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  • About me
    Last of the Atomic Babies
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    next to a small glacier pit lake

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  1. I love this idea, Just because you cannot turn them off after launch doesn't mean you cannot apply a little " Pre-tech "
  2. Heck yeah, I'd keep gigantors at 4 and add a fuel cell array.
  3. Yeah, never had this problem. Through proper application of auto strut and rigid attachment no rocket should turn into ,,, pasta.
  4. Nascarlaser 1, You gotta be right. This is getting good!
  5. I'll take "Lost in space" (weird probe contract gone wrong) for 300, Jeb.
  6. But yet it's still such a main stay in the game. Maybe somehow combining those traits with the experience levels gained?
  7. Will the Kerbal traits of "Courage and Stupidity" ever come in to game play? Thoughts?
  8. Well at least we know where your failed career game goes. Don't forget to flush
  9. Yeah, I like that. Because "Big fast and pointy" doesn't always work.
  10. MPDerksen, You are getting the best advice that can be had! IMO
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