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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. Slashy, Wait, What are you saying? You wan't the turbo jet to be done away with? Did you have a substitution in mind? Or maybe I'm not understanding something. Please elaborate.
  2. I would say with the new drag and aerodynamics coming, clipping may become the new "in thing" to do! (Yes, pun intended.)
  3. Ok, you win! They say there's no "end game" to KSP, but I would say you've certainly come closest to achieving that scenario. Squad ought to give some little prize or award for you, but, , , no that probably won't happen, so, have some rep. Congratulations are in order. (I'm kerbal green with envy)
  4. As so many others have said here, a good, basic tutorial for rendezvous and docking is sorely needed. I've been playing KSP for over a year now, and I still can't do it! I've watched dozens of videos on the subject and come away with dozens of different approaches and methods, so I just end up being confused. Without the ability to assemble a craft in orbit, you're not going anywhere, (interplanetary). With the exception of crash landing a probe on Eve and landing once on Duna, (and they're not coming back), I'm limited to going back and forth to the Mun and Minmus. So, yeah, rendezvous and docking should be a must.
  5. Wow!, that's quite the ship you've got there. The basic design is nice. However, aside from the over-lapping engine problem, there's another major problem with solar panels; There's way too many! Try thinning them out a bit, like about by half, and while in the VAB, using the "Gizmo Tools", angle them out in such a manner that they won't be shading each other out. And back to the original problem; using the rotation gizmo, try flaring those ions out from the nozzle of that (whatever that engine is in the middle) ps. OBTW think you've got enough intakes there
  6. Why do I suddenly crave a cup of hot chocolate ?!
  7. Maybe it's Volkswagon, , , Oh no, that's a bug!
  8. While or after constructing your ship; Go to Crew, Astronaut Complex, Hire however many kerbals you need, (Pilots, Engineers or Science guys), From the "Available" list, click and drag the Kerbonaut you want to the seat of a pod or transport of your choice. You'll need an EV-1a, (Or whatever the hell they call them), the Exterior Seat. On the launch pad, move the Kerb of your choice by EVA ing him out of the pod and moving him towards the EV seat. Right click on the seat, and you'll be prompted to board. Good Luck from there!
  9. Uh oh, sounds like Jeb's got some competition! - - - Updated - - - Oh Behave!
  10. Do tell? I think I was still pretty new to KSP when I realized most of the stock craft were kind of "iffy" at best, and avoided them like the plague. Guess I'll have to re-check them out. Nice catch!
  11. This is a S1 SRB-KD25k, the most powerful SRB in the Kerbalworld. And there's one question you gotta ask yourself, "Do you feel lucky.,.,., Mk1-2?
  12. As the general said, That is Awesome! You guys should be on "Twitch weekly"! Laughed my a@@ off. Just the best!
  13. *And that's why till this day, they still call me "Stubby"* ... Just kiddin' Oh' man I have been there! Ashamed to say, "Iv'e got the T-Shirt"!
  14. I'm sorry, but doesn't it look like Jeb just shot a bottle rocket up h@#$!^% (garbled transmission) bleep
  15. There it is; It's that feeling when you lightly touch down on a new planet!
  16. Oh yes you are, Your'e honkin' your a** off! But that's ok cause your vids are very informative. Gonna watch your new stuff.
  17. Great tutorial, intuitive, informational, educational etc. however,,, (Yeah here comes the big but) Isn't this a bit fast and hard for a typical newbie? Please don't get me wrong here, I'm not knocking anyone, but if you were a newbie wouldn't you be a little intimidated with all the mods and such?
  18. No, Thank You so much! Thanks for the links. Gonna go watch it all. I'll get back to ya.
  19. Ok, I've watched this video like five times and it chokes me up every time. It's kind of a nice change of pace to NOT see crashes and explosions for once. Surprised there aren't more replies and viewings.
  20. No prob, I'll just google'm. Reminded me of Jerry Vale. (Really dating myself now) Again, the best video I've watched in a long time.
  21. Naw', I don't do anything special,,, except watching excellent videos,,,like, YOURS! Awesome vid. Loved the way it weaved in and out of the scenes. Just the best! OBTW, Who is the vocalist on that tune?
  22. The lurching problem is caused by the magnetism in the docking ports... I think, try turning off any and all gyroscopes and redirecting "control from here's". Could be wrong, (cause I'm not all that "Kerb Tech" smart) Just trying to help.
  23. Aside from the wheels, is there anything else touching the ground? Need some pics.
  24. Frosti, I love your idea of the white noise ambient sound track. Would love to hear a compilation! BTW, what does ; RF, MC, AC and AB stand for? I understand the sounds, but not the initials.
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