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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. Wait, wait! Did anyone see any outhouses? You know, those little rickety shacks with a crescent mun on the door?
  2. Look! It's a huge gyroscope in space! (Just kiddin') I really don't know anything about it (can't even dock yet) but, by the looks of the second pic there, you've done something right!
  3. It was ... entertaining, but, can't help thinking the "ignorance" of game play was somewhat contrived.
  4. I love it all! However, I do have a concern. Just went to 'Tanuki Chau's live squadcast, where she's playing "Buzz Aldrin's Race to Space". I ran into a wall of "F-Bombs". Needless to say I'm not impressed. I'm no saint but, I'm really turned off by any live stream blurting out profanities every five seconds. I do realize that SQUAD has no control of Twitch, but just the same, I'm a little dismayed.
  5. This should be on the home page! This encompasses all Kerbal! Garek, Well Said.
  6. Bless me Father, for I have sinned,I have put Jeb in the ground on numerous occasions! Penance?
  7. Yeah, That should be an option
  8. Dude! Get in here! Welcome to the KSP family! Trust me, in these forums, you'll never be lonely!
  9. Well, it seems pretty obvious that most don't like the Kerb X = rocket power thing. Hoping the devs see this and realize they're going down the wrong road!
  10. Excellent! I'd love to see a compilation of the "fails".
  11. You can control so many systems with action groups, why not fuel tanks? Being able to toggle fuel tanks and liquid fuel and or oxidizer would open up a whole new world of variation in rocket and space plane design. Would it really be that hard to implement? Yeah, this suggestion is coming from someone who hardly knows how to set the clock on the microwave, but, damn, seems it would be so easy for you Devs! Just a suggestion.
  12. That is the best! Made me laugh even without understanding German? Please translate.
  13. ok, thanks Ron, I will be patient, just never had this prob before.
  14. Yeah, I'm a tech idiot but the last couple of updates led you right to the place to be But, now I don't know where to go to get the update! Any help please, Thank You in advance.
  15. DUDE !!!!!! That is AAA; ( Astounding, Asskicking & Awesome) I know a lot of it is the joystick but, still your accuracy just blows my mind! *wiping drool off chin*
  16. I would assume from your "Join Date" that you're pretty much a Noobie to the game and the forum. So that being said, "welcome"! Not that I'm all that great at piloting the crafts I build but, I do know my way around the VAB and SPH. Let me make a suggestion. Start a new save in "Sandbox" and just screw around a couple hours with various builds, (whatever you can imagine), and I think you'll be surprised at what you can learn. Being in the "Sandbox Mode" there's nothing to lose and nothing to gain, with the exception of building and flying skills. In other words, "practice, practice, practice. There are also various tutorials on the subject found on wiki, utube, etc. This is only a suggestion and in no way would I ever tell anyone "How to play the game".
  17. You seem to have misunderstood my point. I couldn't care if KSP was being developed in any (country) The fact remains that the fan base or customers are basically located in English speaking countries. Therefore, I believe that "English" should be plain spoken. I never brought up nationality or race.I'm sorry but I could not understand a lot of what was being said. However, the main point of my response was to my not liking the new feature.
  18. I am so, so disappointed! I really think Squad took a wrong turn here. How juvenile. And to think I just wasted the last hour to discover this? And on another note, Maxmaps, (nothing personal) but your Spanish accent is really hard to follow, I had the volume pretty much cranked but, only understood about half of what you were saying, (it's when you talk fast). Here again, "nothing personal". I can only hope that with the release of .25, that this blunder will be overshadowed by some intelligent and educational game play.
  19. This take role play to a whole new level!
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