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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. Oh yeah, it's their anti-gravitational device. (Invented long before the wheel) (cough, stock tech tree, cough)
  2. Have you ever been in VAB, building a ship and got a little bored? Take some time (and it really doesn't take any), lower the camera view down to the floor and zoom in. You can see all kinds of interesting stuff going on. Sometimes it almost seems like they know what they're doing! You got the white coat and glasses guys, (Science guys), White hard hat guys, (Engineers?) and Yellow hard hat guys, (Mechanics?) Hope we don't have to upgrade their EXP ratings,,, or will we have to?
  3. Jeb, Bob, Bill!? ,,, You've just been promoted ,,, to lab rats.
  4. Yeah, Pyramids GregroxMun, is that a "lawn dart" I see there? Out of fuel?
  5. I know this has been stolen from the real world but we all know what goes through any KSP player's mind when they come across the term. LAWN DART
  6. "Jebsicle" You're bad. - - - Updated - - - Yeah, make sure you do, promises, promises.
  7. Fess up! Me, Iv'e got Jeb riding 'round Kerbol in an endless journey! He was coming back from Minmus and got an unwanted free trajectory from the mun, (cause he ran out of fuel) and ended up in a solar orbit. So, yeah it's going to be a while before he gets rescued in this current career save. So, I just kind of ignore the situation and try to plod on with my game. Am I a bad admin? Should I feel guilty? Anyone else have kind of the same situation?
  8. Iv'e never considered that a glitch, (although it may be) Always thought of it as a guide to your trajectory. Pre- exhaust? - - - Updated - - - Yeah, well,,, we're KERBS - - - Updated - - - "Meep meep"
  9. No, no, no, they're very real, like the stiff breeze that always comes out of the west. Need proof? Just go out to the launch pad and check out that fluttering flag! Hey, where did the clouds go?
  10. There's nothing wrong with the mythological names. I think it's cool! Lots of different "God" names in Greek myth. Now throw in Roman and Norse, and you've got quite a lot to choose from.
  11. Yeah, I name them according to the mission or destination. For instance, sent an un-manned probe to Kerbol ,,, called it "Sun spot baby". (credit to Bob Seger)
  12. Or,,, might you have an engine on board that is deprived of fuel? Not really a "click" but more like a "clack".
  13. Creativity A+ Really liked the VAB construction close-ups. This must have taken some hours!?
  14. Now we all know why Danny is not a Dev. Danny, you're the best! Great new jams. Love it as always.
  15. "Tech-tree editing tools"? I'm lovin' this! Bringing the game back to its original feel. To me this makes a "finished product" or an "ultimate goal" irrelevant.
  16. Ok, I want either of two things; 1.) A pic of this 722 Kerb plane,,, or 2.) Whatever it is you're smoking.
  17. "Oops! had the silly thing in reverse" That's just the best! So Kerbal It had me laughing so hard, I forgot about the "Kerbal" reference, had to go back and watch it again.
  18. Are you kidding me?! I'm offended by (nope, aint gonna say it) Can't believe this. Holding my tongue.
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