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Everything posted by SpacedCowboy

  1. OMG! I am so sorry, I thought I did open this thread in "Gen. Disc." Oh well, but man, did I open up a can of wormholes or what?
  2. Ok, Sorry about the spelling. Keyboard controls for maneuver modes! Great idea! Not so much "mousing around". Maybe we should go to "Tips & suggestions" before the thread gets relocated again.
  3. Ok, We all do a little role playing but,,,,Damn!
  4. What are those "little things" that aggrivate you? Things like : Attempting to land on Minmus, you do a maneuver mode, and the light green text displaying the time till maneuver and time needed, blend right in with the light green surface of Minmus. Not that I'm blind, but it's hard to see : Here's another one, having to hit "G" twice to engage landing gears;;; so on so forth. I know complaints such as this are very trivial and in no way I am "dissin" Squad! Just wanted to know if any of you had similar "*****es". Here again, I think Squad is doing a bang up job.
  5. I'm sorry but, I wouldn't like to use either of them. At least not till there were a couple of radial chutes on the command pod! (Might come in handy)
  6. All I hear is;;;"You Can Go Your Own Way", Fleetwood Mac
  7. Shouldn't this post be in add-ons and affairs?
  8. Despite over all the argument concerning the new ARM engines and tanks, (and I think they're great), I will still use the "mainsail" in many of my designs. There was recently a post that basically got shut down concerning the usefulness of that engine. Don't understand why that conversation got "nixed"! Yes, I know, this comment will probably get "Moderated" into the dirt.
  9. Empty fuel tanks also provide great flotation. They also give the pontoon effect if your going for that "Party Barge" look!
  10. I think the adding of colors (or tints) to the lights is the best thing since sliced fuel tanks! The possibilities and combinations are just endless. I know it's a very trivial addition to the game but, being a poor pilot but a pretty good designer (in my mind), I have already spent countless hours on various light configurations on numerous crafts. To me it adds an extra ooh, awe and whoa to this game!
  11. I cannot believe that this thread is allowed to continue
  12. Could you please edit this with an explanation as to what in the heck is going on there? It doesn't look like the hatch is obstructed at all!
  13. Van, you've got it right. The problem stems from the "Engineering and Design Dept." Whether you're a noob or a vet, one should only have to make this mistake once!
  14. Just comes along with the package. Is it really that much of a problem? Try putting some lights on your ship, (with colors) and then zoom in a bit. You'll at least be entertained rather than annoyed.
  15. I think the colorization of the lights are the greatest thing since split atoms! It enables you to turn your ship into a cheap carnival ride all the way to something out of close encounters! However, (Yeah here comes the BIG BUT) Why is it that the lenses (the bulb, or what ever you want to call it) remains white? It would look so much "cooler" if the refracting lens emitted the same color! Anyone with me here on this wave length?
  16. Ok, then I want a ticker-tape parade when my Kerbals return from a successful mission!
  17. I think that's a great idea! Seems like it's always blocking line of sight. I'd love to be able to move it left or right at least a little bit. BTW, How did you create that screen shot?
  18. Yeah, really! You got that right. You know the old saying; "Why look a gift booster in the nozzle ?"
  19. You have no right to intervene into this post! No forum rules were broken! Go away!
  20. What and where in the hell is the "Forum Forum"? I think this was a very worthy subject of "Discussion", (being the forum that it was originally presented in) Again, I am one of those "less skilled members" but I think it's a terrific idea!
  21. I for one, being a "less skilled member" think that's a great idea! Perhaps an "official instructional thread" as to how to post pics along with questions. I'm not really unskilled as far as ship design goes, but tech challenged when it comes to posting pics! A step by step outline on how to do that would be greatly appreciated by not only me, but many others I'm sure! Here again, I think that's a great idea. It would certainly solve a lot of problems. Hate to sound like Capt. Picard here but, how do we "make it so"?
  22. Thank you for supporting my opinion. Yeah, I know sandbox will remain. Guess I was just being a little too dramatic.
  23. I do realize that multiplayer is on the horizon. Hopefully it will be a "co-op" kind of thing rather than a competitive " I've got more money and progress than you do " kind of thing. If the latter comes to pass, well yeah, I'll just stay in sandbox. In the mean time I will keep stating my opinion, which is not a complaint.
  24. If this is where this game is going then, I'm out of here! Seems like it's just devolving into a R.T.S type of game! All the limitations of money, reputation and science, to me, seems to detract from the original game direction of just exploring the Kerbal universe and having fun! See you in "Sand Box", or maybe not.
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