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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. On the map screen, upper-left, the rectangular box with the grid on & off and so forth, what is the function of the part where it says this: < KETHANE > ? You can click on either arrow, but what does it do? Thanks for any help!:confused!
  2. Yeah, hate to be another nay-sayer, but it does look a little flimsy at that port, maybe some struts or senior port could have been used. Over all it's a pretty cool design. Do keep us updated!
  3. Thanks for the quick descript., and the pep talk. Your'e right, it was "cooler"! Hey, I asked psyper how to get that mod, but just in case he can't get to it, I'm asking you too. Thanks again
  4. Hey , thanks for the info so far, and hope you can do that "How to" thing! I'm sure besides me, there are many others that would appreciate it. For now I have one quick stupid question, (Actually, I've got a lot.) How does one go about getting that mod? I thought it was in the "Space Port", went there and didn't see it. Maybe I missed it? Just like I missed seeing those drills on your rig! (too many ginger ales)
  5. That looks pretty sweet. Looks like you've pretty much covered all the bases. (no pun intended) I was wondering, don't you have to have a drilling rig? You are running the kethane mod right? I've always kind have been a "no mods" guy, however as of late I've been considering the kethane mod. It sounds like it could add a fun element to the game, plus help my interplanetary missions (seeing I don't have any) Could I bother you for just a thumbnail sketch on what the kethane mod is all about? You know, a few pros and cons, recommendations etc. I know I could just go watch a video, but I'd like to hear it from some one who's currently involved with it. Thanks, and if you don't respond I'll just go watch that video!
  6. Alright, thanks for responding, with my craft, I used rapiers because of their impact tolerance, which are at 20 m/s. Where as that's why I think you lost those two turbos that were below the surface. As far as rudders are concerned, I used the R-8 winglets,(or whatever their called.), 2 in a 45% config. They seemed to work pretty good. Still impressed by your 36m/s I know we're off subject in this forum, but can you, or anybody please show me how to post screen shots on the "forum"? I don't know how to do it "cause I'm comp/tech challenged! But I do know a picture is worth a thousand, maybe a million words!
  7. Yeah Okay, So take the wind out of my sails! "Inconceivable!" (quote from "Princess Bride), 36m/s, really ? Yeah that's what I was using, the structural fuselages for pontoons, but two Rapiers. Love to see your design, can you post a pic?
  8. Don't know if this will help, but, what size legs are you using? I recently took a "top mounted rover" to Minmus, had the med lander legs on, sat down just a little hard, but half of the ship ended up tilted about 10-15 degrees. One side, two legs buried in the surface, and the other two right up and solid. Thought at the time, I should have used the H.D. legs. Any help?
  9. OK, I'll bite. How bout a "space boat"? I know from lurking around the forum, that you've been around for a while, so you should have the know how. Just today I was working on craft built in the SPH, employing rapiers, (due to their high impact figures). I had a "boat", launched off the runway, and slowly taxied down to the ( I call it the "kerblantic ocean ). I slowly slipped it into the drink, and gradually increased the throttle. It drank jet fuel like crazy, but it ended up making it about 3/4 of the way to runway island, and reaching just about 19 MS., and then ran out of fuel. But in the mean time, I took some screen shots, because it was creating this fantastic rooster tail, which I didn't think the games graphics were capable of. It was awesome! I know this is not a "spacecraft", and this is more down to "Kerth", but the concept of Kerbal boating is intriguing to me. Sorry, I'm an idiot, and don't know how to post the pics. (Any help there?) PS no mods were used
  10. Pretty much a smooth trip to Minmus;;; Landing not so smooth, lost one engine out of a quad set up of the one that delivers 30 whatevers. (no I'm not one of those guys who can do the math, or remember the name of the engine);;; Anywho, I transfer the fuel to the engines that are still good, (symetricaly ),so I can depart from Minmus, I EVA Bill, and He's instantly propelled to about 40 m, put on his back pack, try to go back down to the COM, and the screen goes black and the altitude is showing 777777 ! What the hell was that?!?
  11. That's just friggin' AWESOME !!! When I first glimpsed at that screen shot, I swear to God I heard the sound that thing must make !
  12. OK, I think I'm going to try that combo. Thanks to you and others informative answers and suggestions, I just might be able to get up there and do some of that "and other in space stuff"!
  13. Sorry about that. I fixed it, due to your quick tute on editing posts and such. (I'm a bit of a neandrethal when it comes to that stuff) Yeah my spelling kind of sucks too. Anyways, thanks again for your informative response!
  14. Ahh, yes, okay ! It was that "starved for air" thing that I wasn't getting! thank you for the clarification! The "Closed Cycle" thing was also throwing me off; thought it meant total shutdown. Thanks again !
  15. I've just opened up Rapiers on the tech tree. I'm confused as to how to operate them. In the assembly at SPH or VAB and you right click on a rapier, it gives you the various options; Automatic or Manual switching, Toggle mode, on or off, ETC. Do you leave it on Automatic or what? I'd like to be able to control them via action groups. Also, what arrangement of fuel tanks are needed, jet fuel vrs. rocket? Is there a specific tutorial somewhere for this? I would appreciate any help. thanks, One Spaced Cowboy
  16. Flixx, I think you nailed it ! They're all good in their own areas of expertise, however Mr. Manley, (to me) can be a little annoying with his post-recorded narrations. Kurtjmac makes his commentary as he's playing, which I think, deserves a lot of credit. No, he's not very technically savvy and he admits it, which adds to the humorous entertainment value of his videos. Yes Scott Manley knows his stuff and all, but sometimes strikes me as being a bit of a blow hard. The first time I saw one of Danny's vids I laughed my *ss off! ( I think it's the goofy music)
  17. R.P. 573, I'm very curious, how do you make this "Cargo bay" from stock parts ? Could you outline a basic "recipe"? Thanks
  18. I Love I love KSP just the way it is, I'm just an old man, ( technical neandrethal ), Hell I don,t even know how to copy and paste ! But, I wish they would expand the sandbox mode with new parts and such, (screw mods).Expand the Kerbol solar system! I love the "play ground" as it is. Money and resources turns it into just another, blah blah game !
  19. IMO this game just went from "K car" to "Kadilac"! Thank you Squad, You Guys Rule !!!
  20. Yes, I agree! The Mark 55, despite that it's a gass sucker, placed in your staging just right, it can be a mission saver. Least usefull constructural part? , that's a hard one ! I know it's constructural but the small hard point, whatever it's called, I never seem to use.
  21. Yes, I agree! The Mark 55, despite that it's a gass sucker, placed in your staging just right, it can be a mission saver.
  22. I'm so geeked right now and I'm not even a geek! C'mon 2.3 Yes, Yes, I think I'm having a Kerbasm!!!
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