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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. OK, if you listen closely, you can now hear the loudest "Duuuhhh" around the Kerbalverse! I had 4 tanks arranged symmetrically with two verniers, radially mounted on each, Henceforth, they were cancelling each other out. No wonder they didn't work! Everybody, Thanks for your help God I feel like such a dumb ass!
  2. I thought you were on to something there but, nope, still not working.
  3. Yes, and yes. One would think that having them attached radially (directly on to the LF/O tanks would work!, but it doesn't
  4. Yes, I've tried that, radially mounted in a 4x symetrical (sorry, my spelling sucks) arrangement on a medium sized tank, using RCS, but it doesn't work.
  5. Ok, I must have been standing behind the door when the vernor was implemented because I can't seem to make it work. Should it be radially mounted to a rocket fuel tank or on the belly? I've trying to incorporate it into a munar lander I'm building but can't make it work. What am I doing wrong? Please, someone make me go "DUH"!
  6. Oh!, This is so good to know! Thanks so much for your response and input. Gonna check out your "twitch gig".
  7. Thanks for the quick reply. OMG, love your "Modlist"! Certainly going to refer to that in the future!
  8. Thank you, Exit. then install and then delete old mod.
  9. Two questions: Once you've downloaded a mod should you exit out of the game before dropping it into the game folder?;;; Once an author has updated their Mod, how do you update, or refresh or whatever, that mod? Yes, I,m obviously "tech-challenged, so please excuse. Thank you in advance for any "not too technical advice".
  10. I want jet engines to work on the Mun!,,,Damn it!
  11. What you have to do is have the LV-T45 ready to be staged and when all the conditions are met, THEN hit that space bar. Think of the "green tics" as prerequisites to the test. Yeah, this caused my career to go down the drain too, until I finally figured it out.
  12. Okay all you "Saints"!,,, I'll step up and admit it. I've killed Jeb on many occasions. I might be right around the "50" mark! "Hi everybody, I'm so and so, and I'm a Killajebaholic!"
  13. Wow! The "Man" himself steps in to comment! I've lurked the forums for some time now and don't ever recall seeing him respond to a thread. What did you do Harv, fire all the moderators? (Just kidding, We all love you) Heil HarvesteR! oops!
  14. Yeah, for sure. Jeb's like the Terminator, "I'll be back!"
  15. Thanks Renev8,, I knew there was a "Manley video out there somewhere but,,, well I guess I'm lazy. (Actually technically challenged) I will check out the link you've provided. Thanks again Oh yeah, the "Manley" was good! Got a lot out of that video. Thanks so much. He makes it look so EASY!
  16. Went to bed last night happy and content with the thought that I now had rover/probe in a circularized orbit (about 55-60000m) around Duna. I've been playing KSP now for about a year, (Yeah slow learner, hey) but still very prideful that I had finally gone "Interplanetary". I had quick saved it a couple of times while I circularized the orbit, wanting to be damn sure if I screwed something up, I'd still be good. I went back to the KSC and then quit the game. Got back to it today hoping the .24 update had been released but, nope, not yet. Well at least I still had that ship orbiting Duna. Started the game, went to the tracking station to find that my ship was just gone! I went to the archives in the R & D and confirmed that the goo experiment done in high Duna orbit was there, and it was. But what happened to my ship?,,, Bug?, Kracken? So anyways, I launched the same ship hoping I'd get the same easy encounter I got the night before but, to no avail. So, I'm looking for a little more education on getting to Duna. A link would be greatly appreciated. And, what the hell happened to my ship? Thanks in advance
  17. Yes, I am talking about a munar orbit. Lethal, lots of great advice there, and yeah I don't have my "Dockturate" in docking, sure need to work on that. Taki, I like 20km. , think I'll start with that. BTW you got a screen shot of that "Space telescope at 350km" Would love to see that.
  18. I know there's about a million tutes and vids on this subject but I want to hear it directly from the general population, (Yeah, KSP is like a prison, Once you get in, you can't get out!) BUT,,,What's the best orbital altitude when doing the Apollo style thing? I know a circularized orbit is good, but how high or low? Where does that command mod need to be? Thanks for any input. Yes, I'm talking about a munar orbit
  19. Yeah, You can't "tweak" antennae's in the VAB (in stock)
  20. Nope, . You have to go out to the launch pad to check that out.
  21. After a while, I find the "Out in space" music gets a little gloomy and eerie. It would really be cool if there was an option to kick in some classical stuff like Beethoven or whatever!
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