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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. Well said! Yes, I've been corrected, pointed out to and attacked for my spelling error, even after posting an apology. Oh' well. I do like your idea for being able to save staging changes on the fly, but since this thread isn't in the "Suggestions" category, I'll try and stick to the topic and list one more pet PEEVE (Did I get it right?).,.,., Making one spelling mistake and getting raked over the coals for it!
  2. With all the things that can be controlled with Action groups, why is it that fuel tanks have been left out of the picture? With all the actions that can be controlled while in flight, one would think that being able to have access to fuel tanks would certainly be available. In action groups one has the capability to turn off and on the most basic controls, why not fuel tanks? I could go on and on with a list of applications, but I'm pretty sure the possibilities would be obvious !
  3. There is absolutely nothing wrong with "landing WAY too carefully"!
  4. Try some empty fuel tanks rather than the structural fuselage ( They're very buoyant and impact resistant.)
  5. I'm sorry but, isn't that cheating? What's the point if you cannot play with in the original game parameters? Again I'm sorry but, to me it just takes all the challenge and fun out of the game. To each his own.
  6. Cool design, looks like it could be the "Bat Jet" Design flaw; solar panels arranged directed to the east, or what ever direction it's pointed to, deviating from that and your out of power.
  7. I don't know, if this was implemented I foresee many impaired or even scrapped missions due to total power outs. Maybe an "on or off" button might help,.,.,.maybe.
  8. I know this slightly off subject but, I had Bill piloting a munar mission a couple of days ago and just after the orbital transfer,,, he smiled!
  9. How do they work? Do you know? Or anyone else? Really curious!
  10. Ok guys, thank you all for the ideas and suggestions. Think I'll try the "going to the KSC and tracking station" idea next time this problem occurs, which brings to mind one more quick and probably dumb question. While your in the tracking station, is game time going by?
  11. Yeah, I think I got the "Sweatshirt" on that one!
  12. Being in just about half way through a career game, here I am going to the Mun again to check out (Science Out) a few remaining biomes. There's 10 or 12 flags on the Mun that I've planted, marking where I've been.(So at least I think I've got the T-shirt). So anyways, I'm descending to a crater not yet visited, decreasing horizontal velocity, still about 20,000-25,000m up. Clicked on the trajectory (blue line) to set up a new nav node, and it would not respond. I know if your too low in altitude, it won't give you a nav point, but I was nowhere that low! Tried to set the nav point numerous times, but to no avail. So then I tried to "eyeball it" and do to my poor piloting skills, Jeb died. Anyone have any ideas here, or maybe I should be posting this in the "bug forum".
  13. I have no problem with the "Jumbo 64's. They are a staple of this game. Maybe eventually, as this game evolves, We'll be able to "Paint them" to what ever color we like! As for now, guess we're just gonna have to deal with it. On second thought, how bout putting some tinted lights on them to suite your tastes?
  14. There you go, really legit !
  15. OMG! I am so sorry, I thought I did open this thread in "Gen. Disc." Oh well, but man, did I open up a can of wormholes or what?
  16. Ok, Sorry about the spelling. Keyboard controls for maneuver modes! Great idea! Not so much "mousing around". Maybe we should go to "Tips & suggestions" before the thread gets relocated again.
  17. Ok, We all do a little role playing but,,,,Damn!
  18. What are those "little things" that aggrivate you? Things like : Attempting to land on Minmus, you do a maneuver mode, and the light green text displaying the time till maneuver and time needed, blend right in with the light green surface of Minmus. Not that I'm blind, but it's hard to see : Here's another one, having to hit "G" twice to engage landing gears;;; so on so forth. I know complaints such as this are very trivial and in no way I am "dissin" Squad! Just wanted to know if any of you had similar "*****es". Here again, I think Squad is doing a bang up job.
  19. I'm sorry but, I wouldn't like to use either of them. At least not till there were a couple of radial chutes on the command pod! (Might come in handy)
  20. All I hear is;;;"You Can Go Your Own Way", Fleetwood Mac
  21. Shouldn't this post be in add-ons and affairs?
  22. Despite over all the argument concerning the new ARM engines and tanks, (and I think they're great), I will still use the "mainsail" in many of my designs. There was recently a post that basically got shut down concerning the usefulness of that engine. Don't understand why that conversation got "nixed"! Yes, I know, this comment will probably get "Moderated" into the dirt.
  23. Empty fuel tanks also provide great flotation. They also give the pontoon effect if your going for that "Party Barge" look!
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