feature was teased
  18. Wrong name, right day Wait for Squadcast on Friday.
  19. Heh not really. They just don't want Walt to get exposed to radiation running around like a chicken without a head as a PR person would in this case. Could you imagine how stressful it is as a KSC publicist? With all the failures?
  20. The forum/social posts were all scheduled for tomorrow. *Grumbles* Well, enjoy, though! No, it's just a neat visual. The costume, not the fallout...and no fallout, either.
  21. Rowsdower


    Do you like explosions? Sure, we all do! You may enjoy THIS example of 0.25's new, glorious explosion fx. You may also enjoy the big secret that will be revealed on next week's EPISODE...
  22. Thanks for the concern, Majiir. We think it's great that the forum and by process, the community can hit such a level of excitement in this stage of development. As it is, there's lots of room for how it's expressed. Some may want to discuss features and impact on future/past updates and there are threads for that. Some just want to goof around and let off unbridled excitement through build changes and other newly released info. That's why this thread exists. While the devs are aware of what goes on throughout the community (and not just in brief, Franklin) and yes, we all have felt the other side of what hype can provide, I wouldn't say that speculation on release dates is something that truly affects the course of development. If anything, it's crunch related to making sure that we have a fully running update with as little bugs as possible delivered in a manner that's respectful of internal scheduling. When things don't go as planned, we get real bummed about it, but at the end of the day, an update's going to come when it's ready, not when anyone wants or expects it to be ready. The fork's got to come out of the cake (relatively) clean, if you will. What you mention below this with the "things calm down" comment correlates to the workload everyone has building up to those times. Say, someone can have 1000 different issues to work on three days before release - it's an exaggeration, but that doesn't really sound calm, does it? It's kind of the same way on my end, too. Dealing with hype and expectation can be tricky, but we'd rather the community show they care and bask in the excitement than be apathetic in any way. Now can we all please move away from a bummer of a topic as marketing talk in this thread? We want the community pumped and having fun (yes, actual fun) everywhere, even in places we don't have a direct hand in. There's no crazier place to be these days than on a hype vehicle of choice.
  23. We've stated our intention to put female Kerbals into the game at a point in the future. There was no pressure behind it. Remember that while we take the advice and opinions of a vast group of people very seriously, we are the ones making the call on what and why something makes it into the game. With that, I'm closing this thread as it has once again veered into hotter personal topics.
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