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Everything posted by NotCoach

  1. You're obviously out of omni range from the satellites around Kerbin, so you need a dish on your lab (or 2 or 3) pointing directly at one of the satellites around Kerbin. That Kerbin satellite also needs a dish pointing at your lab to establish a link. You can't just point one dish and expect a link. It takes a pair of dishes, one at each end, to establish a direct link.
  2. Stick an omni range antenna on all your sats. You don't need dishes pointing at each other around Kerbin. Omnis will communicate with all in range satellites and automatically relay through other omnis back to mission control. Omnis have very limited range compared to dishes, so are best utilized for communication between satellites around a specific body. And yes you do for dish to dish communication.
  3. Just crashed again when I tried to load a save. Reverting to prior version.
  4. Three out of five loadups crashed on me after installing the updated mod. Do you want the logs, and how to I deliver them if you do.
  5. That's so freakin awesome. I don't just launch and cross my fingers like others do. I test in a sandbox world before doing in my career world. But this will save so much time and grief. Thank you.
  6. I like this mod, but I despise doing 50 million experiments to squeeze out all of the science. I adjusted my configs to give all science in one go, but decreased eureka and bioproduct production by 90% to balance. Just a thought on how to balance without turning science into a grindfest. I also think the amount of kibble needed to do all science without changing the config is excessive. Especially when you consider the fact that these stations can be established at all planetary bodies. Otherwise thank you for the mod, and please don't take any of my thoughts on this personally.
  7. I know you aren't updating until MFS is updated, but there is something wrong with the utilization values for the storage tanks in relationship to TAC Life Support. All waste resources have a ridiculously small utilization number resulting in less than zero (by unit) capacity in the smallest spherical (haven't unlocked medium or large in career mode yet) tank for these items. I changed them myself in my own config to a utilization number equal to the utilization numbers for food, water, and oxygen. I assume that a utilization number less than 5 accounts for structure, but I have no idea why the TAC Life Support waste resources would be less than the number for food, water, and oxygen.
  8. This. Running a million mods there are vital components from other mods that can be easily forgotten (radiators KSP Interstellar as one example). Make the checklist configurable to suit the needs of each individual using it.
  9. Uncompiled. What software should us nubs use to compile it?
  10. My install is correct. I only ever had one 000_Toolbar folder in GameData folder, and it was from the toolbar mod itself, not from any of the mods that include it. I have the MechJeb toolbar driver in gamedata/mechjeb2/plugin folder. As I posted already the whole toolbar has been rather finicky for me. It may be something at my end, but after removing all mods and working with the toolbar mod, and those compatible with it only, I'm done for now. Things work well enough at this point. It may or may not be a problem on my end, but no longer important enough to figure out. I did notice though the toolbar mod updated today. Maybe I'll install the update and see what happens.
  11. I can't get the new MechJeb toolbar to work for me. I put the toolbar driver for MechJeb in the MechJeb plugin folder (NOT THE KSP PLUGIN FOLDER), but still doesn't work. Had trouble in general getting the new toolbar to work. Had to install mods that use it one at a time to make them work, otherwise only one mod would show up on it if I installed all at once. MechJeb is the only one not working for me at this point.
  12. My two cents. The lab sucks arse. I prefer the old method over this. If I have to lug that thing around I should be able to transmit ALL science back. I think a better solution was to require the lab for transmission of any science because it needed to be processed first. Otherwise no lab, no transmitting science. The way it is now I'm better off taking multiples of each experiment to any location and returning with all science in one go. I'm done carrying the lab around if I can carry less and get more in only one trip. Tweakables are nice. Probably nicer than they first appear. If they went away I would probably miss them a lot. Optimizations are excellent.
  13. KerbCom Avionics is in limbo right now, and latest release basically makes KSP unplayable in 0.23 (makes reaction wheels inoperable). I don't know if it will be updated any time soon, but does the above feature basically mirror KerbCom? And if so, are there any known conflicts with MechJeb? KerbCom is known to make MechJeb's auto-docking feature not work.
