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Commissioner Tadpole

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Everything posted by Commissioner Tadpole

  1. Oh, that explains everything! ^.^ Although, given the circus Laythe had been doing regarding it's atmosphere, I don't think I'll be landing the BirdDog and the Gas Station now. though that may change.
  2. I want to do this challenge, but I am using Alternis Kerbol. Mind making an Alternis version of the scoreboard? (You may also make two versions of Bop's points, as there is an option to make Bop a sub-moon of Kerbin)
  3. I was actually referring to the fact that the BirdDog comes attached to the Gas Station by a decoupler. But I thought you needed to do this on the ground, hence why the retro-rockets couldn't provide enough thrust to push the BirdDog fowards to prevent it from crashing on it's back. Still, where am I supposed to dock the BirdDog to land it on Laythe once I separated it from the Gas Station in orbit?
  4. "Ugh, it's past midnight here, maybe I should get some sleep..." *Finds out that Brotoro added Part 24 to the Laythe saga* "SLEEP CAN WAIT." Despite all my enthusiasm, I got two things to ask. First, I noticed that you tend to write some really big paragraphs(the infamous wall of text), and since I have a bit of TL;DR infused with me, I usually can't be bothered to read much of these paragraphs. Could you 'split' those into smaller paragraphs ? Second, I decided to finally send the BirdDog to Laythe, but I noticed that it's extremely hard to get it out of the Gas Station(even with the retro-rockets) without it smashing into the ground. What gives?
  5. Sweet craft. Is it also easy to use on Laythe? Although it might be really hard to transport that monstrosity AND the crew ramp to Laythe...Extraplanetary Launch Pads to the rescue! What's the big deal with Comic Sans, anyway?
  6. Oh, I cannot use the rover because of Kerbal Engineer Redux. I actually have the mod, but to minimize ammount of parts I deleted just that part you used on the rover, and you happened to just choose that one part. Real bummer.
  7. That's really cool, bro! One thing, though. How do the Kerbals leave the car in the event that he is placed INSIDE the rover after leaving the seat? I intend to use it on Laythe, so the gravity makes using RCS thrusters an impossibility.
  8. I had several trips around Duna, each many kilometers away from the base. I drove 3km, then 5km, then 16km, then 8km, then 21km, and then 30km. Didn't continue driving because the rovers are really hard to drive with Duna's slippery soil. Note to self: Next time when bringing rovers to Duna, use wheels with traction instead of inflated wheels.
  9. Imagine if that smiley face actually was the goo all along. So tiny for such a canister, but given how it was made by Kerbals it's not a big surprise.
  10. Well, judging from the above replies, looks like the Kraken is innocent....for now.
  11. Jebediah is, well, a daredevil. Bill is often grumpy but is wise. Bob is easily scared and not too bright. Mitkin is sort of a 70's guy. Mallan is an easily frustrated guy. Archie is a coward and shy. (And he's my Kerbal reincarnation ) Anmy is not only courageous, but she is wise as well. Camke is the annoying guy who horns in everything.
  12. As long as they don't go all EA in us, I'm fine. SQUAD must be very careful with DLCs in this case, because, as you said, they must go wary with their ways by still keeping the base game still fun and not make Kerbal Space Program a game you buy and then have to complete its content by buying expansion packs(like The Sims 3). Although some DLCs might be averted by a modder who makes a similar mod. Your Interstellar mod idea alterady wouldn't work because of the KSP Interstellar mod. Yes, I know it was an example, I'm just countering your example with an example. Don't be tricked, this community also has it's fair share of immature people as well. I've found quite a few, but I'm not going to say names.
  13. Nothing because I forgot to ask Santa for Garry's Mod.
  14. That's not a bug, that's a Kerbal during annual metamorphosis! Square bingo.
  15. You can land if you have Galactic Adventures. Only on a few planets though. Too bad the game is owned by EA. EDIT: Aaaaand I accidentally bump an old thread again.
  16. Yeah, I have seen it, too. Although the end orbit(the one that escapes the Sun) seems much too close to our star...wouldn't the craft blow up?
  17. Being a guy who always struggles at the names, I support this!
  18. I know the inflating hab. module is for space stations, but could you make parts be radially attachable on the main body(and add a tweakable that lets us begin flights with the part inflated) so we can make it a ground base part? Its interior is just superior to the Hitchhiker Storage Module.
  19. Is that dV map really right? It says I need 14260dV to land on Laythe. So you're telling me that you need 28.520dV for a round trip to Laythe.
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