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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. I am totally impressed! The "Parlor Music" Just took it over the top for me. I'm an old "Mech Warrior", and , well, nuff said. Absolutely awesome.
  2. So, in other words, "Useless" Except for landing a multi-ton aircraft, where they seem to come in quite handy! Guess I just don't get the "physics" of the game.
  3. Okay, I've been playing KSP for a while now and have eventually gotten pretty good with space planes, SSTO's and such, but this one thing continues to haunt me; Is there any difference in 'drag' when you retract (tuck up) the small gear bay?
  4. Is there a "Viagra" mod out there? But seriously, That ship's gonna need more than just more struts!
  5. I think the "career mode" of the game is already hard enough as it is. Let's wait and see what .25 brings on. There's going to be an adjustment of difficulty, Right? That should make a lot more players happy! Be them noobies or vets.
  6. I want them just as much as you, but I don't see any "cargo bays" there. Aren't those all adapters ?
  7. So there's actually two new parts there, a large cargo bay and a small cargo bay, both with working doors? Can't wait for this!
  8. I"m a little confused. The thread uses the plurals of "these" and "they". We are looking at two different parts there right? One (obviously) the cargo bay with the doors, "That really really work!", and the one on the right, is that a cargo bay with no doors?, or what?
  9. Ah, man! Can't try out your ship, guess you've got TAC on there or whatever it's called, the life support mod. It's in my saved ships menu, but won't let me load it up because of the lack of modded parts. In addition, I would like to apologize for your original thread being moved. I feel I'm partially responsible. I don't understand why it got moved to Spacecraft Exchange. I would think maybe "Fan Works" would have been more appropriate. I think your original idea was very,,,original! However, it seems there's no distinct category in the forums for it to go to, although it deserves one.
  10. Oh yeah, you know I'm interested! Thanks so much. I've been trying to duplicate it with mediocre success. Having a problem with the height of the rover off the ground, really hard to eyeball it to get it just right. Anyways, I've got the "real thing" to play with now. I'll mess around with it and see if I can figure out that engine problem. Thanks again!
  11. psyper, your Lander Hopper 1 is one sweet ship. Just wanted to let you know that I am sooo stealing that design!
  12. Yes, Kasuha's observation is spot on. Try building your rover in the VAB.
  13. Thanks so much for the link! Watched it, and now I'm going to watch it again. Yeah, it's when I start getting close to the craft I want to dock with, is where I start having problems.
  14. OK, I'm good right up to the point of "not doing anything productive" part. Then that's the part I need to work on. Appreciate your input.
  15. All the "toots" I can find are like .18 and back. Been playing the game for close to a year now, (technically and math challenged) Have been to the Mun and Minmus in numerous saves, (Yeah, I guess a lot and just eyeball it) But, I'm looking for a good video tutorial on rendevous (Sorry, can't spell it) and docking. I think I understand the basics, but I always end up so frustrated because I just can't make the two ends meet. I do get close, but not close enough.
  16. Ok, I've been playing KSP for close to a year now and have cruised around with planes and rovers in the local area of the KSC, and can't believe I've never noticed this "Anomaly". (Note, upon closer inspection, you'll see a faint impression of the "Squad Flag". And also Jeb can walk, drive, and fly right through it! Like it's there, but it's not. I also can't believe where this thread has evolved into. The introspection and intelligence of this community never ceases to amaze me.
  17. I was testing a lander recently, and noticed a "speck" on the screen of my monitor. Thinking it was a gnat or some little fly, I reached up to wipe it away, but to no avail. So I quick built a little rover and went out there, (about 2K due north of the launch pad), finding an Obelisk! (sorry, I don't know how to spell it). Has that been there for a while or just lately added?
  18. Ok, I'm wrong, your right, Guess Iv'e never built myself into a corner!
  19. Can't one just simply hit: Save, Load,(reload that same craft) and,,, Ta-Dah! it's back in the middle of the SPH ?
  20. I loved the way his eyes bulged out (looking like a Kerbal) when he realized what he had done!
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