  14. Being a 32-bit game it can only use 4gb. Lots of people with more than 4gb run out of memory playing this game.
  15. They are discarded stages. Let them go to the land of misfit stages and choke on that fuel they will never use.
  16. The atmosphere on Kerbin at 30km is still less than 1% the density that it is at sea level. A Minmus return is not fast enough to produce catastrophic effects under those conditions.
  17. I wouldn't trust the update, it's from the future...I think SkyNet sent it...is anyone named Sarah Kerman?
  18. Some of us are suggesting it as an option. I change the config myself because I want it right from the start in career mode. If others want to earn modules they still can if it is an option selection on a new career startup. Either way I thank you guys for this mod. I wouldn't be playing without it. I can barely drive my car IRL.
  19. I suggested that several pages back. Considering how many posts everyday are about "IT NO WORK CAREER MODE!!" you think it would be added as an option just to stop the posts from happening.
  20. This has a game breaking bug for 0.23: It kills reaction wheels. Just went through all my mods trying to figure out which mod was not allowing any EC to go to reaction wheels, and it was this mod. This is not only inline reaction wheels, but also pod reaction controls as well. Whenever the game is trying to use them, with this mod installed (and only this mod for final test), right clicking on a pod or reaction wheel I get the message "Not Enough El...", and they are nonoperational. I am assuming the truncated language is 'electric charge'.
  21. Meh. Personally if the stuff can be realistically manufactured/mined on Kerbin I don't trouble myself with any of that. My KSP isn't green. It buys everything wrapped in plastic, and always in triplicate. Now when the resource component is implemented then I might have to decide if going through the trouble is more economical then just throwing free Kerbal tax dollars at it (still might just spend instead of manufacturing). Until then anything that can realistically be manufactured on Kerbin I outsource its procurement to TAC Fuel Balancer Inc.
  22. Why bother launching it? Park it out back next to the Korvette sitting on blocks.
  23. TAC Fuel Balancer. Otherwise there should be an option when on EVA to 'Swap Fuel'. That will need to be clicked even if using TAC Fuel Balancer. And you'll need to wait 3 days for the reactor to cool down before you can swap fuel after a shutdown. The option won't appear until all decay heat is gone.
  24. I was trying to optimize my DT Vista setup last night, and I ended up doing a config cheat on the largest generators to run at maximum efficiency, and I'm wondering if it would be possible to implement what I was aiming for into the mod. I wanted to maximize each rector's potential in order to have the most possible DT Vistas per reactor. Using a single reactor (thorium fueled) and generator (both 3.75), and assuming 58.7% efficiency on the generator, one can power ~2.47 DTs. But what about 2 generators per reactor? No difference, of course, due to how the mod works. Thermal power is just simply shared between the two reactors, thus halving the output of each. Extra weight with no extra benefit. But instead of just simply sharing the thermal power why not prioritize it? What I mean is why not send all the thermal power to generator 1, then shunt the wasted heat to generator 2? Continuing to assume 58.7% efficiency the first generator produces 6.046 GWe with 4.254 GWt wasted heat. Normally that would be sent to the radiators and lost forever. What if, instead, that left over thermal power is shunted to the second generator? The second generator would produce 2.497 GWe, and 1.757 GWt would be lost instead. And instead of using 58.7% of the thermal power we would be using ~82.9% of the reactors thermal power. The output rate of each generator is reduced, of course. This is the tradeoff. Generators are lighter than reactors, so it is preferable to run two generators per reactor with the above outputs. I would rather produce 4.272 GWe per generator using only 1 reactor instead of producing 6.046 GWe per generator with only 1 generator per reactor. So is it possible to incorporate this into the mod? As I said above I am emulating it by cheating the generator config (raising efficiency until I get 4.272 GWe per generator on a one reactor, 2 generator setup).
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